iHybrid Pure top-cap. HELP!!!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Dec 13, 2010
Hi, just got an iHybrid and Doc Dave collab pure. Sometimes when I take the top off of it, the top starts to pull up the tank as well and before the tank hits the bigger O-ring and stops, all my juice comes flowing out of the bottom. Are there any remedies to this?

PS: this is the 18500 version
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Sep 14, 2011
Sounds like the o-ring in the bottom of the tank is too small. I twist as I apply gentle pressure to release the top cap, and have not had that issue. You may want to order some new orings though if the issue continues, cuz the tank seems to be sliding a bit much. plus O-rings are cheaper than buying new glass, because it may be that the tank is too large? Maybe when you take the tank off next time to clean, put in new O-rings and flip the tank over. the tolerance may be just a hair tighter on the other end. Enough so you don't get juice all over. O-ring sizes are #13 for the tank, and #14 for the outer rings. hope that helps, good luck.
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