New here from Hawaii

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Oct 17, 2012
Just wanted to stop by and say hello to the community.

My vape experience so far has been quite interesting. Started out with an n'joy someone gave me to test out, I just couldn't get into it. At the time it was a bad taste (go figure a "bad" taste!) and it was hard for me to draw from it... So back to analogs I went.

But it's now the experience has put that bug in me to find something better. After some searching I found an ego clone and thought I'd give that a try. Well it did perform a lot better... But... It was just an atty and some poly fill which dried out quickly so I ended up with the dry burnt taste in my mouth. (Never thought of dripping at the time being a noob!) So back to analogs again.

Fast forward a couple years or so. I see my co-worker with an inferno ecig, but this time it looks different... It has a tank on it to hold juice! So of course I had a bunch of questions which lead me to the volcano kiosk at one of the malls on the way home.

Since then I've been doing a lot of research on ecigs which had lead me to this forum. For which I am very greatful for.

It's now been 1 month since I've bought my inferno with a tank and 3 weeks analog free. And I'm just loving it and loving life cigarette free!
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