Just tried an e-cig for the first time a few days ago

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Mar 5, 2013
Los Angeles
SupplyDaddy, thanks for the clarification on the VG juice. Yes, it is a starter. Ive been kind of alternating between that and analogs because of taste though.. Im willing to experiment with a few different ecigs to see what works for me. Ive read some of the threads about what to expect when you quit analogs and switch.. im kind of surprised there are symptoms when you stop, considering nicotine is the only addictive ingredient in analogs.. but i guess its the detox of all the chemicals in anologs huh?


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Mar 2, 2013
Hardwick, Ma
I ordered my EgoC from Tampa....you living in the big city and bright lights I am sure there are distributors closer to you. Here is a page from joyetech....Joyetech brand offline electronic cigarette shops Fifth one down. You may be able to stop by and see before you purchase and get some real advice. PS don't mention to my Celtic brethren we have communicated....it's not you...it's a Laker thing.


I'm considered a Mad Scientist in some circles!
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Oct 21, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
You are actually addicted to all those chemicals in analogs, not just the nicotine.. and yes, you are detoxing. Drink more fluids also!!
I spent a month doing both before I stopped tobacco totally, some folks keep doing both. Get there how you think is best for you!

You may only like using prefilled cartridges, or end up being a DIYer with RBA's and DID's all over the place, on a provari or a end up a modder.. (yes, I did that on purpose....;) )
Personally, I like my Vamo and eGo-T Upgrade mods, with an eGo-C battery thrown in now and then.. using 6ml tanks or a plain cartomizer now and then. I fool around with a DID and am waiting on a rebuildable tank system now. It's always play time around here... ;)


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Mar 5, 2013
Los Angeles
I ordered my EgoC from Tampa....you living in the big city and bright lights I am sure there are distributors closer to you. Here is a page from Joyetech....Joyetech brand offline electronic cigarette shops Fifth one down. You may be able to stop by and see before you purchase and get some real advice. PS don't mention to my Celtic brethren we have communicated....it's not you...it's a Laker thing.

Thanks for the link chimsweep. re: your PS.. lol ok.. your secret is safe with me :eek:)


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Feb 13, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Welcome. I have tried both Blu and GreenSmoke. They did help me to cut down, and Blu was there when I needed a store bought disposable for an emergency in a small town, but I don't think I could've gotten completely off cigarettes with either one. GreenSmoke is good for a cig-a-like, but also way expensive. You could get some of the top-of-the-line mods for what you pay for those starter kits.

I'm with anyone who recommends an eGo Twist style kit with both a cartomizer tank and a clearomizer tank (and spare cartos and wicks for them) for starters. You'll be a lot happier with those than any cigarette look-a-like.


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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
A local tobacco shop had a few different brands, I bought a Blu starter kit. I am a heavy smoker (2 packs a day) and would love to find a tobacco alternative, ecigs sound like a way better thing for your health. The thing is.. I tried the Blu classic tobacco flavor, and it tasted like coffee. Did they miss label the cartridge or is this what the tobacco actual flavor tastes like? Then switched to cherry. It was ok but made me cough. I notice that Blu uses acetic acid and not PG.. could that be why the cough? This shop also has Greensmoke. Are they better? Or do any of you have any other suggestions of brands for someone contemplating a switch from analogs to ecigs? Thanks for any of your help :)

Ah, a fellow newbie. :)

Same here, two pack a day habit. Saw a Blu disposable at the Walgreens (while buying a carton of cigs) and thought I'd give it a whirl. I was not just skeptical but pretty cynical. I'd seen the TV ads but thought, "yeah, uh huh, sure". But ten bucks? What the heck right?

Not knowing anything about these widgets, I get to the truck, open it up, check the meager directions, pulled the tab thing and the rubber cap, then inhaled. And tried coughing up a lung. Almost put it right back in the box (hey, I had a brand new carton of Real Cigs right?) but the taste was just interesting enough and it's about a fifteen minute trip from the Walgreens to the house so, meh, fiddle with the funny widget. Can't smoke in the truck anyway (it's not mine, it's borrowed, mine is in the shop).

First thing I kind of stumbled into on my own that I probably could have learned if I knew about this place before buying the funny Blu widget is you have to adjust your habits a bit. That deep inhale we all do (especially us heavy smokers) when we take a drag? Don't do that.

I suspect--and maybe the experienced folk can check me on this--that sheer force of habit made you (and me) do a deep inhale that didn't give the little heater element any time to work and we essentially were trying to inhale the juice. Maybe it's a bit like when you drink something and it "goes down the wrong pipe"?

Anyway, fiddling around with the thing on the way home, I fumbled into doing short puffs to "warm up" the heater then a drag into my mouth and then an inhale. You get the heater going, it vaporizes the fluid better, and you get a rather pleasant taste going. In fact, I started to really like the taste once I was getting it to warm up and vaporize and all that.

I'd suggest experimenting with the way you're using the e-cig before judging the taste and experience too much. Since I fumbled into a way that kind of worked and then started lurking around here and reading what experienced folk were saying, I'm starting to really like this stuff.

And here's the really interesting part and the reason I bought a "starter kit"...

Once I'd kind of stumbled into a mostly working way of using the disposable, I went about business as usual, got to the computer to deal with a website I'm working on, pay bills, answer emails, yada yada.

About 8:30 that evening, I call it a "day" (I contract and my "day" is never normal :) ), plop down on the couch in the living room, grab the open pack and ashtray out of sheer force of habit, light up.

Then had this weird moment of, "How long has it been?"

Go get the Walgreen's receipt and I had bought the Blu disposable at 11:30 (and change) that morning. Two pack a day habit right? But I flat just forgot to light up a regular cig for nine hours. I wasn't even trying to not light up a regular cig. I wasn't trying to do anything. I had this thought in the back of my head that I was just playing with a neat toy and I'd be back to Real Smoking any moment.

Can't say I haven't lit up a regular cig at all since but the pack I opened Sunday evening is still in the kitchen. About a half pack left. And the carton is still unopened. That I was not expecting. I mean, I have tried everything out there to quit smoking. I'd given up. Figured I was just way too hooked.

So flat forgetting for nine freaking hours to bother going to the kitchen to fetch the open pack and the ashtray? Okay, that impressed me.

Again, seems Blu doesn't have a lot of defenders here but since you got it already, I'd say fiddle around and experiment a bit and if it's one of the starters that has different flavors, try a couple out. You already spent the money, kick it around a while. Just watch that old inhale habit. I still forget (haven't been doing this but a couple of days) and that is a sure fire way to cause a coughing fit.


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Feb 19, 2013
Los Angeles
I'm in LA also, and started out like you looking around on the web, but eventually found a vape store and bought my first setup for myself and my wife there. I knew that I could get it cheaper on the web, but going to a shop where they could help you and show you how to use everything was worth it. Most of the shops will let you sample the juices they have in stock, you don't even have to have a device, they lend you a bettery and clean tip. There are a lot of shops in the LA area, find yourself one that's close and check it out. BTW we started with ego twists, the wife got a 650 and I got a 1100, soon found out you need a backup so she has both of those and I bought a ego-v v2 mega that can be plugged into a usb for me. Good luck.


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Mar 5, 2013
Los Angeles
Thanks for all your info, stories and support everyone. This forum is amazing not only for info but you all are great :)

I dont live close to a vape store but will be making the trek this week. In the meantime.. today, after waking up and having about 2 cigs with my coffee (as usual) i got dressed for work and decided to bring my Blu cigs to work as well as my analogs.. and ended up vaping all day instead. I was actually pretty amazed that I looked at the clock and realized it was lunch and i had not even smoked a real cig yet.. let alone the pack i had from the night before was only down 4 cigs. However.. I did kind of feel a little edgy.. like maybe not getting enough nicotine. ended up going through the whole morning and day only smoking 4 analogues. That is quite the improvement from a pack, wow! :2cool: (usually smoke a pack/day- a pack to half a pack/night) will see how this eve goes but am feeling quite positive for first day of actually trying to vape instead of smoke. It wasnt that hard at all! I think if I get the right nic level/flavor right i will not even look at an analogue again. will take your advice on trying eGo when i make it to a vape store and can get a better idea on how everything looks/works/tastes before ordering online.

Oh.. one more thing, the guy at the smokeshop where i got my Blu starterkit says the greensmoke cartomizers fit on the Blu batteries.. and are safe to use with each other. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, does greensmoke have higher nic level in their cartomizers than Blu? I think the highest Blu goes is 16 mg.


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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
In the meantime.. today, after waking up and having about 2 cigs with my coffee (as usual) i got dressed for work and decided to bring my Blu cigs to work as well as my analogs.. and ended up vaping all day instead. I was actually pretty amazed that I looked at the clock and realized it was lunch and i had not even smoked a real cig yet.. let alone the pack i had from the night before was only down 4 cigs. However.. I did kind of feel a little edgy.. like maybe not getting enough nicotine. ended up going through the whole morning and day only smoking 4 analogues. That is quite the improvement from a pack, wow!

Same kind of thing going on for me. Didn't do any big "gonna quit" drama like throwing out the lighters and ashtrays and cigs and all. The open pack is still sitting where I usually leave it, the unopened carton is still in the cabinet where I always put them. In fact, that's the weird thing, it's still unopened. I had one unopened pack and a few in the one I was working on when I went to buy that carton on Sunday. It's Tuesday night so I would usually be, what, three packs into that carton by now?

Had three regular cigs today. Three. Not even trying. Just... happened. The regular ones are still here, I could go get one right now. I'm just not.

No way I would have believed anybody if they'd told me this would happen. No. Way. Huh uh. Ain't gonna happen.

But then the last "real" cig I had, I kind of wasn't all that impressed. I think I'm starting to like the vaping better. Especially playing around with the flavors and finding a couple I really like. The "real" cig didn't seem to taste as good. Just kind of... okay.

I tell ya, this was unexpected...


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Mar 4, 2013
Austin, TX
However.. I did kind of feel a little edgy.. like maybe not getting enough nicotine.

That reminds me, I found the article about the different "inhale" thing:


Thought I'd seen that around here. Anyway, what I got out of it is to slow everything down. Must be helping to get the nicotine or I'd be having epic nicotine fits. :)

Oh.. one more thing, the guy at the smokeshop where i got my Blu starterkit says the greensmoke cartomizers fit on the Blu batteries.. and are safe to use with each other. Does anyone know if this is true?

Some of the experienced folk around here say the Blu is a "510". I Googled "510 battery" and it's a kind of standard. But one of several. Still, that would mean there's more available than just the Blu brand cartridges. But being brand new at this, I'm going to a vapor shop a couple of folks told me about (didn't even know we had one) so I can ask dumb questions. :)

Lots of people mentioned reusing and refilling the cartridges. I think I'm kind of running into a similar problem that I'm not getting as much nicotine as I'm used to and I'm running the batteries down like crazy. And the cartridges say "high nicotine" so they're Blu's highest. Whatever they consider "high" to be. I want to check out using a liquid that's got more nicotine.

Also something called a "pass through". Which seems to be like an adapter that replaces the battery. That would be great for sitting at the computer (which I do a lot... home office and all). Save the batteries for when I'm out and about...


I'm considered a Mad Scientist in some circles!
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Oct 21, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
I have heard that you can use the GS on the Blu.. can't confirm it personally.

It does sound like you are a bit low on nicotine with the edginess. Try holding the vapor in your mouth a bit longer and exhaling through the nose more often, in order to get more of the nicotine.

Crimzen Eyez

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Mar 4, 2013
New York
I have never tried Blu cigs but have tried a similar kit (wont name company) and it didn't work for me,i also found them to be more expensive than other kits that are better in quality.I also think that the cartridges that some of these companies sell are rather pricey.I would recommend that you pick up an ego kit from a reputable dealer,the batteries are bigger but last alot longer they put out a good amount of vapor and depending on what you use whether it is atomizers or cartomizers or even clearomizers...whoa thats alot :p You can just buy liquid and drip or refill and i believe in the long run that will end up saving you money in comparison to buying packs of cartridges.


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Feb 13, 2013
Yonkers, NY
BLU like many ppl, was my introduction to Ecigs I'm grateful for that. Dont misunderstand though, it was ... by all means HOWEVER it had potential which opened the research flood gates and I eventually ended up here the best and most helpful/informative forum i have ever been apart of.

I say go straight to Ego but for a cig-a-like starter I recommend Halo G6 I started with them and still have my kit. Naturally I've since upgraded but still use my halo's at home. Plus their liquid (especially tobacco flavors) is the best Ive tried. In fact its a mix of 2 of their flavors that made me quit smokes same day.

But all in all theres much to learn and read ..and watch ..and ask and it doesnt end! lol


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Feb 26, 2013
San Diego, CA
I have found that some of the best tobacco flavors taste like the GOOD part of real tobacco. They forego the burnt, ashy, smoky flavor. Also Vegetable Glycerin (VG) and Propylene Glycol (PG) e-liquid bases are both naturally sweet. I also tried the Blu before getting my first Vision Spinner (eGo style) battery and atomizer tank and quality juice. It was a whole different vaping experience. I do know some people who still use their Blu betteries, but using a 510 drip atomizer. Looks good and at least they kept some of their substantial Blu investment. You can also use several cartomizers on the Blu batteries, like the Boge I believe with ok results. Just know that the Blu batteries dont last NEARLY as long as a good eGo style battery.
Welcome to vaping! You'll really enjoy it when you find the gear and juice that works for you!


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Jan 23, 2013
As much as I hate the Blue ecig (it was the first thing I tried when trying to quit analogs, and it was horrible IMO) it did lead me to start researching other ecigs and that in turn lead me to this forum. From there I started learning about all of the options out there and picked up my first decent ecig (an Inferno) and then moved on to a lavatube, then Provari and am now obsessed with the world of mechanical mods and loving vaping (it is taking over my life and wallet lol).

I have met a lot of people who, when I bring up vaping, have only had experiences with the Blue ecig or similar disposables and because of that have a negative attitude toward vaping. Once they realize there are far better options out there and try those options, most of them realize how great vaping can be.
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