New York moving forward with flavored ban on eliquid.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 20, 2018
    We should not allow another generation to get addicted to a product that lowers life expectancy and seriously damages their heart and lungs

    and they say this sh@t about vaping flav. liquids when regular cigs are completely fine.

    In some countries there is (was) a crime type called "a treason against the motherland".
    I think this pretty much qualifies for it. Esp. considering they are doing it to get more of the big pharma/tobacco money.

    Yeah and a penalty for this crime is a date with the firing squad.:evil:


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 12, 2014
    These state bans threats are surreal, publicity stunts. Below is a Michigan shop owner from a rural area describing his customers to a legislature committe looking into the governors emergency order. He makes some very good points about who are the vapers. He could just as easily be in NY. He's nervous, slow start. Be patient and hear him out.


    Georgia Boy

    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 28, 2019
    Atlanta Georgia
    You know Comrades de Blasio and Bloomberg are somewhere in there as well. They don't care about vaping they don't care what's killing people, they don't care about the truth. They have so much money they wouldn't know truth if it walked up and kicked em squarely in the Nuts!

    Couldn't give a Flying F*** about people, they want more and more big tobacco money. Three brainless, heartless A-Holes who 1 day will get their dues when when they have to answer to the Big Guy Upstairs or Downstairs in their case.

    They don't care about my kids, your kids, they couldn't care less if little Johnny is smoking Tobacco, Weed, .... whatever, they do care that their little darlings are not subjected to that "stuff".

    They are just Haters................................I am going to lie down now and recover!


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    It's always been about the money and Big Tobacco. Why do you think Juul sold part ownership to a tobacco company after grabbing the largest market share of e-cigarettes, dropped their flavors, and agree with the government to ban flavors. I got to hand it to Juul, their business decisions have guaranteed their existance after all of this comes to pass. I hate Juul.

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    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    If it had not been Juul, make no mistake it would have been something else.

    Believe me, I am not fan of Juul, but I honestly believe this day was coming from the first NJOY kit I got that had a "vape everywhere and this is how to explain how."

    I am shocked at how virulent it is becoming. I thought vapers would just be confined to the smoker corrals, not tortured.

    But, it has simply become too mainstream, and market share is dying.

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