Need Advice for Capella Purchase Please

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Oct 7, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
Hi Sanford,
I ordered New York Cheesecake, Orange Creamsicle, Peanut Butter, Pralines & Cream, Klua & Cream, Irish Cream, Toasted Almond, Banana, Vanilla Custard, Caramel, Bubble Gum, Hot Cinnamon Candy, Blueberry, Coconut, Raspberry, Egg Nog, Apple Pie, GingerBread, Double Chocolate, Chocolate Raspberry, Dutch Chocolate Mint and Waffle.

That is a large order! :)

I have all but one of those flavors from Capella's (Klua and Cream)

They are all good except Orange Creamsicle. It is great in vanilla ice cream but tastes to perfumy in my e-liquids. I need to try it with one of the masking agents and see if that helps.


Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
I somehow didn't complete my order. After waiting for confirmation a couple of days, I emailed a query. He said it was still sitting in my cart, LOL. So I got confirmation today that it was processing. I'm really looking forward to the order. I'm not quite sure what a masking agent is, is that something like vape Wizard?


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Feb 28, 2010
Northern San Diego county
I somehow didn't complete my order. After waiting for confirmation a couple of days, I emailed a query. He said it was still sitting in my cart, LOL. So I got confirmation today that it was processing. I'm really looking forward to the order. I'm not quite sure what a masking agent is, is that something like vape Wizard?

Yes, but it could be a sweetener or something else(?).

I have the Orange Creamsicle and I had some nice smelling/tasting juice that vaped a bit off. Not awful though. I do like it as a food/beverage flavor.


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Oct 7, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
I somehow didn't complete my order. After waiting for confirmation a couple of days, I emailed a query. He said it was still sitting in my cart, LOL. So I got confirmation today that it was processing. I'm really looking forward to the order. I'm not quite sure what a masking agent is, is that something like Vape Wizard?

I was considering Vape Wizard or Magic Mask to see if it helped the flavor.

I will probably experiment with adding EM or even liquid splenda to see if that does anything other then add sweetness.


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2009
SF East Bay
Like you, Ast_Isis, I add Capella's Vanilla Custard to almost everything. :p At small amounts it gives a density without a lot of the flavor and it would be good in the Orange Creamsicle.

I've also noticed a little coconut with the VC adds even more density especially with the creamy mixes. Try a drop of cinnamon in your next chocolate mix!!

I made some great Apple Pie (Capella 20%) with a few drops of Cinnamon Danish Swirl and a little Vanilla Custard.

Sorry I can't give exact recipes but most of my mixing is in search of the perfect combinations. I enjoy the process and experimenting especially now that I'm learning about the chemical components that make up the flavors. It took me awhile to understand the difference between cooking and making e-liquid! :facepalm:


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2009
SF East Bay
Ohh! Going to have to try that one, sounds yummy and I already have all those flavors.

Boston Cream Pie, I'm thinking of getting that one next.
Anyone tried it yet?

My favorite!! I add a few drops each of Double Chocolate and Vanilla Custard and it brings out the flavor even more. :p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
I picked my order up yesterday from Capella's, and found that the address they supply on their website is their administrative office, not their manufacturing and distribution center, so there wasn't much to see as far as 1000s of bottles on shelves -- or dozens of people using state-of-the-art measuring devices -- or everyone wearing sanitation drag and masks.

Tom looks to be in his 30s. He is friendly, courteous, welcoming, helpful and attentive to customer needs. He told me that they are considering displaying a "Will-Call" option on the website for ppl to be able to drive by to pick up (sweet).

One thing that impressed me with Capellas is that they did not call me up after I placed my order & said come and get it. No, I had to wait my turn. IOW, he did not put maybe YOUR order on hold so he could fill mine as a walk-in. Wouldn't that irk you if your order was held up cuz ppl kept walking in the door & they got attended to first?

In addition to the food and beverage industry, Capella's has a HUGE Medifast following. Medifast is a diet for ppl so obese that anything going into their body for nourishment has to be in liquid form for at least 30 days. Medifast clients use the flavoring for the benefits of no carbs, sugars, fats and all the other baddies for dieters.

Which brings to mind the other thing that impressed me about Tom's attentiveness to his customers' needs. See, as vapers, we're barely even yet a drop in the bucket to the revenue of his business, but yet, he mentioned to me that he would like to be able to offer his customers the DIY bottles cheaper than we can get them elsewhere -- and he's not even a vaper! He buys them in lots of 100,000:blink: at a time.

So I was really quite impressed with Tom and his work ethics.

As for his flavors, I have not had time yet to open even one bottle to blend a simple one-bottle mixture, but I'm looking forward to it as soon as I finish steam-cleaning my carpet, LOL.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
I don't know if the Apple Pie is good or not.:cry: I'm using my little crying dude cuz I can't taste anything right now. It feels like my taste buds just took a hike and left me behind.

I just spent an hour doing search after search for -- "loss of taste." And, OMG, there are so many ppl who have or are going through the same thing. All my new luscious flavors, and I can't taste anything!:(

I keep running this pineapple under my nose, as it just makes my skin prickle it smells so good, and the Toasted Almond, oh yumm! I even put 10 drops of pineapple in a big glass of water -- and nothing.

So I'm sorry I can't give an opinion on how I like my new Capella flavors (and a few new LorAnns), but I just can't taste them yet. I hope this is just a temporary curse.


Vaping Master
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Dec 31, 2009
SF East Bay
Can you add these flavorings to pre-made juices to punch up their flavors?

Absolutely and you may notice that more e-vendors are offering flavorings on their sites. One e-liquid vendor even made the statement that he added them for sale so customers could add more flavoring. :unsure:


Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
Absolutely and you may notice that more e-vendors are offering flavorings on their sites. One e-liquid vendor even made the statement that he added them for sale so customers could add more flavoring. :unsure:

Thank you for the reply Good...I thought you could but wanted to ask first :)


Vaping Master
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Nov 21, 2009
Brunswick, MD
Now I have a new verb... lol

Old thread, I know. Lorann's Key Lime was good. Not too sweet and is refreshing/cleansing for your palette. Does Capella's have something similar? I'll have to try them.

:D Or it could be the yums!

Capella's has lemon lime, I haven't tried it yet, though. Perfumer's Apprentice has key lime. I have that but haven't mixed it yet. I was thinking about trying to do a key lime white chocolate chip cookie. Don't know how successful that'll turn out, though.


Ultra Member
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Jun 16, 2009
Pensacola, Fl.
I wish they would come out with 1 or 2 oz sizes.
That would be absolutely perfect.
The 4oz I'm not sure how long it would take me to use all that especially as I have alot of flavors I like and that size I think would be just a bit much for me.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was 2 yr shelf-life on them but can't find the thread now.
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