Ok so it may just be me but.

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
So, after someone follows you to your vehicle, acts aggressive, makes threats and won't let you leave, you would be ok with that? I've got a lot of friends in the military and none would let a pos like that walk away. The guy kept him there for 5 min, not a quick smart alec comment as he walked by, but stood there talking trash for 5 min. That's someone that needs to be taken down a few pegs... Nothing about handling that situation makes you a "scared little punk". No, by doing nothing you are encouraging that pos to go pick on someone else. Maybe a woman that he feels like hitting next time. Or a kid. Or some handicapped person. Who knows? No, letting him get away with it is the most cowardly thing you could do. If you could have taught him a lesson and didn't, you are responsible for him continuing to do the same stuff to others.

I don't know where the not cowering to me thing came from, I didn't threaten you? I don't even know you. But, I've never cowered before anyone myself. I just do my duty as an American to protect other Americans that might not be able to defend themselves.

Here is another way to look at it, would your actions be the same if it was your wife/daughter/mother being accosted by this guy? Because when he walks away from you without a scratch, that will just encourage him to try again on someone else. Eventually, encouraged by success, he will keep stepping it up until he hurts or kills someone. And it would be your fault for not stopping him when you had the chance.
Maybe you should reread the thread. You're embellishing to try and justify your point. 5 minutes? Accosted? Cornered? None of that was stated as happening by the OP. You added all that in. He said some smoker stopped to give him a hard time about vaping....so, the guy was a jerk. There's alot of jerks in the world. Do you think America would be a better place if overly dramatic vigilantes like yourself went around and "knocked every one of them down a peg"? Here's some news for you...that's exactly like the people this country is fighting.


Moved On
Jun 1, 2015
Second page, 3rd post down, made by the original poster. He states that the situation was about 5min. Maybe you should reread the thread?

He was afraid to turn his back on the guy, and who wouldn't be? That is considered "cornered" in a court of law. The guy was loud and threatening, he had to consider his sidearm because of the guy's actions. So although it was not written word for word, it was obvious that he did feel threatened and cornered.

You really think that? The people we are fighting believe in forcing their religious beliefs down everyone's throat. I believe in standing up for my constitutional rights, and the rights of my fellow Americans. I may hate everything someone says, but I will get their back if anyone tells them they can't say it. If I don't like it, I don't have to listen. But they don't have the right to force their beliefs on me, or to badger and try to threaten me into listening to them. If you can't tell the difference between that and the oppression in the Middle East, you have a problem.
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Moved On
Jun 1, 2015
You only think you see it clearly. You told me to re read the thread after you obviously thought the original post was the only one that the op provided info in. Have you re read this thread yet? If not, you should. My original comment was to suggest that he should have hit the guy before thinking of a sidearm. A sidearm is only a last resort option. Knocking his teeth out is a life long lesson, dead is dead, and obviously not showing any concern for your fellow American.

I do keep a lawyer on retainer. Not for little bs situations I can handle with ease, but for dealing with our crooked government. Personally, I've had more problems with crooked cops than anyone else. Some punk that needs a whoopin rather than a mag full in the chest, that doesn't warrant a lawyer.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Well i was at the supermarket the other day and was walking out to my Jeep minding my own and puffing away and a smoker came up to me so i was like hmm well i guess hes gonna ask some questions about my gear or what not. Well was i way wrong, he was like yo dude you vapers are so dumb you have no idea what your putting in your body. I was like hmm ok and the 7000 all rolled up in your analogs are ok? I mean im not about to dis a smoker how can i? I used to be one lol. So it went on and on he was saying how dumb i was then i took a drag because heck i needed something to calm me down. To be polite i exhaled upward to the side and he said keep your nasty lung juice away from me um i was done at that point. The nerve of some people i swear. Anyone ever had any similar experances?

I would have simply said .... t someone who approached me like that and turned and walked away.
If I was in a good mood!

If not I would have given him such a verbal lashing he would have shrunk back under his rock.


Senior Member
May 12, 2015
I notice im getting some flak and i figured so, i was taught to let the the other person hit first silly of me maybe. Now the reason i stuck around for so long? Honestly i dont really know. That being said, did i read someone on here think my post was spam or that im a spammer? Let me inform you these things do happen and yes this was a true event!


Ultra Member
May 17, 2015
I've never had anyone trash talk me about smoking or vaping. Most smokers I have met just ask me questions about vaping and say they wish they could quit and might try it. My big problem is in selling them on it with my sub ohm setup. If I let them take a puff they don't know how to lung inhale and end up coughing or they see the big clouds and it seems gross because they can only compare it to smoking where a huge cloud would be gross. If someone cornered me aggressively I would knock them out but I also used to be a professional fighter so that option is probably more viable for me then it is for a lot of people.

NOVA jon

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 28, 2014
Northern virginia
The instant it went any further than me saying "you need to do a little more research about ecigs and vaping in general." And the dullard in question persists with nonsense is when I get in my vehicle and drive away. Seriously doubt it would turn violent!

It would be as if somebody saw me walk out of the supermarket with a gallon of Bryers mint chocolate chip ice cream and let me have it saying Ben and jerrys is better!!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Well i was at the supermarket the other day and was walking out to my Jeep minding my own and puffing away and a smoker came up to me so i was like hmm well i guess hes gonna ask some questions about my gear or what not. Well was i way wrong, he was like yo dude you vapers are so dumb you have no idea what your putting in your body. I was like hmm ok and the 7000 all rolled up in your analogs are ok? I mean im not about to dis a smoker how can i? I used to be one lol. So it went on and on he was saying how dumb i was then i took a drag because heck i needed something to calm me down. To be polite i exhaled upward to the side and he said keep your nasty lung juice away from me um i was done at that point. The nerve of some people i swear. Anyone ever had any similar experances?

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." - Mark Twain

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." - George Carlin

Don't waste a single breath arguing with people like that. Just ignore them and walk away.


Senior Member
May 19, 2015
Clifford Pa
I am confronted daily, by my mother, and little brother. My mother defending her 2+ packs a day. Letting me know that vaping is no better o_O She feels personally attacked when it comes to putting down the analogs. She knows that they are horrible for you, She is reminded daily, as she gasp for breath from her COPD. My little brother tells me everyday, I am foolish because I don't know what is in the juice..LOL Swears I will find out in years, what vaping will do to me. I just ignore them, and vape on! If anything comes up in the future, I guess I will deal with it, as they will with their choices. :vapor:
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