I dub thee the huffer puffer.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2012
I been vaping for 2 years now at my college, but recently I have been getting bugged by other vapers. Im guessing it has something to do with vaping getting more popular. Used to be I could just go to a spot on campus and just vape and be left alone. A handful of times within the past 2 weeks now though, I go out on break, sit somewhere away from people-


then suddenly I start hearing this noise of someone sucking air through a giant straw possibly made for one of those gigantic 900oz drinks you get at the local 7-11. I know what that sound is im telling myself, but I wont turn around to aknowledge it im on my break im just gonna sit here. Then the huffing and puffing starts to get more aggressive, and less inbetween,

hes huffing! hes puffing! hes gona blow my house down! ahhhh!!!! -

I continue to ignore it, then a few minutes later I get up to go back to class and I see this guy standing literally just 5 feet behind me huffing n puffing on his vape looking at me. Takes one huge rip, looks up towards the sky and releases the clouds like an old steamer.

I just walk to class thinking what just happened.

This happened a few times with the same person and a couple other random people, funny one was a girl with a small ego and clearomizer sucking on that thing like it dispensed the nectar of the gods and she wanted every drop of it. None really ever came up to me and talked to me. They just get uncomfortably near and try to make it completely obvious they're vaping too.

What's the deal with that? Are these people just trying to get me to be their friend and talk to them about vaping or something? I don't really care much about it, but it's real strange.

Next time I see that one guy though im gonna say 'Wasup Big Bad Wolf', it should lead to some nice awkwardness because our classes are next to eachother and our breaks are the same time so i see him often lol


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 19, 2014
Liverpool, UK
I been vaping for 2 years now at my college, but recently I have been getting bugged by other vapers. Im guessing it has something to do with vaping getting more popular. Used to be I could just go to a spot on campus and just vape and be left alone. A handful of times within the past 2 weeks now though, I go out on break, sit somewhere away from people-


then suddenly I start hearing this noise of someone sucking air through a giant straw possibly made for one of those gigantic 900oz drinks you get at the local 7-11. I know what that sound is im telling myself, but I wont turn around to aknowledge it im on my break im just gonna sit here. Then the huffing and puffing starts to get more aggressive, and less inbetween,

hes huffing! hes puffing! hes gona blow my house down! ahhhh!!!! -

I continue to ignore it, then a few minutes later I get up to go back to class and I see this guy standing literally just 5 feet behind me huffing n puffing on his vape looking at me. Takes one huge rip, looks up towards the sky and releases the clouds like an old steamer.

I just walk to class thinking what just happened.

This happened a few times with the same person and a couple other random people, funny one was a girl with a small ego and clearomizer sucking on that thing like it dispensed the nectar of the gods and she wanted every drop of it. None really ever came up to me and talked to me. They just get uncomfortably near and try to make it completely obvious they're vaping too.

What's the deal with that? Are these people just trying to get me to be their friend and talk to them about vaping or something? I don't really care much about it, but it's real strange.

Next time I see that one guy though im gonna say 'Wasup Big Bad Wolf', it should lead to some nice awkwardness because our classes are next to eachother and our breaks are the same time so i see him often lol

he's trying to seduce you with his vaping prowess


Ultra Member
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Aug 23, 2014
I generally get excited when someone new stands near me and starts vaping. I tell them about the huge e-cig expo on Saturday that is free with pre-registration. But, for some reason, they aren't into it like me. oh well. Then they ask me where I got a mod that can make so much vapor. And I usually just take a Hammond box to work, so I explain that its just a simple unregulated box that I built. Then, of course, I have to explain a little bit about resistances and power and ohms law. And this is the point where they are smiling and nodding but I know they no longer care.

Where I am from, it's hard to find people really obsessed, like everyone on ECF. Once in awhile.

I do have an expo to go to on Saturday, though!
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