RDA My rda gets extremely hot!

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Mike Weatherford Jr

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Dec 30, 2015
(Classified), California
Oh, welcome then!
YouTube would definitely be your best resource for coil builds. If you've got some spare change lying around you could invest in a jig, they wrap nice, tight, uniform coils every time. Before you get into that, do some reading, I saw a few good places to start on page 1 of this sub - Ohm's Law for example. Best advice I can offer though, get a regulated box mod, drop a couple coils from your current build, and keep working on your wraps - practice makes perfect. You'll find the biggest baddest build on the block does not always produce the best cloud, I've got a sleeper coil in my RDA right now that beats out more than a few Clapton builds I've seen. Idk your financial situation, but if you're strapped for cash the iStick series by eLeaf is a great starting point, affordable (mainly $20-$40 depending on where you go and which one you get), and pretty good for the price. Above all else, be safe. I think I speak for every vaper on this forum when I say the last thing we want to see is someone get hurt vaping.
Since today

Invaper Zim

Bad milk

Full Member
Feb 3, 2016
Oh, welcome then!
YouTube would definitely be your best resource for coil builds. If you've got some spare change lying around you could invest in a jig, they wrap nice, tight, uniform coils every time. Before you get into that, do some reading, I saw a few good places to start on page 1 of this sub - Ohm's Law for example. Best advice I can offer though, get a regulated box mod, drop a couple coils from your current build, and keep working on your wraps - practice makes perfect. You'll find the biggest baddest build on the block does not always produce the best cloud, I've got a sleeper coil in my RDA right now that beats out more than a few Clapton builds I've seen. Idk your financial situation, but if you're strapped for cash the iStick series by eLeaf is a great starting point, affordable (mainly $20-$40 depending on where you go and which one you get), and pretty good for the price. Above all else, be safe. I think I speak for every vaper on this forum when I say the last thing we want to see is someone get hurt vaping.

Invaper Zim
Thanks and I will, I really got into vaping I quit ciggaretes 3 days ago and this is all I been up to, I've recently changed my set to something safer and that works fine


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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
I'm open to tips and guidance but when people just simply point out how "noob" I am doesn't really help as they are not correcting me

The replies are constructive and no-one called you a noob.
There are so many things wrong with what you are doing, and so much potential for you to hurt your self or other around you that it's hard to know where to start. As suggested, go back basics, learn about ohms law, battery safety, the difference between different mods and battery configurations, coil types and use, heat flux, calculating amp loads. ALL this information can be learned by searching ECF and asking a lot of questions on the relevant topics. Posting a dangerous setup and expecting a simple fix isn't the way forward.

If Lewis Hamilton had gotten into an F1 car that he made himself, before he learned to drive, he would not be around today.
Like Mike said, get a jig and watch YouTube. I would suggest a coilmaster or kuro coiler. Probably won't be able to wrap claptons in there, but those are really unnecessary for someone trying to learn. Go to a vape shop and talk to them for advice. If they don't want to help, go to another one. Most shops will show you how to build. Also, make sure you get an ohm meter so that you can be sure your build is safe.


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May 9, 2015
Need to learn how to walk before you can run. Honestly the most important thing is not smoking anymore in my opinion so good on you. Kind off feel that get a sub ohm tank or something a little more simple with pre built coils just to having something to vape on while learning how to build and wick rda's better, also being safer to use as well is a better route to be taking for yourself. Jumping straight into rda's is not always going to be the best choice with out the experience which is needed to do it right and safe.


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Apr 5, 2013
Apalachicola, FL, United States
If Lewis Hamilton had gotten into an F1 car that he made himself, before he learned to drive, he would not be around today.

If Lewis Hamilton had gotten into an F1 car that he made himself, before he learned to drive, he would still finish higher than Nico Rosberg.

Fixed it for you!



Do you even squonk, bro?
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 19, 2014
I'd suggest reviewing this information about that Cherry Bomber:

Cherry Bomber box mod - may have auto-on issue

You are diving into the deep end here when you should be wading in slowly with arm floaties. Heed the advice given, many of us have been doing this for a long time.


Do you even squonk, bro?
ECF Veteran
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Jul 19, 2014
If Lewis Hamilton had gotten into an F1 car that he made himself, before he learned to drive, he would still finish higher than Nico Rosberg.

Fixed it for you!

This made me laugh out loud. Thanks. And, eff Nico Rosberg.


Ultra Member
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Apr 1, 2015
Raleigh, NC
So I take off 2 coils?
I really wanted to make clouds
Ask and learn as much as you can. Really good advice here, you tube, Google, local vape shops. Definitely start on easier builds and get used to wrapping wires. Like people have mentioned, not following simple safety measures will put you in danger.
Once you gain experience, go back to that quad build tell us how much better the vape is.
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Nikea Tiber

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Jul 21, 2015
I'd suggest reviewing this information about that Cherry Bomber:

Cherry Bomber box mod - may have auto-on issue

You are diving into the deep end here when you should be wading in slowly with arm floaties. Heed the advice given, many of us have been doing this for a long time.

His CB is black anodized aluminum. This is unlikely to happen as the outer layer is passivised. This crucifixion of the Cherry Bomber has got to stop.

That aside, yeah, the OP needs to spend some time learning his equipment.

The ECF forum search function will yield lots of good information. Use it, the uneducated outcomes are ugly.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2015
I am new to building and have two regulated mods. I don't like the idea of blowing something up in my hand so I took the advice from many on this forum and my local vape shop. I bought a Sigelei 75 to start with and just recently upped my game and bought a Reuleaux 200.

I think all of us who are just starting out really need to pay heed to the advice here. I may get a unregulated monster one day; but for now the Reuleaux is a serious enough mod for me to learn with. I have probably only built 10 good coils, good being a key word, in the past two months so I still consider myself very much a beginner.

The only reason I half way know what I am doing is because of this forum and you-tube videos. Very sound advice you are getting here in my opinion. I love experimenting with new coil builds, so I bought a coil master 521 tab ohm reader and a coil jig kit. Roughly fifty dollars invested but its a very safe and efficient way to make coils.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2014
Ok, first thing first. The Cherry Bomber is for advanced users. You must learn Ohm's Law, battery safety, and its own idiosyncrasies. Put it away for now.

Replace it with a Reuleaux rx 200. With quality 20A batteries it will work up to about 180W safely. Those would be Samsung 25r or LG HG2 batteries, for example. If you want to do the entire 200W, which I don't suggest, get Sony vtc4 batteries. VapeNW sells this mod for $39.99 plus $5 shipping. They also sell batteries and cases. Buy plastic cases for storing your unused batteries.. never, ever put them in your pocket without them being in a case.

No one has showed you what decent coils look like. You should wrap them neatly on drill bits or similar sized rods of some kind. They should be the same size and light up together. Lots of videos out there on making coils, and Claptons specifically. Trust me, two is plenty. A dual 7 wrap 26/32 Clapton build on a regulated mod will do over 100W if wicked correctly. They must not touch the bottom or the sides or top of your top cap or chimney or it will short. You must check your resistance with an ohmmeter before you put on the top cap and after. If it changes, your coils (or cut leads) are touching something they shouldn't.

Some photos to give you an idea. I don't make the prettiest coils on the forum, but I've been doing this a long time and haven't had an accident :). These may all be RTAs, but same concept but they have to fit inside a chimney instead of a top cap.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2015
I just went and bought a Dr Plooms Series Unregulated Mod. Serial #2, #1 had already sold. I went to the local shop to get another Temple RDA and they were sold out; so I could not resist this. I love the look of the wood mod and my brass Temple on top of it. I will be reading through this post and many others as I learn building for it.

My current Temple single coil build on it at .55 ohms is a hot hit, but the box mod temperature is fine. I will put together a dual coil build for it tonight or tomorrow. I was given the low down of not going lower than .30 ohms on this series unregulated mod at the vape shop and I do not see that as a issue for me. I will be looking to build something in the .65 to .80 range.


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Oct 27, 2014
Trenton nj
Ok just a thought, ill get you a spec on my wire later, but i got premade clapton wire (i dont have the patience to make it) its i believe nichrome wrapped with clapton, made dual 3mm coils 6 wraps, blows rediculous clouds, ohms out at .39, run it anywhere between 60-150 watts on a wismec dna 200. Up until about 100 it is cool, havnt tried it above 150. And no offense to the cloud comp guys, but theres a reason regulated mods arent allowed in most comps... my mod will run up to 11 volts, so essentially you can create higher resistance builds in... higher resistance=ability to get more surface area=more clouds. A well built coil on a powerful regulated mod will blow away a mech mod... and let the arguments begin...
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2015
Ok just a thought, ill get you a spec on my wire later, but i got premade clapton wire (i dont have the patience to make it) its i believe nichrome wrapped with clapton, made dual 3mm coils 6 wraps, blows rediculous clouds, ohms out at .39, run it anywhere between 60-150 watts on a wismec dna 200. Up until about 100 it is cool, havnt tried it above 150. And no offense to the cloud comp guys, but theres a reason regulated mods arent allowed in most comps... my mod will run up to 11 volts, so essentially you can create higher resistance builds in... higher resistance=ability to get more surface area=more clouds. A well built coil on a powerful regulated mod will blow away a mech mod... and let the arguments begin...
No argument from me, I am clueless about the science of regulated vs unregulated and which is best. The rule may be to keep the playing field more even. Keep it more about the coils and wicking than the mod. In other words, best coil and wick builder with big lungs wins; instead of most money for a mod wins.
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I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
I'd suggest reviewing this information about that Cherry Bomber:

Cherry Bomber box mod - may have auto-on issue

You are diving into the deep end here when you should be wading in slowly with arm floaties. Heed the advice given, many of us have been doing this for a long time.

Bringing this forward for those who may not have clicked on the link.

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