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Full Member
May 17, 2012
Cambridge ON
im VERY new to vapeing, i learnt about ecigs a few years back but living in canada like the rest of the tech we get, we usualy get it last.

so a few weeks back i got myself a jasper and jasper e-cig from a local smoke shop, it lasted 2 days but i only had 4 smokes in those 2 days. i usualy smoke a small pack of kings a day so im my books thats awesome.. but it wasnt consistant and the battery couldnt hold a charge.

so ive been reading these forums for about 3 weeks, tryin to get as much info as i could get on e cigs and what one would be good for me and where would be a good place to buy one. i settled on the Happy ego-c. mainly because i liked the look of it and read rave reviews about their customer service (they wernt wrong about it either. they were out of one of my flavors and called my house to tell me that and to ask what i would like to sub it in for aswell as answering a bunch of my questions. Amazing CS)

picked up an extra strip of atomizers and 15 3ml flavors to try(alot i know)

so now im 3 days into vaping, lovin it, def see why you want lots of water. havent had burning or leaking yet lol (thank you search button) now theres only a few questions that i couldnt seem to find with search button

what is the shelf life of e liquids?
it says do not freeze but what about fridge?
is the ego case worth buying or is there a better one out there?
how long is the actualy battery life(i meen dead garbage time battery)on average from what you guys have seen?
cleaning tanks - just rinse with water?

sry for the wall and possibly some of the questions that have been answered multiple times, i just wasnt sure what to say on here so i thought i would start at the begining

thanks to any that read my wall of text again sorry lol


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2012
Out in the middle of Nowhere
The shelf life of eliquids is pretty long...longer than I'll ever be able to have any left! lol! I vape mine too quickly.
You can put it in the frig if you want, but it's not necessary.
I've found that there are several ways you can carry an eGo. I myself got a glass carrying case. There was enough room in it for my battery and about 4 cartomizers...and cheaper than the eGo brand carrying case.
The actual life of the battery is anywhere from about 6 months to a year, I think. But I've heard of some that don't last that long. If the battery gets HOT while charging..trash it! And DON'T charge it overnight or while you're away from home!
You haven't said what type of tank you have, so that's kind of difficult to answer....more info on that please.
Welcome to ECF!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2012
Out in the middle of Nowhere
I can't tell for sure, but it dosen't look like there's any 'filler' in those. If not, than you can just rinse them out with distilled water, dry and go. If they do have filler in them, than you can rinse them out with distilled water and let them dry for 2-3 days (being sure the filler is completely dry) and then use them again.

When I say rinse out with distilled water, I mean you heat the water and let the cartridge sit in the water for about 5 minutes, swishing them occassionally. Do this about 3 times, being sure you've gotten out all the gunk and juice from the cartridge.


Senior Member
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Feb 28, 2012
Coeur d'Alene, ID USA
Kay1959 is spot-on - Your tanks won't have any polyfill, so yes, you can just rinse 'em with water and towel 'em dry.

Battery life is a bit of a crapshoot - vendors will tell you 300 charges. In my experience, the newer eGos (like yours) often do get that kind of life, but sometimes they die within a month, for no obvious reason...

The little eGo case looks handy enough to me, but you might consider a lanyard. Apart from the abuse you may catch if you work with mouthy punks (like I do) a lanyard can save you from yourself, if you often misplace things (like I do).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
The eGo case is actually pretty nice. I've seen them for as little as $7 but I got mine as part of my Lavatube kit. It's a bit bulky for a pocket, but it's good quality and holds everything well.

The shelf life of juice is about 24 months. Plenty of time. You don't need to refrigerate it. Keep it reasonably cool and out of direct light.

I've rinsed tanks and stuff with hot tap water for a couple years now with no issues. I don't know if you need to use distilled water unless you have hard water where you live. It couldn't hurt, just seems like overkill to me. It does make some sense if your cleaning filled cartos though, where minerals could be trapped in the polyester or build up on coils.

In their literature, Joye claims their 650mah battery should last an average vaper 4-6 months. If you rotate two of them, that's about a year. A larger battery will last longer than that. Any lithium battery starts deteriorating on the day of manufacture and the generally acknowledged lifespan is 2 years before it has significant performance loss, whether it's used or not. That applies to individual lithium cells as well.
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Senior Member
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May 19, 2012
I have been vaping for about 6 months now. I was directed to this forum and have read so many new things. I would like to thank you all for posting all your knowledge. I do have some questions in regards to vaping, since I have officially not had a real Cigarette in 1 month; I am feeling the urge come back for a real Cigarette. I would like to upgrade to a nice mod. After going through all the forums, I keep spotting the Katana. This thing is awesome and would like to find one, any suggestions to where I can get one?
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Senior Member
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Verified Member
May 19, 2012
1 more post to get to canada forums:laugh:, wana get analogs outa my life for good, had a nic fit smoke today and i feel ashamed :oops: , wish canadians didnt have a law against nic juices

edit - does an admin have to give prividges to post in other threds or is it just when i reach 5 posts?

I believe its when you reach 5 posts.
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