Just tried an e-cig for the first time a few days ago

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ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
Los Angeles
A local tobacco shop had a few different brands, I bought a Blu starter kit. I am a heavy smoker (2 packs a day) and would love to find a tobacco alternative, ecigs sound like a way better thing for your health. The thing is.. I tried the Blu classic tobacco flavor, and it tasted like coffee. Did they miss label the cartridge or is this what the tobacco actual flavor tastes like? Then switched to cherry. It was ok but made me cough. I notice that Blu uses acetic acid and not PG.. could that be why the cough? This shop also has Greensmoke. Are they better? Or do any of you have any other suggestions of brands for someone contemplating a switch from analogs to ecigs? Thanks for any of your help :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
The better gear unfortunately are mostly available only online, unless you can find a local dedicated vape shop. Mall kiosks and tobacco stores sell over-priced, under-achieving gear. It's a wonder anyone who tries that stuff keeps an interest in vaping. You are so wise to join here to get support and information from experienced vapors.

If you feel it necessary to use a cigarette-size battery, I recommend Smokeless Image. A reputable company that sells quality gear and has decent juice flavors. Smokeless Image Volt Review - The Chainsaw Test? - YouTube Smokeless Image | Only The Best Electronic Cigarette | Smokeless Image Electronic Cigarettes - The Future is in your hands

A better setup would be the larger eGo's. Not sure if you can open this link yet being a new member, but it is from my blog posts, the link under my avatar. It has everything you would need and a link to one website that sells it:


After 5 posts you should be able to open the link.
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Mar 2, 2013
Hardwick, Ma
Welcome Stef, I am just dipping my toe into this pond. I didn't quit smoking analogs, in fact they were in my vest the entire time at work this weekend.......just didn't have a desire to light one up. I received my Ego-C Saturday morning and have enjoyed the new alternative. I come from a Marlboro addiction. Last few years due to family needs I have been smoking the cheap cigs, basic, fortuna, etc. As I pen this I am enjoying Classic Blend from Copper Creek and Kentucky Vanilla Blend from Vermillion River from my recliner. Don't miss standing out on the porch freezing my .... off to smoke a ..... The omission of stinky smoke has afforded me much better accommodations. I started using the Blu, and other gas station ecigs, but I found them lacking. Then I ordered the EgoC and haven't looked back. It hasn't been long but very enjoyable. I still carry my pack of analogs for security purposes only:unsure: I love this vaping and don't crave a ciga at all. You're on the right path, enjoy the moment, you will find your answer. Good luck.


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Dec 29, 2012
Woodbridge, VA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Thanks ChandaraC, will check out that site. What kind of flavors come with eGo cigs, anyone

Most people that are no longer beginners learn to buy bottles of e-liquid to fill juice delivery devices themselves. They no longer buy the pre-filled flavored cartridges that you tried. People purchase their bottles of liquids from various e-liquid manufacturers who specialize in this.

There are any number of flavors available...literally hundreds actually. You name it, someone probably makes the flavor. They may not be spot on authentic, but they are generally close. Most people do not end up using a tobacco or menthol flavor, but use a fruit, candy, dessert, coffee, virgin adult beverage, etc.

You will not find an e-cig flavor that will taste like a cigarette. That's why people choose another kind of flavor. And as hard as it might be to believe right now, you won't want a flavor that tastes like a cigarette once you have quit.

Juice is made up from two main ingredients: PG (propylene glycol) and VG (vegetable glycerin), flavoring agents, and liquid nicotine. The nicotine is available in different strengths, from 32mg to 0mg. As a 2 ppd smoker, you'd probably want to start out in the 24-32mg. range. Most people end up consuming 3-5 ml of e-juice a day vaping.

This e-liquid is put in a juice delivery device and screwed onto your battery. This is another article I wrote for beginners that has pictures, descriptions, and videos of the more commonly used devices:


Below are a couple of typical e-juice vendors. Explore around to see what flavors are available:


Natural & Organic E-liquids - Home page Dripeez
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I'm considered a Mad Scientist in some circles!
ECF Veteran
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Oct 21, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
The switch to vaping is going to have you coughing for a bit as you get use to it. Same as when you started smoking. Only now, you aren't taking in everything a cigarette has! So you've started the "purge" also, so expect some of the symptoms you would get from stopping smoking.

When I tried Blu (2009) Coffee tasted like coffee (etc.. etc..). If nothing else, Blu is exactly what you wanted.. a starter. See how it goes. If it doesn't cover what you need, we all seem to have a type that we think could work for you!

FYI Blu is a VG juice with citric acid, not acetic acid (vinegar) And either one is fine really. I do add a drop of vinegar in some of my juices, and I know some folks use citric acid..


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
Los Angeles
Thanks for the response chimsweep. There are eGo knockoffs?! :blink: ok I will research for good dealers for this. How can one tell?
>>As I pen this I am enjoying Classic Blend from Copper Creek and Kentucky Vanilla Blend from Vermillion River from my recliner.<< So, eGo C is compatible to different cartomizers?
I think this is the right path too.. thank you :)
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