Pricey Pricey Pricey

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Jun 20, 2011
Houston, Tx
with the wattage i vape at i finish a 50 ml within a week maybe two so i am trying to be as cost effective as possible (and ontop of that i have to do nicotine free [applying for hospital internships which drug test for nicotine] that is a good thing for being cheap though ;D)

so far flavor west has really let me down how ever im only mixing standalone mixes all at 10% if that is not a good starting point or if someone can point me to a recipe book id appreciate it BTW i just wanna say ecigexpress ticked me off they skimped me on all my flavorings i ordered 10ml's of each i got 8 according to my syringe

And is it possible for me to buy DIY flavoring for capella/TFA/FA at flavor West and lorann pricing? or will i have to settle for those two if i want to be super cost efficient


Senior Member
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Jun 20, 2011
Houston, Tx
Drug testing for nicotine? Nicotine is a poison not a drug and it's undetectable in your body within 24 hours. It's also naturally occurring in various vegetables and as far as i am aware there is no conclusive test for nicotine. Someone's winding you up mate ;)

no sarin im sorry cotenine is a metabolite of nicotine tested in urine stays for about 9 days not a joke im graduating nursing school if i survive this last semester
Nicotine Drug Test , Cotinine Drug Test
its not bull .... its real and in houston 99% of hospitals have a 0 tolerance smoking policy


Senior Member
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Apr 15, 2014
no sarin im sorry cotenine is a metabolite of nicotine tested in urine stays for about 9 days not a joke im graduating nursing school if i survive this last semester
Nicotine Drug Test , Cotinine Drug Test
its not bull .... its real and in houston 99% of hospitals have a 0 tolerance smoking policy

Yes i've just seen that, how bizarre. What if you use a nicotine patch or gum? How does that affect the tests?
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2014
Mesa, AZ
Drug testing for nicotine? Nicotine is a poison not a drug and it's undetectable in your body within 24 hours. It's also naturally occurring in various vegetables and as far as i am aware there is no conclusive test for nicotine. Someone's winding you up mate ;)
I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but you're wrong. Sorry.


Senior Member
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Apr 15, 2014
I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but you're wrong. Sorry.

Which part exactly?

Is nicotine a drug? = NO.
Is it detectable in your body after 24 hours? = NO
Is it naturally occurring in vegetables? = YES
Is there a conclusive test for nicotine? - NO

Is there a test for cotinine? = Yes but that isn't nicotine, it's a completely different chemical compound, it's still an alkaloid like nicotine but it has a completely different chemical structure. It's used as a biomarker for nicotine but isn't a conclusive test to indicate that tobacco has been smoked. For example, if you DIY eliquid and get some of the nic base on your skin it will be absorbed and your body will metabolise it into cotinine yet you have neither smoked tobacco nor are you a nicotine addict. This is why the cotinine test is not conclusive.

To answer your question of where i get my information from - a degree in chemistry. I'll stick to my original answer.

Alien Traveler

Vaping Master
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Jul 3, 2014
United States
Which part exactly?

Is nicotine a drug? = NO.
Is it detectable in your body after 24 hours? = NO
Is it naturally occurring in vegetables? = YES
Is there a conclusive test for nicotine? - NO

Is there a test for cotinine? = Yes but that isn't nicotine, it's a completely different chemical compound, it's still an alkaloid like nicotine but it has a completely different chemical structure. It's used as a biomarker for nicotine but isn't a conclusive test to indicate that tobacco has been smoked. For example, if you DIY eliquid and get some of the nic base on your skin it will be absorbed and your body will metabolise it into cotinine yet you have neither smoked tobacco nor are you a nicotine addict. This is why the cotinine test is not conclusive.

To answer your question of where i get my information from - a degree in chemistry. I'll stick to my original answer.

The only question you answered right is about vegetables. So, 25% success rate – too low even for random replies for binary (yes/no) test.
Nicotine is a drag.
There is a conclusive test on consumption of nicotine; works well even after 24 hours. It does not matter it measures level of cotinine, it is conclusive.

Information you got is not from some degree in chemistry, it was obviously googling.


Senior Member
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Apr 15, 2014
The only question you answered right is about vegetables. So, 25% success rate – too low even for random replies for binary (yes/no) test.
Nicotine is a drag.
There is a conclusive test on consumption of nicotine; works well even after 24 hours. It does not matter it measures level of cotinine, it is conclusive.

Information you got is not from some degree in chemistry, it was obviously googling.

I'm letting this go, i have my arguments against your statements but to be fair it'll just turn into a ridiculous pedantic mud slinging contest and i'm not here to get into a fight with anybody. Vape on buddy :)


ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
Well this went way off track didn't it. I think the OP's original question was:

is it possible for me to buy DIY flavoring for capella/TFA/FA at flavor West and lorann pricing? or will i have to settle for those two if i want to be super cost efficient

I'm sorry to here about your experience with ecigx. I've had issues there myself.

TO answer your question. The answer is yes and no.

TFA sells flavoring in large quantities of 4oz or more at deeply discounted prices. You can often find sales from many venders as well. Just get on there mailing lists and you will get many sales notifications each week. I myself am on all the popular vender lists and get bombarded with 2-3 sales a day.

If you look at the more high quality flavorings such as Inawera or Hangsen you would find that you need much less flavoring. The more expensive flavorings will actually cost you less in the long run. For example loranne needs on average 15 - 20% where as inawera on averge would be 1 - 3% and Hangsen on average is 5 - 7%.
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Senior Member
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Jun 20, 2011
Houston, Tx
What didn't you like about Flavor West? I've been pretty happy with them.
well honestly after trying the following (strawberry, blue ice, extreme ice, peach) i cant find a particular taste im too fond of not to mention with TFA i found a few mixes i could tolorate no nic and only one flavor 2 flavors i absolutely could not work with( 555 and mary jane) but i seem to only get misses with flavor west i honestly cant tell you if i am missing flavor or adding too much or if its just the flavor its just plain bad :*( thats why a recipe book would be handy

TO the gentleman who said the more expensive flavors end up being worth it it sounds interesting will definately look into hagsen and inerwa(bought some hagsen mint and peach from fasttech they were some of the best tasting juices i have ever tried)


Ultra Member
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Dec 9, 2011
I agree with the poster regarding expensive flavorings. They seem to be more concentrated in general, thus you end up using less in mixtures. Flavor West tends to require relatively high percentages going anywhere from 10-25%, which to me is insane. Flavour Art, on the other hand, I use at 1-2% depending on the flavor. Perfumer's Apprentice is even lower in general, with the average being 5% for me. There are a few that I need more than that but not many. Only problem I have with PA is they are hit and miss. They have excellent flavors, good/decent flavors and horrible flavors. I would do as much research as possible to see which flavors are liked most to avoid wasting your money as much as you can.
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