No flavour/taste whatsoever, vapers fatigue/tounge? I'm strugging to find an answer..

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Full Member
Sep 28, 2017
New Zealand
Hey guys.

So I got my first vape around 6 weeks ago, had a hit in the store of vanilla custard and it was so tasty. Continued to be this way for a couple of days then I just lost any flavour. I tried different coils, different ohms, etc. I then decided maybe the vape is crap so brought a t-priv with a tfv12 last week. When I inhale, it literally just tastes like nothing. It's not my juice, I have tried 3 reputable providers here in NZ. Have tried steeping juice, using a rba, using the different coils that came with the tfv12.

Last couple of days I have been drinking lemon and water and brushing my teeth upwards of 5 times a day. Honestly, I notice a little bit of flavour sporadically and I mean just a little bit.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I know I should be searching the forum before posting and I have found all sorts of information but nothing that is working for me.

I have 8 flavours here, the only one I really taste a difference in is the eucalyptus one which is cool but I don't fancy vaping it every day.

Cheers for any help and suggestions :D


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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
when a body is subjected to a constant stimulus ( smell taste are the 2 major ones) the body shuts down the receptors to that particular scent/taste to allow the continuance of other scents/tastes to be recieved. For example, have you ever been to a place that stinks alot and wondered how people can live/work in such a place all day? Its because they dont smell it anymore...

as far as a solution... there are many and not all of them work for everyone, pretty much have to try several till you find the one that works... I change flavors for about a week...


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
What @Bunnykiller said. The "scientific" name for it you'll commonly is vapers tongue. Several different methods to treat but the simplest is to give it a little time and it goes away by itself. I've found that rotating 2 or 3 flavors through a day (several hours of each then change like my always morning always evening juice, with something else for midday) keeps it from occurring to me.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Also, vapers tongue does seem to be an affliction for some during the process of the old smoking taste buds dying off, while new ones are growing. You can try the remedies above (I always include a tongue scraper in my remedies, as it will stimulate the taste buds, etc.) but you may just have it for a little while, then it will go away. It is true that vaping the same flavor too long does cause it for some folks, but it's kind of an Early Vaping Hazard.

The best remedy is patience, if you do nothing your taste buds will return and you will discover.... the true joys of food. I had no idea food tasted so great! I ate TONS more as a teenager (to be fair, I was a marathon biker and cross country runner) but after I turned 18, until a few weeks ago? Let's just say I used a LOT of salt. A LOT.

You can keep vaping the eucalyptus juice, which yeah, I can see you not wanting that to be your primary flavor, or you can vape unflavored-- if you don't have the expectation of taste, you won't be disappointed. But, it will pass. It does for everyone. It did for me (2 tanks of juice only.... but I was pretty confused....) and it will for you.

Best of luck,

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Vaping Master
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Oct 5, 2014
what wattage are you running?
This... reduce wattage. Is step number 1.

But.. what works for me is UNFLAVORED juice.... I run a tank or 2 of unflavored every couple days.....

For me this seems to do 2 things clean the palette and clean the coil.... or at least prolong it life.

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Ultra Member
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Mar 6, 2013
The one thing I learned from Smok coils, is that it needs higher wattage. So 2 things happen with that. I do notice that sometimes heat affects juice flavor. Not heat of the coil, but heat of the tank heating up the juice in the tank itself. Also higher wattage means faster gunk and higher chance of cotton getting burnt. I notice that gunked up or overworked cotton mutes flavor as well. But that is from my experience.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
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This... reduce wattage. Is step number 1.

But.. what works for me is UNFLAVORED juice.... I run a tank or 2 of unflavored every couple days.....

For me this seems to do 2 things clean the palette and clean the coil.... or at least prolong it life.

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I have a tankful of unflavored just for this purpose, too. And to be honest, I kinda like it. The nic is "old" by many standards, but to me the stuff has a pleasant nut-like character. I couldn't see vaping it exclusively because I like flavors. Bunches and bunches of'em.


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
I have found that eating a strong pickle or some fresh pineapple works well to wake up the taste buds along with lemon flavored water. Hope it helps! I have also heard smelling coffee grinds works but not for me.
Also standing on your head with the lights out re boots the senses. Now if you can do that while eating a pickle and smelling coffee grinds, your good to go

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Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
I also agree that it's because your taste buds get acclimated to said juice and you just don't taste it anymore.....I'm also another that has to vape many flavors throughout the day, so this doesn't happen....I'm constantly switching to different flavors every few vapes to keep my taste buds guessing.....when I'm home I literally have at least 6 different set ups going and at work 2...even if I vape one flavor for 5 minutes, I can feel the flavor getting less intense. ...

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Full Member
Sep 28, 2017
New Zealand
Thanks for all the replies guys, I appreciate it. I fully forgot that I had posted this thread and I was just about to have another google when I remembered.

The thing is, I have tried literally all this stuff (except standing on head with lights out, ha) thing is that absolutely nothing has changed.

I have rotated juices, drank 5 cups of lemon water a day, brushed teeth 5+ times a day, smelt coffee grinds...

I would absolutely love to be able to get that flavour back I got when I first got the vape, it was sooooo good. I am currently running the RBA-T in my cloud beast, I am @ 95 watts do you recommend I tune that down a little? It is showing as 0.18 ohms.

Thanks again for the help and suggestions!
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