long term vaper, new member here - starting to get pains, advice?

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New Member
Jan 12, 2015
london, uk
Hi everyone, long-term vaper here (5+ years) but new to the forum

i started getting headaches a year or so ago. i used to smoke vapestick, but moved over to 10 motives for convenience as they sell them in tesco, etc.

i am now getting joint pain as well as headaches :glare:

if it is PG or whatever else they put in the motives, can anyone suggest another brand that is easy to get hold of that might be VG-based,? i only smoke menthol as well, and only the smaller sticks.

its weird, i cant remember getting headaches from vapestick - maybe i should try them again, but ive checked and they are PG based. i dont know if its a built-up reaction or what - im not a heavy smoker - 1 cartomizer lasts me a few days easy, less if drinking or partying, so i dont think im over-vaping?

nice one for any advice, especially people who have cured their vape headaches/joint aces, like i said, i dont think im over-vaping, but im sure the headaches are a new thing (why am i only researching this stuff 5 years later, for example. im a big forum/internet person & would have done so earlier?

i reckon i could give up fully now, but whenever im out with friends at a pub or party i cave in if they are all smoking and im vapeless, so i need some backup around, and not one that gives me a headache after a few puffs :unsure:


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Mar 5, 2013
Huntsville, Alabama (Rocket City), USA

I was having aches and pains, too. Went to the doctor and told him I thought I had fibromyalgia and he changed my cholesterol meds. The aches and pain went away. Simple as that.

Not saying that is your problem but sometimes it's not what you think.
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