Problem with my Berserker V2 MTL RDA

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ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
Hello fellow vapers :)

Recently acquired a Berserker V2 MTL rda,been using it for about 9 or 10 days without a problem but today things got weird.

Ok so to drip i actually have to take the top cap off,right?
so ive been doing that,so i put on e-liquid then put the cap on and while putting some downward pressure i rotate it until it clicks,that means its locked.

But now it is not locking,i have to put on and off over and over until i get it in the right spot so it can work,because if not i will just puff and puff and zilch,nothing...nada.
The top just keeps on turning and turning without locking itself (you must hear a small click to know its locked)
Other issue is that because it doesnt lock itself in position it makes it really hard to switch atomisers.

I use the Berserker at home (less cloud) and a Wasp Nano rta for when i leave the house.

First product from this brand that i bought so im unsure if its an issue with me (something i did wrong) or the atomiser is faulty.
Read the instructions,watched the videos so im fairly certain that i operated the twist and lock mechanism according to the instructions.

Anyway i would apreciate some advice on this matter.

thanks :)
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Mar 8, 2020

Guy from the store where i bought it is closed,so i just put it in the box.
The Seal O-Rings have ran out,the ones that came put on the atomiser plus the ones in the small bag.
Each time i take off the cap and drip it then close again you can see the O-Rings getting broken each time a little bit,you can see the tiny black strands of rubber.
On top of that,on the bottom of the atomizer (where i screw it to the mod,part with the golden screw) there is also a rubber O-Ring that little by little keeps on showing little strands of black rubber.
I dont overflow it but it keeps on leaking on the bottom,which is a pain because each time i driped i had to clean it all up.

Guess ill have to wait till things calm down and they open the shops,not sure how long is the warranty on this.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
@Cloud-FF7, best idea would be to replace the o rings with better ones. FKM otherwi,se known as Viton are excellent for this, did the same on a Ulton Tripod clone and it's a massive improvement as the top of the RTA was shredding the deck seal and now that just is not happening now.

Do you know what size you need though?


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ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
@Cloud-FF7, best idea would be to replace the o rings with better ones. FKM otherwi,se known as Viton are excellent for this, did the same on a Ulton Tripod clone and it's a massive improvement as the top of the RTA was shredding the deck seal and now that just is not happening now.

Do you know what size you need though?

no idea about the size,but to be honest i dont think its worth the hassle of getting new o-rings.
i mean it just has to be bad design or maybe this cap had some bad machining in the inside that is why this particular one shreds the rings.
just doesnt seem ''normal'' that after only 9 days i started having issues with it,for now its back in the box and in due time (once this whole thing settles ill take it back to the store)

now i gotta watch some more reviews on RTA MTLs (cheap ones) for my in house vaping (need small cloud production),get paid on the 30th so just a couple days away.
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Vaping Master
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Jan 16, 2019
Invest in one of those Ulton Tripod clones, it's one of the best build decks that I've used and the flavour produced is excellent.

The only issue is they're only stocked at 2fdeal and due to how things are at the moment, shipping is unclear.

Here's a link.
ULTON Tripod Style 316SS 22mm RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer 2ml/3.4ml Combo (1:1) - Silver

If you do decide to get one, I have worked out some retrofits to improve them (o rings & deck screws).

But I have found out that all manufacturers use as cheap as possible o rings, never the best ones for the job.


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Mar 8, 2020
KAEES Aladdin MTL RTA can be sourced cheaply as well.

Thanks for the info bud.
will check them out,was also thinking about a non rebuildable one,less hassle for me (havent learned to coil yet plus i dont have the tools) so it seems the easiest way for me to go now.
the Innokin Zline MTL looks pretty good,not sure thou will have to check some video reviews and see.
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Vaping Master
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Jan 16, 2019
Are you a power/wattage/voltage or TC (Temperature Coefficient/Temperature Control) user?

And coil wrapping is relatively easy, wicking is an art though.

For MTL you usually use a 2.5mm ID for coils, a drill bit or Knitting needle is perfect for the job.

Plain round wire or Vandy Vape's superfine MTL Clapton wire are good choices for wire to wrap your own coils.

And for wicking Muji, Koh Gen Do or Puff cotton pads work well. Or you can use Rayon if you can find it.

Also you'll need a pair of tweezers, model/hobby or electronics ones work well.

Best thing is that you can get these things from Amazon, and with the way things are going it may well be worth getting them while you can.

Also a couple of liters of base (VG/PG), flavorings, Nicotine, syringes and bottles may be an idea as well. Just in case...

And have a look at and have a play with the coil building tools. They're invaluable for working out what may work well for your needs, just remember that a wrap is a full loop around the forming tool. So for a 6 wrap coil the wire has to be looped around the tool 6 times, it's easy once you know what it means.
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Mar 8, 2020
Yes, Innokin Zlide and Aspire Nautilus GT are good choices.

But most places I've looked at have little to no coils available, I think that some folks are stockpiling or reselling on Ebay for a small large fee.

Yeah i know,i looked at a couple of websites from Spain and they out of alot of stuff.
A couple more days and i think i will get me a Innokin Zlide,if they still have them in ebay hehe,if not ill have to keep on looking.

Thanks buddy


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
You're welcome @Cloud-FF7, just trying to give you some options.

Those KAEES Aladdin MTL RTA's are on sale at Vaping 101 in the UK @ £17.99 , no ideas on how long they would take to ship or shipping duties and exchange rates.

Here's a link.

Another good place to look at is le petit vapoteur based in France, don't know if you'll have any luck. But you can live in hope.
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ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
much apreciated for the time you took for looking for the info.

checking those at the moment,dang berserker in the box and im currently using my wasp nano rta but there is to much cloud production for the room.
ill probably give 50/50 liquid a try,so far i have been using 70/30 and only 3 of nic,ill also give 6 a try and see how it goes.

thanks again bud :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
No worries, and it's a good idea to up your Nicotine as hopefully you'll vape less. In theory.

And yes, VG certainly does give you clouds. But be aware that PG is classified as an irritant, so you may experience some sensitivity to it. But hopefully not.

Best of luck @Cloud-FF7 and I hope that you get sorted.
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ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
And a thread that I thought that you may find interesting @Cloud-FF7.
Coil P0rn

Cool,thanks for the link.
i had a question about the aroma i add to the base,should i do it in the link you just gave or is there another thread for that?
Im getting a couple of these:
Pack Base + Nicokits 6mg 200ml de Oil4vap - Ecigarlife

but i cant afford to wait for it(by that i mean i cant afford to buy bulk and just leave it there and macerate for a month),so my friend from the shop had always a couple of flavours you could use right away (well he recommended i wait a day or two)
i am unsure of what amount of aroma to use for the base+nico im getting..
gee i sure miss my pal from the store,he knew what i wanted and always figured it out for me hehe



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
That's Nicotine and base @Cloud-FF7. So no flavours, sweeteners or enhancers whatsoever. But no worries, it can still vape it without any issues.

You could to look into one shots, which can be shake and vape. And sweetener depending upon what you get.

From what a lot of folks say, fruits are usually the easiest and quickest. But menthol/mint is probably good as well.

And you wouldn't believe how many flavours, additives and extras I just bought from Creme de vape. Just to be certain that I have something to vape.

So soon, things will get interesting.
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
That's Nicotine and base @Cloud-FF7. So no flavours, sweeteners or enhancers whatsoever. But no worries, it can still vape it without any issues.

You could to look into one shots, which can be shake and vape. And sweetener depending upon what you get.

From what a lot of folks say, fruits are usually the easiest and quickest. But menthol/mint is probably good as well.

And you wouldn't believe how many flavours, additives and extras I just bought from Creme de vape. Just to be certain that I have something to vape.

So soon, things will get interesting.

found a link for the aroma ive been using so far (cant really afford the high end stuff)

Aroma Ultimate Oni A&L -

But not sure how much of that bottle i should add to the base+nicotine,is it like a add and try sort of thing or is there like a way to calculate it?

p.s. just got paid so looking at RTA MTL's,cant find the Innokin in any website from here in Spain,the Nautilus? meh,not sure not digging the looks.

Just looking at none rebuildables for now,pops health got a bit worst so not really with a lot of free time to start to learn how to coil and all mind isnt in the right place to be honest,if you know what i mean.
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