Just started, cool fire 1 and 2

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Full Member
Feb 6, 2014
townsend, DE
SO i pulled the trigger, again. I tried many years ago with the blu cigs, to me they were garbage and didnt work at all. So yesterday i pulled the trigger again with a cool fire 1, innokin 30b two 18350 batts, and a small assortment of e juice that a local store makes in house.

Well i loved it, the only problem is. So did my BF, he wouldnt put down my vape, so today we went back i let him keep the cool fire 1 because of its looks it would look better for his job if he wasnt pulling a grenade out of his pocket to vape. So he bought me the cool fire 2 and we bought some more juice new tips because we didnt like the metal ones. I also picked up the innokin 30s.

So not between two people and two set ups we have 4 tanks 3 of which are 30b one is a 30s, 6 different flavors, he went with 24mg of nic in his and i went with 18mg of nic in mine. we also have 6 drip tips. so far I love it and i have only smoked one real cig today and that was in the am because i forgot to put my battery's on the charger after he killed them last night.
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