NEW - Joye eVic starter Kits

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Aug 20, 2012
Lol you should be used to that by now with a Mac. Im a gamer and I hear this on a constant basis but theres a simple solution.Build a windows pc or install bootcamp.

I understand all about the graphics capabilities of a Mac and why its better for certain applications but you knew about the minuses when you bought them.

I don't mean to be a smart***, but this isn't 1998 anymore. Lol. Most developers these days write applications for both Windows and Mac (and even Linux), especially given Apples huge increase in popularity over the last 5 years. Gaming is just about the only deficiency the Mac still has, but with Steam and the App Store its not nearly as severe as it used to be in the 90s.

I just find it ironic that joyetech CLEARLY took some "inspiration" from Apple (the eVic box is designed EXACTLY like an iPhone box), and yet they couldn't even write their software for Apples platform.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2013
I don't mean to be a smart***, but this isn't 1998 anymore. Lol. Most developers these days write applications for both Windows and Mac (and even Linux), especially given Apples huge increase in popularity over the last 5 years. Gaming is just about the only deficiency the Mac still has, but with Steam and the App Store its not nearly as severe as it used to be in the 90s.

I just find it ironic that joyetech CLEARLY took some "inspiration" from Apple (the eVic box is designed EXACTLY like an iPhone box), and yet they couldn't even write their software for Apples platform.

I am a Linux user but there is a Apple version. Download Virtualbox and install windows on it. It's a free Open source program. This will allow you to use any software needed regardless of OS. It supports everything but gaming, but that is why i have a Xbox, and PS3. As a Linux user software being supported is the least of my worrries. Linux just works!
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Jan 6, 2013
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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
With every OS, there is a requirement for memory space. Adding more code means increasing the size of the given chip. Increasing the size of chips costs $$$. As already mentioned, download Bootcamp.

I don't mean to be a smart***, but this isn't 1998 anymore. Lol. Most developers these days write applications for both Windows and Mac (and even Linux), especially given Apples huge increase in popularity over the last 5 years. Gaming is just about the only deficiency the Mac still has, but with Steam and the App Store its not nearly as severe as it used to be in the 90s.

I just find it ironic that joyetech CLEARLY took some "inspiration" from Apple (the eVic box is designed EXACTLY like an iPhone box), and yet they couldn't even write their software for Apples platform.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2012
Costa Mesa, CA
I am a guinea pig, it isn't too often that I buy into the new thing. However I just brought my eVic home and am charging it after the first of what I hope will be many improvements in the firmware. First update from v1 to v1.1 went really smooth. It is slick, I like the overall layout of the device and the fact that it comes apart fairly easily for cleaning/maintenance. I could have purchased any number of other mod batteries.

My decision was greatly influenced by the fact that I have had no trouble with any of the other Joyetech products that I have purchased. If a U.S. vendor was manufacturing with this kind of consistency and features I may have purchased from them instead. However, I am essentially a capitalist and libertarian so I have no ethical, moral or national sense about this. The best product for whatever reason will likely be the one I purchase.

I'll update as I get more familiar with the eVic.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2012
Costa Mesa, CA
I can now describe my experience with the eVIC as love.

It is an awesome device, yes it has it's limitations.
Peak voltage of 5V output, apparently some people have been having issues with the Wattage settings not being right on target.
Others have had trouble with updating the software/firmware in the device.

I have experienced none of these negative effects and find the overall experience to be fantastic. I charge it on Sundays!

Don't get me wrong it's size inhibits me from taking it to work, I still use my ego pass through batteries there. However, everywhere else it's the eVIC with a tank on it. Lots of people asking me where I got my sonic screwdriver at public venues is kinda neat too.


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Jan 28, 2013
McAllen TX
I don't mean to be a smart***, but this isn't 1998 anymore. Lol. Most developers these days write applications for both Windows and Mac (and even Linux), especially given Apples huge increase in popularity over the last 5 years. Gaming is just about the only deficiency the Mac still has, but with Steam and the App Store its not nearly as severe as it used to be in the 90s.

I just find it ironic that Joyetech CLEARLY took some "inspiration" from Apple (the eVic box is designed EXACTLY like an iPhone box), and yet they couldn't even write their software for Apples platform.

Agreed, atleast give us an api... i would write an mac application for it...
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