new to vaping and the board

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New Member
Mar 17, 2012
Hi all, I just received an e-cig for my birthday from hubby but the instructions are a bit lacking! and I have no idea how to use this thing. I smoke 4mg strength cigs and the nicotine juice he bought me is 18mg so is that too strong for me? can I dilute it somehow?

I also feel a bit weird about using the e-cig because I don't know if I should just take a normal drag, or a short drag or what the hell to do, I have to hold down a button when I drag on it if that helps. Also how do you know when you've smoked a ciggy's worth of nicotine? It's all so confusing to me right now but I'd like to start using the e-cig and start cutting back on the cigarettes.

I'm worried I'm going to get too big a hit accidentally and end up with a head spin or feeling sick :blush:


Am I Chip or am I Dale?
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Jan 12, 2011
North Carolina, USA
Welcome to the vaping world. I suggest you read as much as you can in the "Stickies" located at the top of this forum - but don't read so much that you get confused or frustrated. For a temporary fix, I may be able to help with a few of your questions:

Nic absorption is much lower, both in cigs and vaping, than what is indicated. My experience is that some people that smoked high nic, may prefer low nic liquid and vice versa or not at all - there doesn't appear to be any correlation probably because of "hit," flavorings, etc. But, yes, they can be diluted down if you find you need - though doing so may also dilute the flavor. Common dilutants are distilled water or pure grain alcohol (PGA) or the highest proof vodka you can buy in you area.

I, too, was a low tar/nic smoker but as all of us had to do we may have needed to "bum" a cig of much higher levels. I either tore a hole in it, or simply took a short slow inhale into my mouth then a shallow breath inward mixed with a lot of air - that is mainly the best way to use e-cigs anyway- slow drag to mouth then inhale with air through mouth and nose.

Just like bumming a high nic cig - you first signal will typically be dizziness. Either do slower, more shallow inhales, or if you find you need to dilute you can. I think you will be fine and this a great place for questions, answers and support.
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Hi all, I just received an e-cig for my birthday from hubby but the instructions are a bit lacking! and I have no idea how to use this thing. I smoke 4mg strength cigs and the nicotine juice he bought me is 18mg so is that too strong for me? can I dilute it somehow?

Welcome! IMO, "milligrams" is not a very useful measure of nicotine strength. Juice labeled "18mg" is actually 18 milligrams per milliliter, which is only about 1.8%, which is not much more than the average cigarette that contains 1.63% nicotine...but with cigarettes, most of the nicotine is destroyed by the burning process or lost to sidestream smoke and the user only absorbs about 1mg. Since e-cigarettes are not burned, however, 1g of e-liquid can replace 10 or more "analog" cigarettes.

I also feel a bit weird about using the e-cig because I don't know if I should just take a normal drag, or a short drag or what the hell to do, I have to hold down a button when I drag on it if that helps. Also how do you know when you've smoked a ciggy's worth of nicotine? It's all so confusing to me right now but I'd like to start using the e-cig and start cutting back on the cigarettes.

I'm worried I'm going to get too big a hit accidentally and end up with a head spin or feeling sick :blush:

The nicotine used in most e-cigs isn't really absorbed through deep lung tissue like cigarette smoke, it is mostly absorbed through the mouth and soft tissue in the upper respiratory system. This means you don't really get much nicotine by inhaling and the only "reason", really, to inhale is to create the throat hit sensation that many smokers crave. This means you will absorb the nicotine a little slower, so it is possible to make yourself dizzy when you first try vaping, but for the most part, once you've gotten the amount of nicotine you'll stop vaping.

As far as how to drag? That's entirely up to you, but here's some tips: Unless you are using "high voltage" or "low resistance", you'll probably need to take a long slow drag (5+ seconds) to produce the most vapor and flavor. Although you CAN directly inhale it into your lungs, most people find they prefer to draw it into their mouth first and then inhale (if you want). If you want lots of flavor, practice "French inhaling" (Draw the vapor into your mouth, then let it out slowly while you inhale through your nose) or "French exhale" (exhale through the nose)

Where in Washington are you? There are a couple of e-cig stores that might be able to help you in person like The Vaporium in Lakewood, Smokers Choice in Silverdale, or the Volcano Vapor Cafe in Olympia.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 12, 2011
Northern NY, United States
I wouldn't worry about the nic content so much.. I'm a pretty heavy vaper and I use 18mg-12mg all day. The only side effect I've noticed is sometimes I have a hard time getting to sleep.. I've tried lower nic levels but don't get the throat hit I need from them.. so I just try to slow down on the vaping an hour or so before bed. Like everyone else said.. the sticky's here are very informative.. stick to the newbie ones though, so your head doesn't start spinning with the wealth of info that's here.. once you figure it out,, you'll really like it!!


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Not sure how much you Smoked before but 18mg is a level that many people start with. Some will find that they need more Miligrams and some with find they need less. Everyone is different.

If you feel Light Headed or Slightly Dizzy, you should try a lower mg e-Liquid. If you are Climbing the walls for a Smoke, you should try More mg.

As to how to use an e-Cig, the key is to take Slow Longer Hits.

The other key is to Drink a lot of Water. e-Cigs tend to Dehydrate you. And Drinking a lot of Water is Good for Anyone.

Feels free to ask as many Questions as you might have. But also try the ECF search Feature in the Upper Corner of Every Page. There arn't too many Questions that haven't been Asked and Answered at Least Once.


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Feb 10, 2012
London, ON
Hi and welcome!

Tons of good advice from everyone here, but I'd like to add something that eluded me for a while when I first started vaping. You don't vape in the same way you smoke. When you smoke you have a cigarette and then you are done for an hour or two. When vaping, I find it best (to stop nic cravings), to have a drag or 2 from my e-cig whenever I feel like it. Sometime's it'll be chain vaping, sometimes every 5 min, sometimes I won't use it for an hour or so. Don't worry about trying to use it like a cigarette, it isn't one :)

My husband also bought me my first one, sounds a lot like the one you probably have - good luck, just vape and if you find you /need/ a cigarette, have one. Eventually you'll realise you are down to one a day and then suddenly it'll be 0 and you will be amazed by how easy it all was!


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Mar 12, 2012
Cancun MX
Welcome to the forum! :)

About if 18mg is too much for you, ¿how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?
your milage may vary, but from personal experience, and from others experiences ibe read here...
if you smoked arround 1 pack a day, 18mg should be just about right.
near to or more than 2 packs per day, then you most likely need 24mg (i know i did! hehe).

About how to use it? well, it is a bit diferent from normal cigarettes, with your PV (e-cig) you need to take long slow drags. Dont try to puf too hard & fast like you did with your cigs, or youll get very little vapor, and maybe even some liquid on your mouth.

You know your VP is low on liquid when vapor is very reduced.

Hope this helps, and glad to have you with us! :)


Vaping Master
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Feb 26, 2012
Fontana, CA
Hi and welcome!

Tons of good advice from everyone here, but I'd like to add something that eluded me for a while when I first started vaping. You don't vape in the same way you smoke. When you smoke you have a cigarette and then you are done for an hour or two. When vaping, I find it best (to stop nic cravings), to have a drag or 2 from my e-cig whenever I feel like it. Sometime's it'll be chain vaping, sometimes every 5 min, sometimes I won't use it for an hour or so. Don't worry about trying to use it like a cigarette, it isn't one :)

My husband also bought me my first one, sounds a lot like the one you probably have - good luck, just vape and if you find you /need/ a cigarette, have one. Eventually you'll realise you are down to one a day and then suddenly it'll be 0 and you will be amazed by how easy it all was!

Couldn't have said it better than this. Bet you are done with smoking faster than you imagined possible if you don't structure anything and just do what you want to.
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