First day jitters...

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2014
Jacksonville FL
It isn't recommended to use an apv (advanced personal vaporizer) along with another form of nicotine delivery such as a patch or nic gum. An overdose of nicotine can be pretty severe, including side effects like headaches, nausea, elevated heart rate/blood pressure and you just shouldn't risk it.

Any science behind this advice? For years they "advised" not to use patches and smokes together, and then dropped the B.S. and acknowledged that there was no evidence that using both was bad.

I think the risk of "overdose" is really low. Try to vape. Use other means if necessary. If you get too much nicotine you'll know it (tear off the patch, quit vaping (duh)), but I don't believe there's a great risk of overdosing.

Just an observation, not a medical opinion.

Good luck!


Full Member
Verified Member
Apr 14, 2014
Erie, PA
Any science behind this advice? For years they "advised" not to use patches and smokes together, and then dropped the B.S. and acknowledged that there was no evidence that using both was bad.

I think the risk of "overdose" is really low. Try to vape. Use other means if necessary. If you get too much nicotine you'll know it (tear off the patch, quit vaping (duh)), but I don't believe there's a great risk of overdosing.

Just an observation, not a medical opinion.

Good luck!

Well nicotine overdose IS a proven thing. I experienced it myself, and have even dealt with people in the EMS field who overdosed pretty heavily on it. Doing the nic patch, and smoking on top of it. It just comes down to the individual. If your 100lbs, and you keep puffing away on an 18mg - 24mg dose on your e-cig, your probably going to get sick at some point. As to how much you smoked, will depend on just how sick you ACTUALLY get. Most people when they start to get queezy or get headaches should know enough to stop.
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I guess the basic science behind my advice would be that nicotine is a poison. It is made by plants to keep insects from eating the leaves, and if handling while DIYing or in a lab you should use universal precautions to avoid exposure to bare skin.

While it isn't the worst thing about smoking analogs, and probably not even the most addictive compound in them, it would be the compound you could most easily get an overdose from. Granted if smoking or vaping it would take a huge amount of either (or both together) to be deadly, I have found that when I get to my nic threshold it gets really unpleasant quickly. For me it's nausea, headaches, dry mouth and just a sick feeling all around.

And a patch delivery system really "primes" your system with nicotine, meaning it delivers a very constant level in order to keep cravings at bay. So if you add to it, it isn't hard to get to much in your system (ymmv and everybody's constitution and makeup are different). And I have seen people get sick from using a patch, or even more than one at a time, and smoking together.

Not medical advice, just what I have experienced myself.


Ultra Member
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Apr 8, 2014
Hi and congratulations on quitting. I smoked 2 packs a day for 25 years and I'm on day 8. Before I got my vaporizer I also tried blu. Only to feel frustrated, irritated, and not satisfied. With Blu the batteries run out very fast. With a vaporizer I'm heavily vaping all day into the next day without needing a charge! With Blu I hardly got enough vapor or that throat hit feeling that cig gave, with the vaporizer I get plenty of vapor! With blue their cartridges cost 3 times what ejuice for the vaporizer costs. With Blu I only had a choice of a few flavors, with my vaporizer I have a choice of hundreds! With blue I felt withdrawls symptoms and was uncomfortable and not satisfied. With the vaporizer I'm completely satisified, truly don't have cravings, and I just successfully completed my first week of being smoke free! Without suffering or being miserable! Now I know everyone is different and their needs are different but I just wanted to let you know their are other alternativeside out their for you if your feeling frusterated. I really couldn't believe what a difference my vaporizer made! So if you feel like you need a little something more, just know you have options. I was a heavy smoker and I think that has a lot to do with me not being satisfied with blu. I needed something that provided lots of vapor and more of a throat hit like I felt when smoking, so the vaporizer was a God send for me! I really hope this is helpful to you. If blu is working for you than that's wonderful! But if your not feeling satisfied then know a vaporizer might just be what you need, as I did. I wish you the very best! And again congratulations on quitting! You won't regret your desion. Welcome to this forum! I think you will like it here. Their are so many nice people that understand what your going through! We are here to support each other. Keep coming back and ask questions. So many great people are here to help! Again congratulations on quitting and best wishes.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
New guy here and in a similar situation as the OP. Smoked a pack or more a day for 20 plus years. Started with the V2 cigalike 18 mg. Not bad but I was just smoking that too! Broke down 2 1/2 weeks ago and got a crappy blister pack kit and a bottle of 18 mg tobacco flavored juice. Better but.... New 900 mah vv battery, way better but... Vapebash 3 1100 mah vv battery, Mini protank, some really nice juice! In all that time I've smoked 3 total packs of Winston's. I think I'm just about done. I beat myself up over those 3 packs so it's nice to see others have had similar issues and still kicked the stinkies. Glad I'm here!

Just remember the old saw around here: it's not how many you smoke, it's how many you haven't smoked.
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