Is vaping burning your throat.

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Jan 24, 2014
I was a menthol smoker. Most of the menthol liquids I tried really took some getting used to. I ended up liking spearmint instead. Quickly, I moved on to sweeter flavors. I do like throat hit, but there are some really mild flavors out there. RARELY, do I use any menthol these days. It's great when I have a cold though!

I agree, try a higher VG ratio.

I got some Kringle's Curse peppermint, though I dislike menthol cigarettes intensely; the peppermint is just different enough, and yeah it will clear your sinuses beautifully -- it's also good after eating spicy, garlicky food, like pizza or spaghetti -- gets rid of that garlic breath/aftertaste! It'll also "clear your palate" from that dreaded "vapor tongue" when you can't taste your regular vape, so you can start to taste it again.



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Feb 21, 2014
NewCastle, DE
Do you drag lunginhales ? Like directly to the lungs?
If so, take a slow and steady drag into your mouth and then inhale.
Lungdrags hits quite harshly.

Slow and steady (then you can take long ones aswell) is the key to vaping. You'll get used to it. :)
But if it's still to harsh, it could be that you've to high nicotine level. Or it could be PG intolerance.

Funny how ppl mention exhaling through nose is a "trick"
I do that pretty much all the time. :-S
But then again i did that as a smoker aswell. You get lesser "taste" when you're blowing through the nose though.

I usually use it the same way I smoked a cigarette. All my juices are 60pg-40vg at 18 mg. I got one bottle of 100%vg 24mg and it's easier to vape, just not as much flavor ?


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Apr 16, 2010
It was the vg that was causing the burn believe it or not. I found I hard to believe from what I've read, but I let her try a 100% vg a 50/50 both burnt. Took a shot and gave her a 1.8% 100pg no burn. Thanks for all the help.

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I guess it just goes to Show that "One Size Doesn't Fit All".


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Jan 30, 2014
When I took my first drag on an e-cig I coughed my lungs up. At the start I had to be careful, and only inhale just a little. After two weeks that all went away, and now I'm sometimes even unsatisfied with the throat hit! I think that at the start my throat was simply still red raw from the smoking, and that it needed just a little time to heal up.

Don't assume all this PG/VG ratio, allergy, nic' percentage stuff has got the slightest thing to do with the issue for at least the first couple of weeks. In my case it just went away; and yes, I was thinking at the start that it could be all of the above.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2014
I'm trying to get my gf to quit but she keeps complaining that it burns her throat. She's only using one of my old 650mah ego style batteries with a single bottom coil atti so it can't be the heat. She's also using a menthol 1.8% ejuice but says my fruity juices burn too. I just don't understand how a burning Newport 100 doesn't burn but vaping does. Has anyone else experienced this? Should she maybe try a lower mg/% nicotine juice? Someone please help I really don't want her to start smoking again. Thanks guys.

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Ditch the menthol (probably the leading cause of burned throat) and get a 50/50 or higher (VG) mix w/a lower nic level


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Jan 24, 2014
When I took my first drag on an e-cig I coughed my lungs up. At the start I had to be careful, and only inhale just a little. After two weeks that all went away, and now I'm sometimes even unsatisfied with the throat hit! I think that at the start my throat was simply still red raw from the smoking, and that it needed just a little time to heal up.

Don't assume all this PG/VG ratio, allergy, nic' percentage stuff has got the slightest thing to do with the issue for at least the first couple of weeks. In my case it just went away; and yes, I was thinking at the start that it could be all of the above.

Since Friday I became smoke-free, including that morning smoke that was so hard for me to ditch, and Friday night I got a good bottom-coil clearo for my new iTaste, I've realized a couple things; yesterday morning and this morning, my first couple hits hit my throat hard enough that it almost made me start coughing the way I always did with my first drag of a cigarette in the morning. Which makes the iTaste (vv3) even more valuable; now I know I need to dial back on the voltage a little, before taking that first hit! I'm finding that keeping it set pretty high gives me a much better throat hit, maybe because of the increased warmth, but first thing in the morning, that higher setting is a bit rough -- normally thru the day I keep the voltage set at about 4.5 - 4.7; this morning I dropped it to 4.0, but that was still a bit rough, so tomorrow I'll take it down to 3.5, and see if that helps any.

Also when I first got the iTaste, I tried the iClear16's that came with it, and that top-coil type of clearo was entirely too hot for me; it destroyed the taste of my favorite e-juice, and almost burned my lips. So if a person is finding that vaping irritates their throat, it might be something as simple as a top-coil clearo, and that using a bottom-coil type helps a great deal.

Just my :2c:...


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Feb 18, 2014
lost wages, sin city, NV
I don't like any of the menthols I've tried. I was a menthol. I think she has a orange ice. It wasn't for me.

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I mostly asked to see if you were getting any type of burning in the back of your throat with her set up. It's possible it could just be the juice, or if she's using a vv/vw mod/battery she could have had it turned up to high/not left it to sit with juice long enough so it could have dry burnt.. A few different things could be going on. But if you tried it and it just tasted like vapor with some flavor then it would be something else like everyone else jumped straight to.

I'm trying to get my mom to start vaping.. Screwed up royally and gave her some of this juice i have called "purple drank" because she likes grape and I thought she'd enjoy it. I hadn't tasted the bottle I bought before giving her some to try. Come to find out at the B&M where they mixed it they had to have put in at least double what nic I wanted. I couldn't help but cough my lungs up. Took the bottle upstairs put half in another drip bottle and filled both the rest of the way up with VG, she loves it now.
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