Quick juice question

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Feb 28, 2011
Cuyahoga Falls,Ohio
I am looking around to order some more juice for my ego-t. Now I was wondering how I tell light from dark juices and is a 50/50 mix good as Im alittle confused on the mixture part of the juice. I ordered 50/50 juice that Im vaping now but what if I order a 60/40 or 70/30 what happens more smoke? Been reading the forums and just cant find the right answer im looking for. Thanks I love this place.


Senior Member
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Sep 24, 2010
Kissimmee, Florida
The number ratio for juice refers to Propylene Glycol / Vegetable Glycerin. As in 50%/50%. PG will give you more flavor and throat hit, VG makes more vapor and gives a smoother sweeter taste. You probably won't notice much difference in 60/40, but as you get to 70/30 you'll start to see a little less vapor and it will hit harder. If you want to experiment you can always order 2 bottles of the same juice in 100% of each and mix them in a small bottle to try different ratios (ie. 7 drops PG / 3 drops VG ) till you find what you like.

Also, light and dark is just a product of the flavorings used in the juice, it doesn't affect the consistency or anything...


Unregistered Supplier
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Mar 4, 2011
DC Metro Area
Many people swear by all kinds of combos. The point is, you have to find out what's right for you by trying all kinds of combinations. You'll even find that in some flavors you prefer 70/30, but in others, you might just prefer 100% PG. It's a lot of work to find your ideal vapes, but well worth it in the long run.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I think 70pg/30vg is a nice blend - enough VG to keep the nicotine from making my tongue sore, but still decent TH and flavor.

PG is thin and lets through the harshness of nicotine and TH and flavor the most
VG is thick and dulls the harshness of nicotine and TH and flavor, and add more longer-lasting visible vapor

If you are using 50/50 and want more TH, use higher PG


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Modesto Ca
I have found that 80-20 works great for me.

so... I have been sticking with 80-20 ( PG/VG )

PG gives more throat hit, and more flavor ( and is thinner )
VG gives more vapor volume ( and is thicker )

But everyone is different, you will find what works best for you. One thing you can do is order pure PG and VG from your juice vendor.... and then experiment a little ( like a tank at a time adding a drop or 2 of this or that ) and mixing them up.


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Feb 28, 2011
Cuyahoga Falls,Ohio
I have found that 80-20 works great for me.

so... I have been sticking with 80-20 ( PG/VG )

PG gives more throat hit, and more flavor ( and is thinner )
VG gives more vapor volume ( and is thicker )

But everyone is different, you will find what works best for you. One thing you can do is order pure PG and VG from your juice vendor.... and then experiment a little ( like a tank at a time adding a drop or 2 of this or that ) and mixing them up.

Thats is the kind of explanation i was looking for what PG and VG produced.Now I just have to find some places that will let me make samples with 70/30 or 80/20.
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