Please help clear this up (lorann's menthol)

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ok, so i am trying to order menthol flavoring. i am a recovering alcoholic, so the last thing i want is alcohol based flavors or menthol crystals dissolved in vodka.

after reading the spreadsheet sticky, i ordered Lorann's Menthol... but then i saw it mentioned in another thread that Lorann's is oil based? the spreadsheet does not say that. Which is correct?

thanks for any help!


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
As alternatives, you can order Seedman Top Note menthol concentrate (the concentrate, not the diluted version), from (they use PG base), otherwise you can just order the menthol crystals and dissolve them in PG rather than alcohol. Put a bit of crystals in a small dropper bottle, add PG, close up the bottle. Soak the bottle in a warm water bath, then shake.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2011
Perfumer's Apprentice (also known as Flavor Apprentice) makes a water soluble Menthol liquid as well.

I think it has some alcohol in it, but I don't think the amount of alcohol in the flavoring should be an issue. In most cases you are only putting a few drops of the concentrate in your recipe anyway. It would never be enough to intoxicate (even if you drank the whole 6ml bottle.... yeck!!).

Congrats on your recover BTW.


Am I Chip or am I Dale?
ECF Veteran
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Jan 12, 2011
North Carolina, USA
Not an unusual concern. Menthol can be dissolved in alcohol, PG, or a PG/VG mix. Alcohol is the fastest, PG takes a little warms, and the PG/VG can take a lot of shaking and waiting. There are many places that sell each of these flavorings. That being said, sort of like always watching my drink be poured, I tend to make my own. Very easy to do with PG and that way I know what is in it.

Keep on trudging that road.
thanks for the advice and well-wishes. i think i'm just going to go the easiest route and order the seedman's.

i am still wondering if the Lorann's menthol is oil based or not? unfortunately, instead of answering my questions, voidmist decided to go ahead and ship my order. (they decided to substitute the alcohol based PA for Lorannn's.)
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