Regulated Telescopic Mod for Sub Ohming?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
new york
Does that exist? :confused:

I am currently using a IPV2S/Atlantis. I LOVE this setup but its just a tad bulky. I'm a girl and my bag is rather small so I was hoping to have something that I can just slip in :D. Something that produces 40-50watts is sufficient enough and it HAS to be regulated. I've always loved the way a telescopic mod looks but hate how most are unregulated.

You guys know of any? Seems like they are either unregulated or it produced up to 30watts only :(


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
new york
Sorry from what I have seen if you want more than 20-30watts you are limited to a box style mod. Some of the new stuff is pretty tiny. Beside a regulated tube mod gets pretty big. You might even consider a bottom feed mod like a REO.

Ahh.. that's what I'm afraid of. The only one I could find is the Aspire Sub Ohm but I don't like how you can't control the temperature. Hope they come one with a regulated telescopic in the future :(
Thanks for the help though!! :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
new york
You do not need telescopic mode. Telescopic is for easy adjustment of mode length to accept 18650 or 18630 battery. But 18630 is too weak to be effective for subohming. So, you need mod for 18650 battery. A lot of them are around, but tube modes are bigger in length than box modes.

I don't mind the length.. box mods are a little awkward for me to hold.
All the tube mods I've seen are not regulated :unsure:
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