maybe ruined my joye 510 atty. now its de-bridged, what to do?

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Vin BioEthanol

Full Member
Aug 12, 2012
Tulsa, OK
I drip when I'm at home or at my desk or otherwise sitting still and I guess this will teach me a lesson about having backup equip.

I thought I saw some trash in my atty last night, I use a rubber tip that comes off easy in pocket or equip. bag so it would be possible for stuff to get in there. I grabbed at it with some tweezers and oops, thats a wick that I just pulled out. I seriously did not know attys had wicks like my vv2 does. I tried hitting it, it doesn't hit anymore.

So I figured it's ruined anyway, I might as well try debridging, I had just seen a youtube video about it a couple days ago. I was successful in getting it debridged but I don't get what I'm supposed to do or why people like this. It does vape now but nowhere near the volume it used to. And I can only put like one drop in cause it's like it has a dang drain on the bottom of it now. What am I doing wrong?
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