Just a random questino about cartos. I'm curious to see how many usual them over atties, and roughstack combo opinions needed

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2010
I've been an atty 510/306 user for 2 years, and yes...I unfortunately still smoke. I'm down to about 5 analogs a day, and using snuff, but I still can't kick it. I find myself dealing with minute details too much, and end up just smoking an analog to end the annoyance. When i use a 306 and 510 and just drip, i'm fine...but now that i'm hearing great reviews on dual coil cartos, and XL cartos, etc...I see that dripping is no longer neccessary and people are saying it's great. I got myself a few "clear" XL DC cartos and so far i'm loving them, but it's a little to big when on my roughstack. Looks odd and won't fit in my pocket (using roughstack mini, short tube).

Does anyone have any combo advice for this device with a DC carto? BTW, i tried boge LR cartos, and I like them, but I don't like the fact that i can't see the liquid, so i've made a pledge to only go with clear from now on so I can tell exactly where i'm at, at all times. No quess work, which makes it easier, but some people say that the clear ones are not as good as the regular cartos.

So right now, i ordered a regular size clear DC carto, it claims to hold 1.5 ML, is that true? because if so, i should be able to get through a full day if if i fill up 2 in the morning and go off to work.

The XL carto i have, claims to hold 3ml of liquid, and it does...after testing and using the syringe method i've found that it holds true and does vape like a beast, but i'm still trying to find that perfect combination so i can stop finicking around and just vape and get over the analogs, but if have to keep mix/matching and trying new things, i'll never get over analogs because i'll always find it annoying.

Don't get me wrong, i'm all for trying the next best thing, but i'm also just trying to find the right sweetspot for me now, and then i'll deal with stuff later.

The roughstack has an extenstion to do 6v vaping, but i'd have to buy higher ohm atties, and all i have right now is 2.0 LR. So i don't know if it's worth it to go to 6v and use higher ohm atty, when i can use LR and it simulates the same exact thing, unless 6 through 7.4 has something that I'm missing...but an LR on 3.7 should simulate the same thing, including heat .

so i'm asking carto users, what do you think would be a good combo, and should i stay away from clear cartos and use boge LR DC normal and XL size? or should i stick to my original plan and use the clear ones so i can atleast get a feel of how much liquid is in there, and how much i go through

I've had every bottom feeder on the market, from the phidious, to the reo, and now to the revolution v2, which won't stop leaking, i'm finally fed up and just want something that works, and I"m thinking a roughstack with a LR carto that can hold my juice is where it's at. Something small enough to vape, but good enough to last a half day to a full day of vaping (ie. XL size cartos).

These are my ramblings, sorry if i'm all over the place, just frustrated. Mind you i've been vaping for 4 years and still can't find the right combo to get me off analogs. No sweet spot for me yet


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2011
Beyond The Sea
I can't speak on all your questions, but here's a poll on how many use carts vs. cartos http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/polls/207150-atomizer-cartomizer.html, about half and half.

IMHO, all the equipment in the world won't make someone quit analogs. Getting reliable, convenient equipment and the right juice(s) helps, but the moment has to be right with you. If you can cut from PAD down to 5, you've done good! And if you can gradually get that down to 1, even better. :)

Btw, I'm using a couple of Rivas with 510s as backup and a couple juice flavors, still use carts for Pete's sake. The point is not finding perfection, but reduce analogs.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
I have a Maxi Roughstack (2 actually ) and use the 4.8 nimh batts and dual coils pretty much exclusively. Vaping sweet spot for me. The clear duallies are great for seeing how much juice you need to use and how often you need to top off, but for some reason they fall apart on me in a day or so. I've read on the forums here somewhere that the acidity in some juices will do that with the clear ones but don't know why exactly.

The Maxi is great for allowing you to vape at different voltages depending on what batt. you feed it, and at $45 you just can't get a better workhorse than the Maxi RS. I don't worry about a scratch or nick on it like I would with some "sexier" mod and it's just so dependable and versatile.
Hope you find what it takes to get off the analogs. I smoked for 35+ years, the last 20 or so rolling my own to the tune of 40-50 a day, and quit overnight with my new Ego....but I was determined to quit and had the mindset to do so. That was around Thanksgiving last year. Since then I have smoked maybe 10 analogs...not because I was craving one but just for the heck of it. Didn't really like it but didn't really hate it either and it wasn't 40+ a day so I don't feel guilty about it.

Good luck...you'll find what you are looking for....and for what it's worth this whole searching for the holy grail of vaping is a crazy fun search.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
Wow...just re-read your post and my rambling and found that I didn't really address what you asked....my bad..sorry.

On my RS I use the dual coils at all voltages...3.7, 5(ish), 6 and 7.4( 7.4 is just crazy hot and flavorless to me ). Same carto, same juice...the only variable is the batt. I put in it, but for the last few months it has been me..my Maxi RS...a dual coil and the 4.8 nimh batts. Works real well for me.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2011
hey i really recommend liberty flights.com - get a riva kit for $30, or a dual coil riva kit for i think $35.

i like the clear cartos because i can see how much juice, dual cartos work amazing, they are what i use on a daily basis.

and since it seems like you are having a hard time kicking the analogs, try 18mg or 24mg strength nicotine, super nice throat hit should do the trick, good luck.

use the carto condom filling method for filling the dual coil cartomizers, about 2 cap fulls give or take should fill it up perfectly.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 17, 2011
under the blue sky
+1 4.8v ni-mh batts with the maxi rough stack. The 2.0 ohm boge carto and the 1.5 ohm dual coils perform spectacularly with that battery.

The ni-mh batts generate about 4.4 load volts with the 2.0 ohm boge and about 4.3 load volts with the dual coils. I don't know of any clear single coil 2.0 ohm filler cartos (doesn't mean there aren't any - I've never used any). The standard dual coils come in clear. - With the 4.8v ni-mh batteries, the draw is very analog-like. It produces nice warm thick vapor and requires a shorter drag to get it.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
six... You may be the the smartest, most informed vapor/poster I have ever ran across,,,,,I have learned a ton from your posts...not to get all gooey or whatnot...but thanks....your insight and responses to us much uninformed masses is greatly appreciated. I have learned a great deal from you and I really Appreciate it.

Maybe one day we can meet up and I can properly thank you for the things you have taught me..

Don't get excited .....I'm talking a beer or 2....not a condo in the caymens...(sp)...but you get the idea.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2010
thanks guys and girls. I currently vape at 24mg, and sometimes 36mg in the morning and at night to kill my urges for analogs. I only bought the short rough stack, but on the next order i will def get the long tube, and 4.8v battery and charger. Seems like it's a good idea with the 1.6 DC carto's or the 2.0ohm boge cartos. because 3.7 on 2.0 ohm carto is not doing it for me. I like the 1.5 ohm carto's on 3.7

Anyway, i think another problem is I'm always going for a tobacco flavor, or tobacco menthol flavor. I've never tried fruit or other flavors like waffles, or blueberries like everyone else has. in the last 4 years, i've vaped only menthol or menthol tobacco flavors, and I think i'm chasing a ghost. I'll never get the analog taste again, and I think i need to let go of it when i try different juices, but i've tried many (cherry coke, vanilla coke, fruit punch, watermelon) and i just can't consider them all day vapes..not sure what else to try...but mentally, because my brain is wired in a certain way, because i'm tasting a fruit instead of tobacco i feel that my body is not getting the nicotine it needs. Of course this is mental, but i think i'm wired that way.

I just tried Halocigs Prime 15, which many people claim it to be the closest to analogs, and i gave it a few tries over a few days, and couldnt stand the smell of it any longer. So i'm back to halo menthol Ice, and Nhlaer nuport but i still don't enjoy these flavors, i just can "withstand them" and i shouldnt be limited to "dealing" with a flavor, i should be loving the flavor with every vape.

you would think after 4 years of trying these, on and off, that i would have learned more than i did, but I simply kept going after tobacco and menthol flavors, and I wasted a lot of money and juice on horrible tasting liquids.

Thanks for your help guys. I will def try the rough stack on 5v
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