My quitting story

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Senior Member
May 25, 2010
I started smoking early, I'm only 18. For about a year I was at a pack a day of Marlboro reds, oh how I loved those. Most days the first thing I would do was start with a cigarette, even before I brushed my teeth or showered. Writing papers were the worst. I would need to take a smoke break every 10 min or so. Sometimes I would buy a pack of those buglers, the cigarettes you have to roll yourself and that come with 50 papers. I would finish a pack of those in a day.
Since I go to a school with a large campus, I would have about a 5 min walk to all of my classes. That's enough time to smoke another cigarette. Throughout the day I would just keep smoking.

One day I just said, "What am I doing to myself?" "Why am I killing myself? Why am I wasting all this money?" That's when I realized I truly realized that I had an addiction. I said enough of this. I quit cold turkey.

Quitting cold turkey is probably the best way to quit. I know many people that quite cold turkey and have never smoked another cigarette. I do know many people that say that they will slowly quit but end up at the same place they were or even worse. I'm not saying it was easy. Those walks to class, I felt empty. I felt as though I was missing something. I saw others smoking and that made it worse.

Anyways, I went on for too long. I can proudly say that I have not enjoyed smoking a cigarette in 6 months. During those 6 months I tried to smoke twice, both times a friend offered. Both times I gagged and coughed. I threw both cigarettes on the ground after one puff because I found no pleasure in them.

My quitting story.
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