Nic in the freezer

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Senior Member
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Sep 14, 2013
Miami, FL, USA
I put my 100mg nic juice in the 60ml amber glass bottles from WL so I don't have to mess with the big bottle every time I make juice. I filled them up as far as I could. My question is if I stick them in the freezer will they expand and crack like water would? I have them in the fridge now cause I wasn't sure.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
I put my 100mg nic juice in the 60ml amber glass bottles from WL so I don't have to mess with the big bottle every time I make juice. I filled them up as far as I could. My question is if I stick them in the freezer will they expand and crack like water would? I have them in the fridge now cause I wasn't sure.

The 100 mg liquid, air cap and glass will contract when cold and expand when warm. Problem I experienced w/ insufficient air cap in poly cone Boston bottle is liquid was forced out when brought to room temp even though cap was tight. Glass was stronger than poly cone cap seal; fortunately.

My 2009 freezer vintage nic/PG was still good when I checked a few months ago.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
thanks, im going to stock up before all the states have insane taxes or nic needs to be bought with a license. how exactly did you store yours?

I store in 30ml glass Boston poly cone cap bottles w/ air bubble bigger than pea but smaller than grape. I put bottles inside freezer bag and inside igloo cooler and inside freezer.

My concerns are freezer burn and failed freezer meat rot contamination. Wish I could vacuum seal igloo cooler. Wish I had a dedicated ice and nic freezer.

I'm considering storing half stash in closet to avoid putting all eggs in one basket.
does anyone know how long nicotine will last for if stored in the freezer?

I'm not sure we know that answer yet. Mine is PG-based and over a year old, freezer stored in 500 ml glass bottles, and hasn't visibly changed. Flavor is also unchanged.

I leave around 1/2" headroom in the bottle for air, and that hasn't seemed to cause any degradation. I only open a bottle to refill the smaller one in the refrigerator that gets used, so it's relatively rare. At that point, of course, air headroom increases but hasn't had any visible effect.
Neither PG nor VG freeze solid at freezer temperatures (there's a reason PG is used as a safer antifreeze...).

Even if they did, both freeze into solids that are smaller than their liquid state. Water is a bit of an oddball in that department in that the solid is larger than the liquid.

It'll expand a bit as it warms, so leaving a bottle on its side while it warms (with the air slug in the middle somewhere) would be a bad idea.
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