How was your first day of E-cigs?

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Mar 29, 2014
Mid-Missouri, USA
Hello everyone, my name is Chris. I am eighteen years old and have been smoking a half a pack of Canadian classic smokes for 6 years. Today is actually my birthday and I've decided to quit smoking and to use an e-cig as an alternative.

I must say I am fairly satisfied with my e-cig so far, although I wish it was a little bit stronger. I'm using a Itaste MVP (not sure if it's the first or second model, pretty sure it's the first) with Brown Bunny 18mg e-juice.

I've been using it for 4 hours so far and it seems to be doing the trick. I've got a few questions for the community.

How much e-juice did you vape a day when you started off? and how much smokes were you smoking when you quit?
How did your first few days go? Did you still feel a big craving for smokes?

Thanks for reading.


You ought to be able to add a whole lot more candles to your birthday cakes for quitting smoking! Congratulation!

I was smoking ~ 3/4 PAD when I made the switch. It was instantaneous. Absolutely no desire to have smoke a stinky. Almost two months quit!

I vape way more than I smoked. I was concerned, but from what I've seen here it's not unusual. I carry this thing around with me like a security blanket. :) But at work, where I'm still relegated to the great outdoors, I don't crave or need it any more than I did a smoke.


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
First of all I would like to wish you a very happy birthday and welcome to ecf. I congratulate you on your decision to quit. I personally did both for a good while and gradually got off cigarettes. I really wasn't trying to quit smoking but just wanted to save some money and vape part time. I kept lowering the cigarettes and the vaping just took over. It tasted so much better than my cigarettes so I just kept vaping. I smoked 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day and started out of 18mg nic and almost a year later I am still vaping 18mg. I keep some stronger for emergencies. heehee It is not all about the nic craving. To me, there is a real dependency on just having a cigarette in your hand. The whole hand/mouth connection. I personally used cigarettes as a crutch and continue to do it with my vaping. I just enjoy it.

I love my mvp2 also. I really wish I had started out with one. The one thing I might suggest to you since you said you wish there was more flavor.......try a igo-L dripper. They are like $7 at There are lots of videos on them too. Dripping for me, takes a flavor that I have been vaping and sort of kicks it up a notch. I have fallen in love with dripping. Just something you might want to eventually try.

Welcome to ecf. It is a wonderful place to get answers, help and support. I personally don't know what I would have done without some of these fine folks. They have helped me so much so I guess that is why I like trying to help others. :vapor:

Good luck to you and happy vaping. :)


Senior Member
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Jan 12, 2014
Denver, CO
Happy birthday and congrats. Had my last smoke at about 2:30pm on 12/20/13 and about an hour later started vaping. Haven't looked back. My honest first reaction was "oh wow, why haven't I discovered this sooner?" Not saying it was all smooth sailing but having good juice and a good kit helps. The MVP 2 is nice and I use it the most. Keep on vaping!


Full Member
Apr 9, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
I quit accidentally. My mother was visiting me here in LA, and was staying at this fancy bed and breakfast place in the mountains. It was summer, and super dry, and the property had an "absolutely no smoking whatsoever" policy. I started smoking at 12, and was a pack-a-day smoker by 15-16. I smoked rollies (bali-shag) like a fiend: probably 25-40 a day, or about a tin a week. Anyway, in order to stay with her, I couldn't smoke, and if I don't smoke, I get mean, so I went and bought a vision spinner and a stardust tank and some 24mg juice.
My first few days I got sick. Finding that sweet spot where my nic craving was fulfilled, but I wasn't over-niccing was difficult, as there is no leftover .... to say "you're good" so I just kept sucking on the damn thing until I felt nauseous. My mom was happy because I didn't stink, and i didn't really have any desire to smoke. When i finally did have a cigarette, 2-3 days later, it tasted awful. It's hard going from puffing on something that tastes like sweet chai tea to a tarry, noxious rollie: at least for me it was.
I don't know the date of my last cigarette, but it couldn't have been more than three weeks after I got my spinner. This is almost nine months ago, and I still have that tin of bali-shag sitting in my room, just in case I feel like I want a cigarette, but I haven't felt the need to yet :)
A couple months ago I did go on a date with a girl who smoked, and I asked her for a drag of her cigarette. She handed it to me reluctantly, and as soon as i felt the filter between my fingertips my better judgement rushed in and I handed it back. Aside from that one incident, I haven't really entertained the idea of a cigarette, which is absolutely bonkers to me, as I was sure I would die with a cigarette in my mouth.
Anyway, sorry if this is TLDR and good luck!


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Mar 14, 2014
Buffalo, NY, USA
I started off with a bolt clone. Quickly moved up to a K1000 and an MVP2. I actually vaped far less when I started out than I do now, and I instantly cut cigarettes. I wasn't a huge smoker to begin with though. Right now I probably go through 4-5 mls of 18 mg juice a day. It's kinda crazy, I think I've increased my nicotine consumption. Good thing I stocked up.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2014
Hebron, KY USA
I've been off of Cigs for 15 weeks now. I absolutely refuse to even take a drag off one. I started smoking when I was 12. I smoked about a 1/2 a pack - a PAD. Never really desired to quit them all together, but I started seeing people vaping and I thought it would be a fun change. I held on to the last 5 cigs in my pack, and bought a cheap starter kit at a local liquor store. Not realizing the complexity that comes with vaping. I couldn't believe how quickly I noticed the difference in the way I felt. I started smelling things better, things tasted different, I no longer felt the weight on my chest. So long story short, I feel a million times better! I want to wish you all the luck! We all have faith in you! Set your mind to it, and do it!
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