Howdy, 53 Yrs Of Analog Switching to Vape

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May 3, 2013
Mountains of NC, USA
Been smoking a long, long time. I tried some disposables and found them to my liking quite quickly. Today I ordered an Echo 900 starter kit from Tropical Vapors to see how I do and some juice from them and Copper Creek. If things go good for a month or two, I will probably upgrade my hardware but I'll see.
I will still use disposables because I wade fish in streams and rivers and don't want to drown out a kit ecig which could very easily happen.

My main thing right now is finding a good juice. I only want tobacco flavor with no extras, and I am fairly stiff on that. I don't like flavored coffee either:blink: So my search is on for that.

Having lurked for a few days here, it's been quite the job picking up the names of all the e cig parts, brands, styles and the lingo that goes along with vaping. All the wholesale sites on line are quite daunting also. Don't know who's good and who's not, who to trust and who to not.


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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Welcome to the forum Exhaler, good job quitting the cigs :) Lot's of patience required on finding your perfect all day vape, especially if you're set on tobacco flavor. Get lots of little samples is the best advice I can give unless you live near a vape store, in that case go in & sample some of their stuff. Good luck! :toast:


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    Mar 24, 2013
    Mackay, Qld. Australia
    Congrats on giving up cigarettes. You have quite a journey ahead of you, but it's mostly fun. I was a rollie smoker for nearly 35 years.

    When you are ready for more/better hardware look at the ego Twist batteries (around $20ish) and the Vision Spinner batteries both with VV (variable voltage). I run two of these, plus a Vamo and this covers everything I really need. ("Want" is another matter :)

    Consider a waterproof case for the ecig - have a look at camping and outdoor stores.

    Juice flavours are a very personal thing and everyone has to find their own. You may start with tobacco flavours, but don't be too surprised if your tastes change quite quickly within a month or two. I started to find the smell of burning tobacco repulsive and started to associate this with some of my heavier tobacco flavoured juices as well. (This is normal - it means you are making the mental switch to being a non-smoker)

    Coffee flavours are some of the hardest to get right, and there's some really awful ones out there eg:
    kona coffee ejuice from review. - YouTube

    Currently I'm vaping light tobacco flavours with some minor adjunct flavourings such as vanilla and coffee to make them more complex and take the edge off the tobacco.
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    Vaping Master
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    Apr 14, 2013


    ECF Veteran
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    Aug 31, 2012
    Hoosier Cornhusker
    Congrats Exhaler and Welcome to ECF!!!

    As other's have said go for the samples the many vendors have to offer. (I didn't do that and ended up with alot of juices I didn't care for!)

    Funny, when I started I wanted to try anything but Tobacco flavors, then after all these months I am back to mainly those. Been through the fruits, deserts, drinks and a complete gambit of aromas and flavors. Now my go to is a concoction I created myself.

    The wealth of knowlegde here is amazing (but confusing at times), but taking it one step at a time is the best way to go!!! Best of luck to you Exhaler!!!!
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