Please help with C-E2 R4 XL leaking

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Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
New York
I took apart a C-E2 R4 XL to thoroughly clean and dry burn the coil (see pic). When I put it back together, I tried to make sure that the inner assembly was firmly seated inside the metal tube. But no matter how I try, I cannot get it to stop leaking at the bottom, so I assume I am doing something wrong. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2010
Goin' Mobile... eeh ooh, beep beep!
I don't see a pic - but if you removed the tube from the base and reassembled and ended up leaking, you may have overstretched the tube druing removal. You can try turning the tube around and putting the original mouthpiece end squarely onto the base. Sometimes, with the tube tolerances, a dab of adhesive is used in the original connection as a space filler/securer. If that's the case then inverting the tube probably won't help. Good luck.

edit: I now see the pic. My original reply stands..
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