Rda and rba

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 2, 2009
I would suggest starting with and RDA, they are much cheaper and easier to set up and try. Then if it doesn't work our for you, you aren't out much.
Find a simple single coil, the IGO's are good starts, but honestly, there are so many good ones out there it's hard to go wrong for the money you will spend on them! I have an IGO-L that has become my favorite RDA, a tighter draw, lots of room on the deck to rebuild and holds lots of juice.
Get some 32ga Kanthal and some 3mm silica, a 4-5 wrap will get you around 1.7 ohms, a 5-6 wrap will get you around 2.3 ohms, which ever you prefer for your mod. I like the 1.7 builds so I can use it on a mechanical as well, if I desire. Learn to wrap some coils, work out the hot spots and just get things sorted in general.
This will get you used to making and working with coils, in a much easier manner than a tank system will, and if you mess up somehow, you don't waste that much juice! Once you get the hang of that, and if you like it, then I'd encourage you to go to an RBA with a tank. I wish I'd have started with a dripper instead of a tank, as they are so much easier to learn!
Do some research on the ones that interest you, there are tons of threads on just about every one of them, and check out youtube, there are more vids on how to build them it's almost scary! But start slow and easy, stick with simple builds, get your confidence up, then start experimenting with dual coils etc.
Good luck!
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