Nic instead of Caffeine?

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Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Before I quit smoking, I could only drink my pot of coffee in the morning. Caffeine was messing something up in my body. I would NEED at least a cup of coffee to even find the pot, though. ;)

Since I started vaping, I can actually function without a cup and I sometimes drink that pot in the morning...sometimes I don't. It isn't a Need anymore. Strange...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2015
Aurora, CO, USA
So if someone (I won't say who) drinks a black eye too late in the day then she could vape more of her 12 mg juice to avoid staying up all night?

I admit, I don't know the whole science behind how all this works. I've just read that nic is often used by ADDers to self medicate due to it's stimulant nature but the article didn't differentiate between the types of stims.


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Nov 16, 2014
Upstate NY
So if someone (I won't say who) drinks a black eye too late in the day then she could vape more of her 12 mg juice to avoid staying up all night?

I admit, I don't know the whole science behind how all this works. I've just read that nic is often used by ADDers to self medicate due to it's stimulant nature but the article didn't differentiate between the types of stims.

This is me. I've never been diagnosed as having any sort of attention issues, but I can't function well without either caffeine, nicotine or both. One of the main draws to vaping was that I had quit cigarettes due to health reasons, but found myself craving them whenever I'd try to concentrate on anything. I've replaced them with low nic vaping (3-6 mg) and found that I no longer crave the cigs, and can actually concentrate better.

Caffeine has a similar affect to me as well, but not as pronounced. I could easily go through a 12 pack of Mtn Dew (Diet to avoid the sugar) between six and midnight and still sleep just fine. I know it's not healthy, so I've been slowly cutting back. And the nic from vaping has helped me a ton.

So for me, yes. Since I started vaping, my caffeine consumption has decreased (less soda has to be a good thing), my attention and focus has improved, and I'm less anxious. Overall, these are all good things in my book!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2015
Aurora, CO, USA
Maybe it's just the age I'm at, but I'm finding that my body is changing how it processes things. When I was in high school I could have a big cup of drip coffee or a triple espresso after dinner and be asleep by midnight. If I tried that today I wouldn't be able to fall asleep before 2am!

I have been diagnosed with ADD but I also have been diagnosed with Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder. When the meds for both conditions mix my heart gets very angry with me so I've had to opt to cut out the ADD meds and self medicate with coffee. Helps that I work at Starbucks ;) All the coffee in Columbia doesn't help when I get in my depressive funks though so I have to rely on prescriptions for that.
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