Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?

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Umm..... Hi.

I found out about ecigs less than a week ago, and only seriously started looking into them about two days back. Naturally, one of the first sites I stumbled upon was this forum. (Seriously? Every search I did on Google to find more information turned up this site in something like half of the results on the first page. Now that's impressive.)

Since then, I've been wandering through the boards here, trying to learn more and more, and it seems that each thread I read opens up two more tabs for me to read later.

Well, yesterday I placed an order for an M401 from, and some 8mg juice, figuring that since I only smoke about half a pack a day, 8mg should hopefully do me. I can hardly wait until it arrives, and I admit I've been hitting the refresh button on the order status page every few minutes to see if it's shipped yet.

I still have plenty of questions, but I think at this stage I should wait until I've actually got the thing in my hands and can try it out before posting. Which reminds me, it's been 10 whole minutes since I've checked to see if it's shipped, so I'm going to go do that now.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
The only mistake I made when I got into e-Cig, desides buying 3 different units and not reading about cart mods on the ECF and wasting a ton of money on this and that, was starting with too weak e-Juice.

I was a PAD smoker (pack-a-day). I started with 12mg and just didn't get enough kick to keep me off ananlogs. I went up to 28mg as a last resort and the craving really went down.

If you get you e-Cig and it doesn't seem to curve your analog cravings, don't give up, just try some high strength juice.

Welcome to the ECF and ask all the questions you might have. It will save you money and time in the long run.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 13, 2010
Capitol District New York
I like the taste of the M40x series and find the vapor acceptable. But those tiny carts are a real drawback. If you find the m40x is acceptable but you're looking for more TH or flavor or vapor consider the DSE901. You can also try the Joye 510 for even more TH and vapor at the cost of battery life and flavor vs the 901 but still more than the 401. Both are as long as the 401 (the longest M40x battery) and 9.2mm in diameter vs the 8mm of the 401.


Senior Member
May 20, 2010
It has passed a week since I started with e-cigs. I was a half pack a day smoker, I ordered a 18mg/ml e-juice but after a week I'm planning to buy at least a 24 mg/ml e-liquid since I've been smoking my e-sigarette like a baby would suck a dummy :D Since I started though I just smoked 2 regular cigarettes in a week which is amazing for me. Trust me, it's worth the wait ;)
Yay! It's shipped! As I type, the package is somewhere winging it's way towards me. It's scheduled to arrive tomorrow, and I'm thinking I won't get much sleep tonight.

I've been doing some more reading on the board, still trying to learn everything possible ahead of my first use. In my readings, it seems that a lot of people have a hard time deciding which e-cig to purchase for their first. My method of choosing was to narrow it down to 4-5 options, and essentially pick one of those at random. From the reports on this site, most people seem to start with one, and go through one or two other varieties before finding something that suits them. So it's ok if this first purchase turns out to be something I move away from quickly.

A carton of cigs around here is over $80, and lasts about two weeks. This first purchase, with a 30ml vial of 8mg juice (Vanilla) including rush shipping, cost less than that one carton. So even if it's only used for two weeks before being replaced with a different model, that's still breaking even. Actually, it's better than breaking even, since I'll have learned more about what I'm looking for, and can better judge which model to try next.

Actually, I'm already thinking of picking up either a 510, an M602, or an eGo for my second unit. And a number of different sample packs of juice. And.. And.. And.. It's easy to see where people can quickly rack up the CC bills. Who would have figured e-cigs are more addictive than regular cigarettes, and that's even without nicotine!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2010
Bryan, TX
Welcome to vaping, great choice to not smoke.

Get more juice....
Get more juice....

Nothing worse than the panicy feeling when you're running low, and your order isn't here yet..
ok, maybe being actually out of juice, and the order not here yet...that's would be worse...
But then again that's not panic anymore, that is the feeling of defeat..completely different.

You can reasonably plan on 2-3 ML per day.
So if you got 30ML, that juice will last 10-15 days.

Get more......


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 26, 2010
Welcome to the forum! :) I just ordered my second e-cig model and I must say I am loving my new 510!! The great part about it is now I have parts options that are compatible with my 510. Don't get me wrong I loved my first e-cig and I quit while using it so I am grateful for it, but I like having compatible options. I am now also getting comfortable with juices, I tried many different strengths and flavors and I am now settled in on 24mg and I have found my favorite supplier for flavors and soon I hear he will be adding kits and spare parts to his inventory, if the prices are good and he carries my model, I will have a one stop shop <----hoping. Reading is my best advise, I couldn't have gotten to this piont without reading on this forum


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
For future reference, your M401 is also an M402/M403 as well.
The only difference is the length of the batteries and how long they last.

And not to overwhelm you, but your M401 has an "exposed" atomizer.
So that means you can use it for dipping.

It's like dripping, but you can actually dip your atomizer in the juice.
I strongly suggest you give it a try when you are ready.
Once I get used to things, dipping will be tried.

The package arrived today. It was quickly unwrapped, and the contents thoroughly investigated. Everything arrived exactly as described. Two batteries, check. Juice, check. Pack of empty carts, check. USB charger, check. Wall plug, check. Atty, check. Of course, it was at this point the one thing that wasn't in the package ordered was... the manual. My own fault, trying to save a few bucks. No big loss. If I can't work out how to get the thing going with this board to search through, I'll have to turn in my geek card.

The first battery is on the charger right now, has been for roughly four hours, four more to go. I can hardly wait. The plan is still to wait a day or two before ordering a ton of extra parts, but the resolve is quickly slipping.

I do think I will have to order another one or two units though, if I want to use it more like the cigs I'm used to. (Say, puffing every 20-30 secs, as opposed to 2-3 minutes.) Either that or quickly move up to dipping.

And ok, it's described as roughly the same size as a cig, but honestly for some reason I was expecting it to be bigger.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Since you are familar with the ECF, you might look up battery charging for Li-Ion battery.

It is my belief that once the battery light goes to green, you no longer need to charge your batter. The 8 hour thing on a new battery was for Ni-Cad and Ni-Mh batteries.

Since Li-Ion batteries don't have a "memory" they don't need to be conditioned for 8 hours on first use. It is also recommended that you charge them often verses fully draining them.

Don't take my word for it. I don't want you to blame me if your battery kacks out. But that is what I have read.

I think your plan of waiting a couple of days before buying a bunch of stuff is a good call.
Thanks, I've just finished reading a thread on that. Took the first battery off the charger, now the second one is on.

Three cartridges were refilled with a syringe, but man that stuff is thick. I think I put the right amount in, this will be a trial and error setup for the first little while. Tonight we'll see if three carts and two batteries can match half a pack of cigs. If it can, I'm sold.

Tried a couple puffs from it, and I have to say, it's definitely different. This will take some getting used to. The flavour is undeniably vanilla, but almost a vanilla-flavoured tobacco. Pull is fine, TH is ok, we'll have to see about the vapour and the rest of it.

If tonight goes well, a larger order will be placed tomorrow. If tonight doesn't go well, tomorrow will be spent figuring out what model to order next.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2010
I used an m401 for about 2 months before I made the leap to a bigger battery mod. My recommendation is that you start dipping immediately. If you're going out, or driving somewhere, use carts, but otherwise you'll have a much better experience dipping. It's really pretty much fool proof. I'll give you the cliff notes here.

Grab a clean shotglass, and put 4 or 5 drops of juice in it. Make sure the shotglass is clear, at least until you get a feel for it.

Also, make sure the inner cart, the little plastic piece that holds the filler/juice, is not in the outer cart. I've found that anything from a toothpick to a paperclip, etc, is a good tool for removing the inner cart. Really this is an easy step, so I won't go crazy.

Ok, so the atty is connected to the battery, and you're going to see the bridge (covered in metal mesh) sticking out the end. Hold the battery, and dip just the very end of the bridge into the liquid into the shotglass. Hold it there for maybe 5 or 10 seconds. This is the reason that dipping is such a great method. The bridge will soak up all the juice is needs/wants. You waste nothing, and you'll never flood the atty or end up with juice in your mouth.

Once you've let it soak up the juice, just slap the outer cart back on the atomizer and puff away. You'll get a solid 5 or 6 good pulls before having to repeat. And because you never get too much juice on the atty, or too little, the atty will last for freaking ever. The 401 attys really are tanks. I've still got the one I used almost exclusively for 2 months, and it still works... It's tucked away in my mako tin waiting for the day I need it again.

Like it said, this method, in my opinion, is the way to go. It's great vapor, taste, throat hit, and it extends the life of the atty nearly indefinitely. Only reason I switched is that I was getting sick of the battery life on the 401 and decided to switch to something a bit... bigger. And most of the mods make it a lot easier to use 510s, or 801, etc.

Anyway, the 401 is a great choice, start dipping now and the atty will last you forever.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
jonmo's right. I think one of the hardest things to get used to at first is the planning ahead. Remember, all your supplies are at least 2 days away. You can't just run down to the convenience store and pick up a bottle of juice and an atty..........Yet.
You may not be able to run to the convenience store but here in Richmond, VA we have a real store that's strictly all e cig & if that's not open we also have that will meet you with your order if you like.


Unregistered Supplier
May 1, 2010
If you are anything like me you will go overboard and buy buy buy. I think I have enough juice and supplies to last me a year

I have become totally vape addicted - everything to do with vaping, buying mods, juices and even DIY stuff. This is fast becoming a worse addiction than smoking regular cigs except that I am enjoying it much more. With that said the price of analogues in Australia is extreme. I was paying $14.50 for a pack of 25's and as a pack a day smoker the habit was expensive. Even with all my spending I am still in front :D

Good luck with your e-cig and remember that stalking your postie is a wonderful way to spend your day.
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