I'm new to vaping, what is best cartomizer?

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Dec 13, 2013
I currently have this model of cartomizer - CE5 Clearomizer | myshishapen
this model os okay but I find myself getting a horrible taste every so often even if I have lots of juice in my tank, I'm fed upon it so I now have decided that it will be worth investing in a more expensive better model but I'm unsure which is best? Can you also post a good website for them I'm UK based so that is a important factor, thank very much


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Nov 8, 2013
Elfland, everywhere, USA
hm, i dont use Clearos, I use a Kanger Mini Protank II, but I also make my own coils and then use sterile cotton as a wick. Works pretty nice once you get dialed in on how to set em up just so. Its not an expensive piece of kit, but it likes a little work on 'em.

I had issues w/ gurgling but I had my coils too low in the head, which was letting in too much juice. There is a link to a video in my blog about all that. I discovered tonight that I just need to have my coil low enough to avoid the cap, but high enough to avoid the gurgles.



Full Member
Dec 13, 2013
hm, i dont use Clearos, I use a Kanger Mini Protank II, but I also make my own coils and then use sterile cotton as a wick. Works pretty nice once you get dialed in on how to set em up just so. Its not an expensive piece of kit, but it likes a little work on 'em.

I had issues w/ gurgling but I had my coils too low in the head, which was letting in too much juice. There is a link to a video in my blog about all that. I discovered tonight that I just need to have my coil low enough to avoid the cap, but high enough to avoid the gurgles.


Ease is also a big factor for me as this sounds too complicated for me :)
We all started the same as you, it's a learning thing to start with. What ever you go for make sure it's rebuildable, this will give you the option to adapt the atomiser to you but that then brings you on to coils and wicking material.
Try to stick with what you have while you learn, you will need a couple of atomisers and batteries.

Be very careful, this vaping game can swallow money faster than fags to start with. The kanger pro is a good one to start with replaceable heads and bottom coil, can be purchased cheaply with spare heads and not to hard to rebuild.

Good Luck mate.


Full Member
Dec 13, 2013
We all started the same as you, it's a learning thing to start with. What ever you go for make sure it's rebuildable, this will give you the option to adapt the atomiser to you but that then brings you on to coils and wicking material.
Try to stick with what you have while you learn, you will need a couple of atomisers and batteries.

Be very careful, this vaping game can swallow money faster than fags to start with. The kanger pro is a good one to start with replaceable heads and bottom coil, can be purchased cheaply with spare heads and not to hard to rebuild.

Good Luck mate.
The whole rebuild able stuff seems so frightening, are there tutorials for this stuff?
Vivi Novas, Smoktech GBC, or anything that you can simply replace the wick and coil will probably be your ideal tanks. Madvapes is having a deal
"WHERE: Madvapes - Electronic Cigarettes, E Cigarettes, E-Cigs

USE COUPON CODE lovetovape5 TO BRING THE TOTAL TO $3.51 - See more at: http://.........blogspot.com/#sthash.aWH9F1zR.dpuf"
This is from Vaporjoes.com They do put out a fair amount of flavor. I believe that drip tanks are the ones you get the full flavor of any liquid.


Full Member
Dec 13, 2013
Vivi Novas, Smoktech GBC, or anything that you can simply replace the wick and coil will probably be your ideal tanks. Madvapes is having a deal
"WHERE: Madvapes - Electronic Cigarettes, E Cigarettes, E-Cigs

USE COUPON CODE lovetovape5 TO BRING THE TOTAL TO $3.51 - See more at: http://.........blogspot.com/#sthash.aWH9F1zR.dpuf"
This is from Vaporjoes.com They do put out a fair amount of flavor. I believe that drip tanks are the ones you get the full flavor of any liquid.
American website :( I'll have to pay for shipping)


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Nov 11, 2013
Austin, TX
Lots of tutorials out there, as well as general info... and specifics. The 'New Members' pages are often filled with 'What is the best option for me?' posts... and this is tricky, since there are so many options. If you look at my sig, it shows I have been vaping for about two months at the time of this post, and I have already moved on to wrapping my own coils, rebuilding my own heads and using a dripping atomizer on a mechanical mod... while others have been content for years on a simple eGo spinner battery and clearomizers.

It sounds like you enjoy cartomizers, and there are some very nice options for carto tanks, where the cartomizer you are familiar with sit in a tank of juice, so they don't dry out, and you can vape all day without changing anything...

Someone said to me early on that this can be as simple or complicated as you make it. And I will add that there are excellent options for all of it.

IBTanked carto tanks are a good place to start. Just pop in your favorite cartomizer, fill with juice and vape on. No real hassle. When your coil is either gummed up, pops, burns out or just stops producing a satisfactory vape, replace it. Replacements are only a couple of bucks, and it takes 5 minutes. No rebuilding, no coil wrapping, no hassle.

If you're happy in this realm, then you are happy... vape on. Learn the basics, and if you decide to take this on as a hobby as much as a nicotine replacement, then there is a whole world of options out there... and plenty of great advice here to get you going...



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Dec 26, 2012
Almost everyone starts with clearomizers :D

I started vaping with Kanger T2s and T3s on an eGO stick.

First and foremost, Donimater, do not give up. A lot of us can relate to the problem you are facing. We've gone through that. You are new to vaping and there's a learning curve you have to go through. Eventually, you will begin understanding your device with your experience. In order to guide you in the right direction, it is important to know a few things:

What kind of eLiquids are you using. Is it VG? PG? What ratio?
How do you vape? Do you take single drag or double-drag thing?
How long do you hold the fire button while vaping?

Juices/Liquids: If you are using a VG (or higher ratio VG) liquid, you will run into the problem of burning coils and wicks :) VG liquids are thicker and don't wet the wick properly. You may end up getting a burnt taste. I have used Kanger T3s for a long time. The coil/wick in T3s are at the bottom and the wick gets enough juice. In case of CE5, the coil/wick are on the top. So, your wick has to work extra in order to pull the juice/liquid. If it is a thick juice, you will burn the wick more often in the beginning.

Vaping Style: Seriously, it matters a lot! I did the same exact thing you are doing right now. Holding the fire button for long time. In the beginning, I thought, it is just gonna be like a regular cig and was taking single drags. But that didn't work. So I learnt somewhere about the double-drag thing and was holding the fire button through out the time! Ended up getting ...... about the burning taste. What you should do, put the tip in your mouth and press the fire button to take a drag. Just before you finish your drag, release the fire button so you suck out all of the vapers. Then you repeat the process making sure you don't hold the fire button any longer than necessary.

And there are many other factors in case of top coil clearomizers for example, hold the thing upside down in order to make the juice flow to the wick and then vape. Try it, will only help. I feel, you are using a VG liquid and that's why running into the "bad taste" issue.

If you just wish to stick to clearomizers, I strongly recommend T3s .. they are awesome! Check my blog entry from the left. I wrote a lengthy article describing how much I hated it but with experience, I just love it!

If you wish to try something advanced, the question is, how advanced and how expensive? You can jump on the Reo Grand bandwagon lol. But that is going to put a hole in your wallet! Not really! If you buy 20 other products and then buy Reo Grand or something else such as Provari, etc, "then you will put a huge hole in your pocket" ... know what I mean?

For me, my latest love is Rocket RBA from FastTech.com .. it is soooo good that I can almost write a book on it :D
My favorite MOD is Rob's ThroatHit .. It is a dual 18650 variable voltage brick. I love variable voltage devices!

Hope this info will help ya :)


Full Member
Dec 13, 2013
Lots of tutorials out there, as well as general info... and specifics. The 'New Members' pages are often filled with 'What is the best option for me?' posts... and this is tricky, since there are so many options. If you look at my sig, it shows I have been vaping for about two months at the time of this post, and I have already moved on to wrapping my own coils, rebuilding my own heads and using a dripping atomizer on a mechanical mod... while others have been content for years on a simple eGo spinner battery and clearomizers.

It sounds like you enjoy cartomizers, and there are some very nice options for carto tanks, where the cartomizer you are familiar with sit in a tank of juice, so they don't dry out, and you can vape all day without changing anything...

Someone said to me early on that this can be as simple or complicated as you make it. And I will add that there are excellent options for all of it.

IBTanked carto tanks are a good place to start. Just pop in your favorite cartomizer, fill with juice and vape on. No real hassle. When your coil is either gummed up, pops, burns out or just stops producing a satisfactory vape, replace it. Replacements are only a couple of bucks, and it takes 5 minutes. No rebuilding, no coil wrapping, no hassle.

If you're happy in this realm, then you are happy... vape on. Learn the basics, and if you decide to take this on as a hobby as much as a nicotine replacement, then there is a whole world of options out there... and plenty of great advice here to get you going...

Can you give me a link?


Full Member
Dec 13, 2013
Almost everyone starts with clearomizers :D

I started vaping with Kanger T2s and T3s on an eGO stick.

First and foremost, Donimater, do not give up. A lot of us can relate to the problem you are facing. We've gone through that. You are new to vaping and there's a learning curve you have to go through. Eventually, you will begin understanding your device with your experience. In order to guide you in the right direction, it is important to know a few things:

What kind of eLiquids are you using. Is it VG? PG? What ratio?
How do you vape? Do you take single drag or double-drag thing?
How long do you hold the fire button while vaping?

Juices/Liquids: If you are using a VG (or higher ratio VG) liquid, you will run into the problem of burning coils and wicks :) VG liquids are thicker and don't wet the wick properly. You may end up getting a burnt taste. I have used Kanger T3s for a long time. The coil/wick in T3s are at the bottom and the wick gets enough juice. In case of CE5, the coil/wick are on the top. So, your wick has to work extra in order to pull the juice/liquid. If it is a thick juice, you will burn the wick more often in the beginning.

Vaping Style: Seriously, it matters a lot! I did the same exact thing you are doing right now. Holding the fire button for long time. In the beginning, I thought, it is just gonna be like a regular cig and was taking single drags. But that didn't work. So I learnt somewhere about the double-drag thing and was holding the fire button through out the time! Ended up getting ...... about the burning taste. What you should do, put the tip in your mouth and press the fire button to take a drag. Just before you finish your drag, release the fire button so you suck out all of the vapers. Then you repeat the process making sure you don't hold the fire button any longer than necessary.

And there are many other factors in case of top coil clearomizers for example, hold the thing upside down in order to make the juice flow to the wick and then vape. Try it, will only help. I feel, you are using a VG liquid and that's why running into the "bad taste" issue.

If you just wish to stick to clearomizers, I strongly recommend T3s .. they are awesome! Check my blog entry from the left. I wrote a lengthy article describing how much I hated it but with experience, I just love it!

If you wish to try something advanced, the question is, how advanced and how expensive? You can jump on the Reo Grand bandwagon lol. But that is going to put a hole in your wallet! Not really! If you buy 20 other products and then buy Reo Grand or something else such as Provari, etc, "then you will put a huge hole in your pocket" ... know what I mean?

For me, my latest love is Rocket RBA from FastTech.com .. it is soooo good that I can almost write a book on it :D
My favorite MOD is Rob's ThroatHit .. It is a dual 18650 variable voltage brick. I love variable voltage devices!

Hope this info will help ya :)
Cheers for the in depth reply :)

What kind of eLiquids are you using. Is it VG? PG? What ratio? I do not know this but a link to where I got them off is:E-Liquid Flavours | myshishapen
How do you vape? Do you take single drag or double-drag thing? I will take one drag and then another every 30 seconds at times
How long do you hold the fire button while vaping? Around 5 seconds probably.
Can you send me a link to:
A: The liquid you use
B: Some of the cartomizers (or whatever there called) you suggest.
C: I'm willing to spend tops 15 pounds.
D: Where I can get replacement coils etc if what you suggest is rebuildable
Thank you very very much

Lee Li

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Dec 26, 2012
Cheers for the in depth reply :)

What kind of eLiquids are you using. Is it VG? PG? What ratio? I do not know this but a link to where I got them off is:E-Liquid Flavours | myshishapen
How do you vape? Do you take single drag or double-drag thing? I will take one drag and then another every 30 seconds at times
How long do you hold the fire button while vaping? Around 5 seconds probably.
Can you send me a link to:
A: The liquid you use
B: Some of the cartomizers (or whatever there called) you suggest.
C: I'm willing to spend tops 15 pounds.
D: Where I can get replacement coils etc if what you suggest is rebuildable
Thank you very very much

I'm glad you liked my post.

I checked, they sell Dekang eLiquids and from their FAQ section, I got this link: FAQ
Seems all Dekang eLiquids are 74% PG (I don't see VG in the ingredients, so we can say it is 100% PG) .. that tells me the Liquid shouldn't be thick at all. Strange it is still giving you a bad taste.

Your vaping style is single drag and I don't think you are doing anything wrong there. I'm clueless why is it giving you bad taste. I assume you are getting a burnt taste ...

A little advice ...

Stick with three eLiquid flavors: Tobacco, Coffee and Chocolate (of course, if you like those flavors/tastes). All three will give you a similar experience as you used to have with stinkies. It is important to be able to relate eCigs with your Cig needs. I mean, you can't just go on vaping BlueBerry muffins right in the beginning lol. I hope you are sticking with Tobacco flavors, are you?

Liquids I'm vaping ...
E-liquid for use in e-cigarettes -Tobacco Flavors
Coffee Cream - Mom and Pop Vapor Shop (vaping right now and loving it)
Velvet Cloud Vapor - Organic and Natural All VG E-Liquid from San Francisco (Loved it)
Organic Death by Chocolate E-liquid | Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes (Super loved it)
(But yeah, All US Stores. None UK stores in my book) :(

Device I'm using ...
I have about 5 different devices. Some mechanical mods like the Bolt, GGTS Storm, Chi You clones, etc etc. But the one that has always been my favorite, is from a UK based guy. The device is called: Rob's ThroatHit. If you search on Google, you can easily find it. The only downside to this device is, it is pretty heavy with 2 18650 batteries. But I don't mind weight, I just love its features! It costs around 100 pounds though. Don't give me that look now :D

Cartomizers I suggest:
Kanger T3: $3.73 Authentic T3 Bottom Coil Clearomizer (2.4mL) - translucent / 2.5ohm at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Now there are two ways from here:
1. You can buy loads of T3s or any other clearomizer and then worry about not breaking them or burning them. You seriously wouldn't enjoy vaping.
2. Buy only 2 or 3 T3s but also buy wire (30g 5 feet) and wick (3mm Silica 5 feet). You won't have to spend money for a long time. Don't worry about those jargons, you'll understand that stuff soon.

Rebuilding T3s is not that big deal. You rebuild 2 or 3 times and you are almost perfect. You can also try different material like silica wick, cotton, etc. The point is, if you can rebuild a T3, you can rebuild almost anything! T3's head is small and it is a little hard to rebuild it in the beginning, however, you will save lots of money. Take my word on that. So....

3 Kanger T3 = $10
5 feet 30g kanthal = $5 (just a rough figure)
5 feet 3mm Silica = $5 (again, a rough figure)

This is the cheapest as it can get.

On a side note, you can even try playing around with the device you have right now. What I used to do in the beginning with my T3s, I would just pull out the burnt wick carefully. Then just take some cotton and push it through the coil. Ta da! New wick ready for vaping! I did this thing for weeks :D


Full Member
Dec 13, 2013
I'm glad you liked my post.

I checked, they sell Dekang eLiquids and from their FAQ section, I got this link: FAQ
Seems all Dekang eLiquids are 74% PG (I don't see VG in the ingredients, so we can say it is 100% PG) .. that tells me the Liquid shouldn't be thick at all. Strange it is still giving you a bad taste.

Your vaping style is single drag and I don't think you are doing anything wrong there. I'm clueless why is it giving you bad taste. I assume you are getting a burnt taste ...

A little advice ...

Stick with three eLiquid flavors: Tobacco, Coffee and Chocolate (of course, if you like those flavors/tastes). All three will give you a similar experience as you used to have with stinkies. It is important to be able to relate eCigs with your Cig needs. I mean, you can't just go on vaping BlueBerry muffins right in the beginning lol. I hope you are sticking with Tobacco flavors, are you?

Liquids I'm vaping ...
E-liquid for use in e-cigarettes -Tobacco Flavors
Coffee Cream - Mom and Pop Vapor Shop (vaping right now and loving it)
Velvet Cloud Vapor - Organic and Natural All VG E-Liquid from San Francisco (Loved it)
Organic Death by Chocolate E-liquid | Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes (Super loved it)
(But yeah, All US Stores. None UK stores in my book) :(

Device I'm using ...
I have about 5 different devices. Some mechanical mods like the Bolt, GGTS Storm, Chi You clones, etc etc. But the one that has always been my favorite, is from a UK based guy. The device is called: Rob's ThroatHit. If you search on Google, you can easily find it. The only downside to this device is, it is pretty heavy with 2 18650 batteries. But I don't mind weight, I just love its features! It costs around 100 pounds though. Don't give me that look now :D

Cartomizers I suggest:
Kanger T3: $3.73 Authentic T3 Bottom Coil Clearomizer (2.4mL) - translucent / 2.5ohm at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Now there are two ways from here:
1. You can buy loads of T3s or any other clearomizer and then worry about not breaking them or burning them. You seriously wouldn't enjoy vaping.
2. Buy only 2 or 3 T3s but also buy wire (30g 5 feet) and wick (3mm Silica 5 feet). You won't have to spend money for a long time. Don't worry about those jargons, you'll understand that stuff soon.

Rebuilding T3s is not that big deal. You rebuild 2 or 3 times and you are almost perfect. You can also try different material like silica wick, cotton, etc. The point is, if you can rebuild a T3, you can rebuild almost anything! T3's head is small and it is a little hard to rebuild it in the beginning, however, you will save lots of money. Take my word on that. So....

3 Kanger T3 = $10
5 feet 30g kanthal = $5 (just a rough figure)
5 feet 3mm Silica = $5 (again, a rough figure)

This is the cheapest as it can get.

On a side note, you can even try playing around with the device you have right now. What I used to do in the beginning with my T3s, I would just pull out the burnt wick carefully. Then just take some cotton and push it through the coil. Ta da! New wick ready for vaping! I did this thing for weeks :D
I'm not sure I'm ready for using wire to replace the parts however I am interested in rebuildable, The only thing I snowing where to get the specific parts for a specific model from, Also I was really thinking about getting a more premium one like the pro tanks? Cheers
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