How many $$$ spent to find the perfect mod (or vape)?

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Nov 27, 2010
Ok veteran vapers, don't be shy, what’s been your damage to get to the perfect vape? I have been into this three weeks now. Started with a Volcano Magma, went to an Inferno. Picked up a couple extra batteries. Found a used Wet Box by Missy and am currently waiting for a Maxi Rough Stack. Between trying different atty's, tips, carto's... and a pile of juice (probably 30+ flavors) I have burned through $600 (in three weeks!!!). Yikes! I am wondering how far this is going to go. Is this unusual for my piers? What have you gents racked up before you found that "just right" mod? What was it?

For the noobs , don't get scared (doh! I'm a noob). I have an excessive compulsive personality. I am sure many have stopped with their eGo (or other great starter kit) and been happy with that. I just seem to think their is always something better.


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Jun 2, 2010
Lancaster, PA
$50 for the starter kit
$20 for first 5v box mod
$25 for variable voltage box mod, this is where I ended up.

Any money spent from now on is just building variations of the aforementioned box mod. I also always look for the next greatest thing, fortunately, I can design/build it instead of shelling out the money for someone else to.

Also applies to juice. DIY is where it's at.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
I havent spent that much in the almost yr. I've been vaping. I was lucky, I found the Buzz before I ran into all those other ones. I bought a few but since I got the Buzz from notcig I don't use any of the others. The Buzz let's you find the sweet spot on any carto or atty made and customer service is great. The infinity is notcigs next great device I'm getting. Go into the notcig forum and read for yourself.


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Nov 2, 2009
God's Country
I've been vaping for 13 or 14 months. I used to keep track of how much I spent... :facepalm:

I stopped counting when I went above $700. If I had to estimate, I'd say that the
total is somewhere between $1,000 to $1,500. But that includes EVERYTHING...
Kits, spare batteries & atties, 4 mods, batteries & chargers for the mods, a couple of
nice cases, juices, flavorings and the paraphernalia associated with DIY juice mixing...

Plus the grand total also includes kits, spares, juices and cases I've bought for family members...

That's why I quit keeping a running total. All-in-all, I'd say it is money well spent.

I don't know how accurate the banners that some of us vapers have on our signature lines are, but I do know exactly how much I smoked and how much I spent supporting my cigarette habit. I usually spent about $150 per month on cigs and lighters, etc. So, That shows me coming up about even on the spending, more or less. But the benefits outweigh the cost, in my opinion. I no longer smell like a bonfire, I don't have small burns on my clothing and furniture, I don't have a smoke filled, stinky living environment and I don't have to brave the elements to get my nic fix!

Sorry for writing such a long post! I'm very much an advocate for vaping versus smoking and I tend to jump up on the soapbox at times... :oops:


Vaping Master
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Nov 7, 2010
Seattle, WA, USA
I'm there with ya. I've been at it around 6 weeks or so, and just keep finding "better" batteries, cartos, flavors to try... I'm actually scared to sit and calculate the amount. I try to think of it like this. Smoking was a really BAD habit, compulsion, "hobby" and I'm sure I've spent lots of money on lighters, ashtrays, cigarette holders, and of course the smokes themselves - so replacing the "hobby" with a New one is all part of the addiction's slow change of course...if that makes sense.


Ultra Member
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Dec 27, 2009
worster - crappychusetts
get yerself a provari and you should be all set at least until the precious comes out. or the darwin. or the eclipse. or...
have you tried the 510 LR's from eastmall or the lr306 from cisco? what about the E2 R2 or R3 or R4 or the clear ones? not to mention the eliquid from BWB, purevapes, tastyvapor, halo, topvapor, MsT... get some unflavored nic and try DIY by getting some TA, PA, FA and/or lorann. why not build your own device? get boxes wires, pots, resistors, boosters, regulators, adapters, connectors, soldering iron, helping hands, rotary tool... then you can build your own atty...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 28, 2010
Cape Cod
I spent $40 on a kit but it wasn't doing it for me....

Then I found the puck mod and had a great PV for around $15

Of course I didn't stop there and have spent plenty on juice, an eGo, a wood box mod etc....

I was going to buy a Phidias but already had a few great PV's and figured the $155 would be better spent on parts for more mods.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2009
Georgia, USA
I won't even give the total but let's just say ALOT! I made a hobby out of the mods and have a pretty good stock! I look at it like kept my mind busy and I haven't smoked for almost 20 months now! Spend only what you can afford and don't smoke, thats my advice to all the new folks. And...use this forum as your support system, I would have never made it without ECF.


Vaping Master
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Sep 14, 2010
Burnt Hills NY
I won't even give the total but let's just say ALOT! I made a hobby out of the mods and have a pretty good stock! I look at it like kept my mind busy and I haven't smoked for almost 20 months now! Spend only what you can afford and don't smoke, thats my advice to all the new folks. And...use this forum as your support system, I would have never made it without ECF.

SO TRUE!!! I know for me it is easy to justify since in NY my 1.5PAD was a $15/day habit. I like my gadgets and I would have spent the cash anyway. Happy holidays and big vapes for the New Year


Senior Member
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Oct 22, 2010
With a poor choice before knowing ecf and paying 100 Eur for a 402 (oh yes lol) i spent 223,5 eur on a useless automatic 402 + 510 + 016 + around 350 ml of juice. Saved 299,19. So i'm on the green for 75,69 Eur (2 months). A quick suggestion to everyone:
excell file, a column with everything you buy e-cig related. Another column(s) with a quick formula on how much your saving through de day. If you wanna save just don't spend more than you would do on analogs. I thing everyone should have one of this, it's really rewarding when you go and update de formula... oh 4 more days out of that stuff, more 18 eur saved. More 18 available to spend on juice :D
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