It really is worth making the change to e-cigarettes

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I started smoking about 20 years ago. I tried to quit many times using many different methods. I tried Zyban twice, which worked in curbing the craving until I stop taking it. I tried nicotine patches and gum, which really did nothing for my constant desire to smoke.

I came across e-cigarettes in 2010 after watching someone use one and started reading about them. I did as much research as I could and finally decided to pull the trigger last month. I bought my first kit, which was a Joye 510 with 24 mg strength fluid.

Let me first say that even though I had been smoking for 20 years the 24 mg nicotine level was too much for me. I took my first hit and immediately got a buzz with the next hit making me feel sick. I smoked Light/Ultra Lights for the majority of the 20 years that I was smoking, so I probably should have gone with 12 mg or less. Anyway, I was determined to quit, so for the first couple of weeks I just took hits whenever I felt like I was withdrawing.

The first couple of days I felt a little light headed and had difficulty concentrating at times. I would take a drag off the 510 and would feel better. The one thing I immediately noticed was the withdrawal symptoms were nothing compared to what I experienced when I used Zyban or tried to go cold-turkey. I am not even sure it would be accurate to describe the symptoms as withdrawal. It really was a smooth transition to vaping now that I think about it. I even kept a pack of cigarettes with me the first week in case the symptoms started to interfere with my ability to work. I never smoked a single one even though I kept them in my pocket and ended up giving the pack to my roommate after the first week.

I can count on one hand the number of times this past month I thought about smoking and never once did the urge over power me even with a roommate that smokes. I have sat outside while my roommate was smoking and did not have the slightest urge to smoke a cigarette. I have gone to a bar a couple of times and sat next to people smoking and I just vaped away only concerned about the second hand smoke, which I must admit I did not like when I was smoking and hate even more now.

Anyway, I wanted to share my story with anyone that was on the fence like I was. I read these forums on and off for months trying to get a better understanding of what e-cigarettes were and how to best invest my money in my first purchase. I recommend anyone considering the switch to do the same. There were many posts that I read that helped me finally make the decision to switch to e-cigarettes and hopefully this post will contribute to someone's decision to quit smoking.

It really is worth making the change to e-cigarettes and hopefully it has saved my life or at least extended it a little longer.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Baltimore MD USA
Glad to hear you've made a successful transition from smoking to vaping. I don't think anyone will disagree that you've chosen a healthier alternative. I might respectfully suggest, though, that you be very clear about what you're doing.

Your past efforts to quit analogs was an effort to drop nicotine entirely. While you're no longer ingesting toxic elements from tobacco additives, you're still using nicotine, hence no withdrawal symptoms.

This may seem to be a trivial observation, but since there are currently efforts to have e-cigarettes banned I believe vapers carry the responsibility of accurately representing what we do. Technically speaking, many of us HAVE quit smoking since we no longer use cigarettes. In actuality, though, we've merely substituted one source of nicotine for another. Even the slightest impression we give that e-cigarettes are a way to quit smoking sends a misleading message to the uninformed and gives ammunition to the "anti-vaping" establishment to do away with e-cigarettes and everything vape related.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
I started smoking about 20 years ago. I tried to quit many times using many different methods. I tried Zyban twice, which worked in curbing the craving until I stop taking it. I tried nicotine patches and gum, which really did nothing for my constant desire to smoke.

I came across e-cigarettes in 2010 after watching someone use one and started reading about them. I did as much research as I could and finally decided to pull the trigger last month. I bought my first kit, which was a Joye 510 with 24 mg strength fluid.

Let me first say that even though I had been smoking for 20 years the 24 mg nicotine level was too much for me. I took my first hit and immediately got a buzz with the next hit making me feel sick. I smoked Light/Ultra Lights for the majority of the 20 years that I was smoking, so I probably should have gone with 12 mg or less. Anyway, I was determined to quit, so for the first couple of weeks I just took hits whenever I felt like I was withdrawing.

The first couple of days I felt a little light headed and had difficulty concentrating at times. I would take a drag off the 510 and would feel better. The one thing I immediately noticed was the withdrawal symptoms were nothing compared to what I experienced when I used Zyban or tried to go cold-turkey. I am not even sure it would be accurate to describe the symptoms as withdrawal. It really was a smooth transition to vaping now that I think about it. I even kept a pack of cigarettes with me the first week in case the symptoms started to interfere with my ability to work. I never smoked a single one even though I kept them in my pocket and ended up giving the pack to my roommate after the first week.

I can count on one hand the number of times this past month I thought about smoking and never once did the urge over power me even with a roommate that smokes. I have sat outside while my roommate was smoking and did not have the slightest urge to smoke a cigarette. I have gone to a bar a couple of times and sat next to people smoking and I just vaped away only concerned about the second hand smoke, which I must admit I did not like when I was smoking and hate even more now.

Anyway, I wanted to share my story with anyone that was on the fence like I was. I read these forums on and off for months trying to get a better understanding of what e-cigarettes were and how to best invest my money in my first purchase. I recommend anyone considering the switch to do the same. There were many posts that I read that helped me finally make the decision to switch to e-cigarettes and hopefully this post will contribute to someone's decision to quit smoking.

It really is worth making the change to e-cigarettes and hopefully it has saved my life or at least extended it a little longer.

I'm only halfway through day 3 but I have to agree. Sometimes it's a bit of a pain. learning how to pull on it right and not to overfill... leaks and stuff like that. But I haven't once wanted an analog. I have looked for my pack once (forgetting I no longer had one for a minute) and I have wanted to light my e-cig a couple times... that's about it. and I have to back off now and then getting too much nic. Will order lower nic next order.

My adult daughter my hubby and I all switched together none of us has had a cig yet and I think only hubby has even briefly wanted one but quickly got over it...vape on


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 2, 2010
s. chicago burbs,IL
I've been a vaper now for 253 days. I'm not a noob but have to post a certain number before I can pm. I haven't had an analog since I got my second pv. I now have or have had 5 pv's. 1st was a cheap one didn't work very well. then a modernvapor sidesho which I still use from time to time followed by a riva, passthrough, and wetbox. My wetbox stopped working so next on my list will be a reos mini/grand.
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