Just a couple questions for people who have been making their own fluid for a while

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Dec 12, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
So I have noticed with some of LorAnn's extracts that claim to be water soluble don't work with making e-juice! The first I found was the Vanilla. Even though it still has a PG base, there are triglycerides in it. All other extracts with triglycerides seem to make cloudy fluid as well! So I guess my first question would be:

1) Is there any other specific ingredients I should avoid when seeking new extracts?

2)And what % of extract do you guys generally use in your mixes? I know this can be kind of a sticky question being some flavors are terribly recessive (like LorAnn's Apple) while others are obnoxiously dominant (like many menthol flavors as well as LO's Grape).

3)Also, what is the reasoning people put distilled water in their mix? Is it just a cheaper filler used in place of PG? Or does it make it more soft? If you use it how much do you use? I've stayed with a 70/30 mix of bulk apothecary's pg/vg.

For you guys who use syringes/pipettes what route do you take for cleaning them? I usually let them soak in a very thin bleach water concentrate for 10-15 min then proceed to rinse them with water and a slightly less mild isopropyl alcohol/water concentrate to keep rubber components from dying out.

Thank you all for your time, I really appreciate it!!


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1. Diacytel
2. Start with the manufacturers recommended % and then adjust to your taste.
3. Some vapers say that using Distilled Water as a thinner gives them a wetter vape. I don't know about that but DW is used as a juice thinner.
4. I just rinse them in warm water. Your idea of IA/Water concentrate for rubber components is correct and I think I'll start doing that myself.
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