Pipe smoker new to vaping

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ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Hi, and welcome to ECF. If you are looking for good tobaccos, definitely check out both the DIY and purchasing e-juice NET threads, they are made from tobacco and have more of a realistic tobacco taste (though sometimes other flavors are added on top). I believe it's hard to find an NET DIY concentrate, though, so if you are interested in true tobacco flavors it's a bit more of a process, but I'd definitely read up on both those threads. You can get tobacco flavorings, I'm just not sure about NETs. If you make your own NETs there is a lengthy steeping and then removing gunk process, so it takes longer than some other ejuices.

But, congrats on quitting smoking and following in your wife's footsteps, I wish my husband would follow in mine!! The problem is, I don't hate tobacco smoke, so I don't nag. Maybe I need to develop a "hysterical" syndrome where the smell of tobacco makes me nag, LOL.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2016
Welcome to the forum, I was a pipe smoker and switched to the vaporizer. I get into making my own E liquids, I stay with the tobacco flavors adding different tobaccos together and adding other flavors to the mixture for taste. Tanks are all RBA's with Stainless Steel Claptons for flavor. Actually kind of a hobby.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 17, 2014
Windy City
If you like the feeling of a pipe in your hand there is a good selection to be found. I use these mostly when I'm at my desk or in the truck. There are also some decent regulated epipes that are great to start with to see if it fits your style.

$33.86 Authentic Joyetech Elitar Pipe 75W VW TC Kit 18650


Paul Mohr

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2017
Adrian MI
Marc beat me to it, I was going to tell you there are pipe mods you can get if you like that "feel". Some of them even activate on draw as opposed to pushing a button.

I feel, and I say it often, that vaping much more emulates smoking a pipe or cigar as a opposed to cigs. I tried a pipe, what a pain that was. Vaping is everything I wanted from a pipe without the hassles and it is better for me from a health standpoint. And the amount of flavors available is virtually limitless.

Congrats on quitting and welcome to ECF.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Hi, all! I quit smoking cigs about 25 yrs ago, and about 20 yrs ago I started smoking a pipe... but just puffing, not inhaling. I do accidentally inhale about once a month and it feels like there's a very small person hanging out in my lungs kicking to get out! So, I avoid doing that when possible... :). My wife, who has always hated the smell of my tobacco, even while she was smoking cigarettes, quit about 6 months ago by getting into vaping. She's been bugging me to try ever since, and last week I finally relented. She gave me a starter Kanger eSmart kit along with various miscellaneous e-liquids she's been trying, and I haven't touched a pipe since! She recommended I get on this site, so, here I am! I'm enjoying reading the articles, and look forward to learning the technology. It kind of reminds me of when I first started in computers around 1979 with a TRS-80. Great fun learning! So, anyhow, greetings!
Welcome and glad you joined.
Vaping is so scalable, it takes quite a bit of time to find your sweet spot. I think you find vaping greatly exceeds smoking (esp. pipes). The information below, is a start which may help your knowledge base.
Might like to read:
Vaping and Inhaling: Everything You Need To Know
(10) Advancing Up the Vaping Ladder with Egos and Mods | E-Cigarette Forum
(1) Proper Terminology - Is it a carto, a tank, or what? A Guide to Juice Attachments. | E-Cigarette Forum
PS: One of my firsts, was the Sinclair 1000 and still have it.


Full Member
Oct 31, 2017
Hello and Welcome to ecf i smoked a pipe cigarettes and cigars for over 40 years and had no problem switching to vapeing i have been tobacco free all most 4 years now :)
Welcome to the forum! You'll want to look into "MTL" (mouth-to-lung) atomizers for any future purchases or upgrades. MTL is a bit of a misnomer, since you don't have to inhale at all, but provides a nice, tight draw you can hold in your mouth (and still get a great nic fix if that's your goal). DL/DTL or direct-to-lung devices are more common, but won't allow that style of vaping and essentially must be taken into the lungs.

I've always kind of likened rebuildable atomizer and/or mechanical mod users as the pipe smokers of the vaping world. I'll be curious to see if that particular rabbit hole ends up luring you in.
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Full Member
Oct 31, 2017
Hi, and welcome to ECF. If you are looking for good tobaccos, definitely check out both the DIY and purchasing e-juice NET threads, they are made from tobacco and have more of a realistic tobacco taste (though sometimes other flavors are added on top). I believe it's hard to find an NET DIY concentrate, though, so if you are interested in true tobacco flavors it's a bit more of a process, but I'd definitely read up on both those threads. You can get tobacco flavorings, I'm just not sure about NETs. If you make your own NETs there is a lengthy steeping and then removing gunk process, so it takes longer than some other ejuices.

But, congrats on quitting smoking and following in your wife's footsteps, I wish my husband would follow in mine!! The problem is, I don't hate tobacco smoke, so I don't nag. Maybe I need to develop a "hysterical" syndrome where the smell of tobacco makes me nag, LOL.

thanks, Anna. I'll say one thing about vaporizers vs pipes... You don't have to go looking for a match!


Full Member
Oct 31, 2017
Welcome and glad you joined.
Vaping is so scalable, it takes quite a bit of time to find your sweet spot. I think you find vaping greatly exceeds smoking (esp. pipes). The information below, is a start which may help your knowledge base.
Might like to read:
Vaping and Inhaling: Everything You Need To Know
Beginner – Guide To Vaping
(10) Advancing Up the Vaping Ladder with Egos and Mods | E-Cigarette Forum
(1) Proper Terminology - Is it a carto, a tank, or what? A Guide to Juice Attachments. | E-Cigarette Forum
PS: One of my firsts, was the Sinclair 1000 and still have it.
...So much to learn! Thanks for the links!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Joyetech are selling off the strange 'pipe' mod cheap in the UK. Not many takers it seems.
I agree with the review that couldn't see the sense in a pipe (expensive) shaped mod over a box (cheap) mod - I guess it's more how you vape it than the form factor.
Either way, Kanger e-smart is now well past it's sell-by date and was never that good to start.
I had a 'kit' and was gifted many spares... those old tech atomizers represent poor value these days (longevity/price/taste/power).
I think if you bought any shaped mod, you would be amazed how things have moved on.
I always wanted a pipe mod and often considered a little 18350 mod but again, 18350 was limited and there are some tiny box mods these days... you can pipe away to your hearts content.
Good luck. :)


Full Member
Oct 31, 2017
Welcome to the forum, I was a pipe smoker and switched to the vaporizer. I get into making my own E liquids, I stay with the tobacco flavors adding different tobaccos together and adding other flavors to the mixture for taste. Tanks are all RBA's with Stainless Steel Claptons for flavor. Actually kind of a hobby.
lots of containers with brown fluid and scattered tobacco flakes on your work surface? :)


Moved On
Nov 8, 2017
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