Pure Vapes has 3ml FlavourArt flavorings

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Sep 2, 2013
I was talking about making a cake vape with my wife last week and mentioned adding brown sugar. She said brown sugar will turn it more cookieish than anything else. Honestly, I think TFA vanilla swirl is a must ingredient if you are looking for white or vanilla cake. I think tfa vanilla swirl with either vienna cream or vanilla classic is cake. Maybe add .5-1% of fa caramel for moistness?

I agree with your wife - I use TFA Brown Sugar to make cookie vapes taste baked. Using some FA Caramel with it adds the flavor of the softer centers, or undercooked cookies (I like 'em like that).

Got some AP? (acetyl pyrazine?) I love how it made cheesecake so easily. I have some batter-tasting recipes to try a little AP in sometime soon. The right amount should make recipes taste bready (if they're not too sweet) or cake-like (if there's plenty of sweetness). "Right amount" can be less than 0.25%, so it can take some rounds of experimenting. But my experiments won't be soon.

I have so many little batches to vape, I GOTTA stop mixing new stuff! I'm just gonna vape combinations of leftover spicy cookies, creamy cocktails, and cheesecake for a few days. I think I can stand that.


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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
I was talking about making a cake vape with my wife last week and mentioned adding brown sugar. She said brown sugar will turn it more cookieish than anything else. Honestly, I think TFA vanilla swirl is a must ingredient if you are looking for white or vanilla cake. I think tfa vanilla swirl with either vienna cream or vanilla classic is cake. Maybe add .5-1% of fa caramel for moistness?
This is very helpful, thank you! And your wife. And HIC, lol.

So I'm home from work, been vaping this Golden Oreo gig since. I'm not getting the Cheesecake at all, so it could be that that is giving me "cake" in my mind. It really is reminding me of cake! A golden oreo flavored one.


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Sep 2, 2013
So I'm home from work, been vaping this Golden Oreo gig since. I'm not getting the Cheesecake at all, so it could be that that is giving me "cake" in my mind. It really is reminding me of cake! A golden oreo flavored one.

Huck, I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow. I don't even know what Golden Oreos taste like, but cake sounds good to me.

If you look at the spec list for TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust, you'll spot the magic ingredient. It contains <1% of AP: Perfumer's Apprentice If we assume <1% is almost 1%, and you're using 3-4% of it, that's at most .03-.04% AP in your recipe that gives you the impression of cake. Looking forward to tasting it!


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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
Huck, I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow. I don't even know what Golden Oreos taste like, but cake sounds good to me.

If you look at the spec list for TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust, you'll spot the magic ingredient. It contains <1% of AP: Perfumer's Apprentice If we assume <1% is almost 1%, and you're using 3-4% of it, that's at most .03-.04% AP in your recipe that gives you the impression of cake. Looking forward to tasting it!

Wow. That's cool. Now, I know you have a sweet tooth, but this is sweet! Wasn't expecting such a small amount of meringue to give this much sweet. I really do like it, though. It's kinda fluffy, too!

I'm having so much fun with this thread!!!


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Jun 4, 2013
New York
Huck, I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow. I don't even know what Golden Oreos taste like, but cake sounds good to me.

If you look at the spec list for TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust, you'll spot the magic ingredient. It contains <1% of AP: Perfumer's Apprentice If we assume <1% is almost 1%, and you're using 3-4% of it, that's at most .03-.04% AP in your recipe that gives you the impression of cake. Looking forward to tasting it!

WOWWWW! I have been trying to figure out that flavor in the TPA Chessecake w/ Graham Cracker Crust for the last 6 months and there you have solved it for me...Thanks HIC, I guess reading is helpful..


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Sep 2, 2013
Golden Oreo Cheesecake

3-4% TFA Cheesecake Graham (liking this stuff)
2% Vanilla Classic
2% Cookie
.5% Meringue
.5% Fresh Cream
.5% TFA Brown Sugar
Made it late last night, sampling it just now.

Okay Huck, I'm vaping it now. I used 3% cheesecake and the rest as written. I tried it that way but quickly diluted to less than half-strength, so I'm probably at 3.5%-4% total flavoring now. I just mixed it so it's had no steep at all. I used VT nic. As my tank has heated up, I've noticed flavor changes. I know my recipes with Meringue can change after sitting overnight, so I'll set some of this aside to try tonight, and I'll bet it will change by then.

It is sweet, but definitely not too sweet for me. I like it best vaped with a little extra power than usual - tastes sweetest to me. It's vanilla, sweet, bakery... cake-like cookie? It's hard to decide what the bakery bit it, easier to say what it's not. It's not cheesecake - the 'cheese' notes have blended into something different. It's not the FA Cookie taste - not a crunchy-baked cookie, not a soft half-baked cookie. I think the interaction of those two flavorings is the key. So if Cookie and Cheesecake combine to make a bakery flavor that isn't either one of those, it must be cake. It doesn't have the characteristic 'cupcake' flavor of cake flavorings I've had before - but those all contain "custard notes", so maybe this is DAA-free cake flavor. I haven't tasted Golden Oreos, but I can imagine they'd taste like this. BTW, the juice is golden color, so the name fits there, too.

I'm really curious how this will taste after it sits. I wonder how it would be with some lemon or coconut, but I promise I'll leave it alone until it has had a proper rest. Thanks for sharing it!


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Sep 2, 2013
Yes....I'm in the Jamaica mood.....I'm getting married on the beach in Negril, Jamaica, next month......WOOT :)

Big congrats to you!
Jamaican Moonglow is a great name. I really like coconut + rum, so it sounds tasty to me. I've never put mango with rum, so I'll have to try that - thanks!


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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
Aww, that's so great! We'll have to make a variation with honeydew and call that one Jamaican Honeymoon!! Congrats and best wishes :)

HIC, with your thoughts on the Cheesecake and Cookie... we'll have to add walnut and cocoa. BROWNIES!

eta: I think it only steeped at 12 hours before I put it in my protank, so I'm curious how it'll be in a couple days. Likely too sweet, so reducing it like you did is a big possibility. I'm still enjoying the Tiramisu Cheesecake too much to not have it in another tank at all times.
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Apr 17, 2014
Aww, that's so great! We'll have to make a variation with honeydew and call that one Jamaican Honeymoon!! Congrats and best wishes :)

HIC, with your thoughts on the Cheesecake and Cookie... we'll have to add walnut and cocoa. BROWNIES!

Thanks, Actually that would be very good.........:)

Jamaican Honeymoon

2% Coconut
2% Cantaloupe Melone
1% Mango
2% Jamaican Rum


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Jun 25, 2012
Wow you guys are on a roll, I keep getting more flavors to try your wonderful recipes only to find a new recipe with a new flavoring I don't have. I guess I'll end up buying them all :)

I mixed HIC Sunrise Smoothie last night and it is outstanding ! Thanks HIC its a really nice refreshing vape. Thanks to everyone that shares their recipes ,this really is the best thread in the DIY section. Hopefully in the near future I will mix something worth sharing.


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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
Wow you guys are on a roll, I keep getting more flavors to try your wonderful recipes only to find a new recipe with a new flavoring I don't have. I guess I'll end up buying them all :)

I mixed HIC Sunrise Smoothie last night and it is outstanding ! Thanks HIC its a really nice refreshing vape. Thanks to everyone that shares their recipes ,this really is the best thread in the DIY section. Hopefully in the near future I will mix something worth sharing.

That's a good one, isn't it?

I hear ya Atlantis. Everytime I think I'm set, I end up needing still 1 or 2. I've decided to not be set. Turns out, even things I think I won't care for work with other ideas, so I'm staying open minded anymore. It's too much fun! One of my favorite books says that Life begins outside of the Comfort Zone. :)


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Jun 25, 2012
That's a good one, isn't it?

I hear ya Atlantis. Everytime I think I'm set, I end up needing still 1 or 2. I've decided to not be set. Turns out, even things I think I won't care for work with other ideas, so I'm staying open minded anymore. It's too much fun! One of my favorite books says that Life begins outside of the Comfort Zone. :)

Very well put :) Your Golden Oreo Cheescake is on my mix list too , sounds yummy!


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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
Thanks. It's good, just really sweet! Could probably be cut in half. Like HIC said, you could try higher volts or watts, whichever you use. I'm usually at 6.5w on my MVP but can take it higher with this one.

Next up, when I get home to see for sure, but I also made Honey Nuts. . 5 honey, 1.5 or 2 nut mix, 1 vanilla bourbon or classic.... Not bad! Honey IS powerful. Also made one with .75 Ceylon.

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.
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