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People with experience dealing with Customs

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Ultra Member
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Jun 12, 2011
Niagara Falls, Canada
Great then. Maybe I should just give up now and stick to analogs. Soon the Cdn vendors will be out of service and my gear will be rendered useless. I was so inspired...

I'm not sure why you would say this... If someone on this forum has suggested that this is the case, they are grossly misinforming you. Canadian suppliers have never been better. I know several of them on a personal level and they are far from out of service. Our prices are finally starting to drop because we are dealing in good volumes and importing properly now. I replied in another one of your posts as well, but if you want to PM me, I can send you the names of the three places I consistently order juice from outside of Canada and have never had an issue with. I can also send you the only two Canadian juice sites I will order from and the only two Canadian Hardware suppliers I would ever order from. (They have atties, cartos, drip-tips etc...) I know you are getting an iPro so after you have the mod you are all good.

I've bought about 30 mods from the US as well and have never had a problem.

Over 15 Classies trades/purchases/sales and have never had a problem.

Don't give up, and certainly don't stick with analogs.

Just Vape Groovily.


Super Member
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Mar 1, 2012
Ha yes I was being sarcastic. In a learning curve, and the Health Canada issues are disheartening, to say the least. You haven't had any problems but others have, including me.

What really confuses me is why ecigs can in fact be turned back at the border when they're still being sold in Canada. Leads to wondering if that won't be allowed here much longer either.

If the gov't laid a heavy hand and the only recourse was smuggling I'd still rather vape of course :)

Now I feel a bit more optimistic and will def PM you. Thanks again.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 12, 2011
Niagara Falls, Canada
Ha yes I was being sarcastic. In a learning curve, and the Health Canada issues are disheartening, to say the least. You haven't had any problems but others have, including me.

What really confuses me is why ecigs can in fact be turned back at the border when they're still being sold in Canada. Leads to wondering if that won't be allowed here much longer either.

If the gov't laid a heavy hand and the only recourse was smuggling I'd still rather vape of course :)

Now I feel a bit more optimistic and will def PM you. Thanks again.

No problemo. I replied with as much info as I felt was relevant. It should keep you in vaping heaven and have you dodging customs like a pro. All vendors I deal with outside Canada have tons of experience dealing with customs and shipping to Canada that they boast nearly 100% success rates. They will also let you know about their policy if something does get sent back/confiscated.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2012
Nova Scotia
I just had a shipment that was stuck at customs for almost a month and when I finally got it today the package had been opened and all the products containing nicotine had been removed and a bunch of batteries, chargers and end caps had been removed. The only thing I got was some 0mg juice and a few pieces of hardware. They also changed the declared value and gave me an HST bill. Quite frustrating, in total they took about 75% of the order, half of which was just hardware, not juice. There was no notice or letter about what they took, why they took it and what they are going to do with it.

Does anyone know how I can at least get an explanation as to why they did this and how I can at least get the rest of my hardware?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2012
Nova Scotia
Also, the package was covered in Health Canada packing tape and there was a notice from Health Canada:



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 28, 2011
Burlington, Ontario
Soo is it ok to order drug products for personal use if its less then three month worth of supplies? How do they determin the monthly supply ammount?

According to the letter: based on the directions for use indicated on the label.

Anyone know a vendor that will do custom labeling. I think I need nic juice labeled as "ingest 1L daily" :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2012
Nova Scotia
That letter is bs anyways. The order value was $180 and they took $130 of it and took everything with nicotine. So the letter saying that they released this shipment to me under the assumption that the drugs are for personal use only is a lie. They only released hardware and 0mg liquid to me, nothing with any drugs was released to me so I don't under why the letter says it is being released to me.

I will definitely be calling them Monday and I won't give up until I get an explanation.

Also, I've placed probably 15 separate orders for e-juice and hardware from various US vendors, this is the only one that got confiscated. Fortunately for me, the company that I placed this order with actually reshipped the order for free and it made it through customs without any issues.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2010
Alberta, Canada
Also, the package was covered in Health Canada packing tape and there was a notice from Health Canada:


WOW - that's a first time for that type of explanation. Guess HC has finally had a gander at the laws they pushed through a few years ago regarding nicotine (removing it from Sch. F). It's a bit encouraging at least! Suppose it gets them off the hook for denying access to a product they legalized for the sake of a pharma company... lol (well... lol with an eybrow raised).

I do feel the need to edit the last line on the 2nd paragraph - for truth and honesty sake, it should read:

"The mission of Health Canada is to help Pharmaceutical companies maintain and improve their bottom line. Thus, we recommend you consult with your pharmacist or physician to help you determine that NRT's and pills that make you want to die are our terms of medication.
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