Review of 18+ Mt Baker Vapor juices

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Mar 24, 2013
South America
MBV Vanilla tobacco
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 4/5

TH: 3.5/5
Vapor: 4/5
Flavor: 4/5
Authenticity: ?
Color: Root Beer Brown

MBV's Vanilla tobacco is dominated by a velvety natural vanilla taste that contains a hint of tapioca. Below this is a pleasant, fairly neutral undertone that I cannot identify; it recalls a pipe, but it doesn't taste like tobacco to me (which I don't mean as a criticism).

It's just sweet enough without going over. MBV 555 is significantly sweeter.

I very much like MBV Vanilla Tobacco. It satisfies without drawing too much attention to itself. It won't fight with your coffee or even a dessert -- it occupies a different space. I've vaped non-tobacco vanillas before and while I love the taste, the cloying sweetness and one-hit wonder quality they have leave me switching to another juice after a while. Not so with Vanilla Tobacco -- there's some complexity here (not on the level of Coumarin Pipe, but it's a different experience in many ways), and there's balance.

The TH is good -- gentle but sufficient. Vapor is just fine. I can't comment on the authenticity.

This liquid is headed for a permanent spot on my starting line-up!


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Mar 24, 2013
South America
MBV Peach
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 2.5/5

TH: 4/5
Vapor: 4/5
Flavor: 2.5/5
Authenticity: 3/5
Color: Sherbert Orange

MBV Peach's inhale is understated, evoking the smell of a barely ripe hairless peach from the outside, before biting or cutting it. The exhale recalls the ripe reddish-yellow flesh of a ripe (but not juicy) fuzzy peach. The first post-exhale breath sometimes brings out a fragrant note that is unlike the other two -- it reminds me of being in the supermarket's fruit section, standing near the peach stand.

While MBV Pear has a syrupy, canned-fruit note (which I find very enjoyable) along with the natural fruit flavor, MBV Peach does not. Whereas MBV Pear would probably only be a desert vape for folks without a strong sweet tooth, MBV Peach is more versatile.

The downside of MBV Peach is that after prolonged vaping it leaves a sort of powdery sweet taste in the back of the mouth. This particular taste does have a bit of a candy aspect to it. And the sweetness builds up, making it hard to stay with this e-juice.

The TH is good. Vapor production is very good. An good peach experience, and a darned good vape.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2013
South America
MBV Clove
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 4/5

TH: 3/5
Vapor: 4/5
Flavor: 4/5
Authenticity: 5/5
Color: Very light yellow

Let me start by saying that clove is not a flavor for all tastes! And MBV Clove is cloviness incarnate.

Many juices have different tastes on the way in, on the way out and in the aftertaste phase. This one does not really do that -- it's light, astringent clove on the inhale; intense, sultry clove on the way out; and deep clove during the aftertaste. In other words -- clove, clove, clove!

But it's not a one-dimensional vape -- it's complexity is simply not time-based (for the most part), like other liquids, but location-based, which I've never experienced before. The taste on the front third of my tongue has a brief and subtle ginseng-like note mixed in with the clove; the taste on the middle third of my tongue is that of clove cigarettes (like Djarum); the taste in the back of my throat (I inhale, but only partially) is a biting clove like that produced by clove oil; the taste at the exit of my nasal passages (back of the roof of the mouth) is fragrant clove.

And a few seconds after the exhale, my whole tongue glows with a barely sweet cloviness (the rest of the experience is essentially not sweet at all) and a pleasant coolness not unlike that produced by a light menthol (there's not a drop of menthol here, though). After vaping it for a while, I also feel a very, very slight anesthesia effect on my tongue.

This is an absolutely fascinating vape. It's like nothing else I've tried, and it really breaks up any sort of monotony. I look forward to mixing a few drops in various other juices, especially tobacco ones.

Decent TH, though a little on the light side. Good vapor production.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2013
South America
MBV Peach Tobacco
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 4/5

TH: 5/5
Vapor: 4/5
Flavor: 4/5
Authenticity: 3/5
Color: Root beer brown

MBV Peach Tobacco is a sweet, delicious peach schnapps in vapable form. It leaves a barely detectable flavor in the back of the throat that might be pipe-like, but the rest is pure schnapps.

It's sweeter than MBV Vanilla Tobacco, but less sweet than MBV 555. I find myself switching to another juice after an hour or so because of the sweetness.

Excellent, biting TH and very good vapor production. I prefer it to MBV Peach, and I consider myself a fruit vaper.
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Mar 24, 2013
South America
MBV Strawberry
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 4/5

TH: 3/5
Vapor: 4/5
Flavor: 4/5
Authenticity: 4/5
Color: Yellow

MBV Strawberry is the best of the four strawberries I've tried so far (full disclosure: two of those were Chinese e-liquids, and the third was Liqua). It has a very identifiable strawberry taste that is neither candy nor canned fruit. It's not exactly like fresh fruit, but it's not too terribly far from it either. You could say that on the perfumey-to-fresh-fruit scale, it's 3/4 of the way to fresh fruit.

It's sweet, as fruit should be, without being cloyingly sweet (which is a problem I have with MBV Amaretto and, to a lesser extent, Hazelnut and even 555). In fact, I'd go so far as to say its sweetness is just about perfect -- after a couple hours of vaping it, it doesn't accumulate or taste sickly sweet.

There are many juices I love, but only for 10-30 minutes. That's not a bad thing -- I think the mythical ADV is not necessarily something to aspire to! After all, with about 50,000 flavors out there, why the heck would you want to stick to just one? (Except for the purposes of buying by the liter). But MBV Strawberry goes beyond that -- it manages to satisfy and --crucially-- maintain its balance for many hours at a time. I'd recommend it.

The throat hit is a bit weak. Vapor is good.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2013
South America
Final thoughts

Since I don't live in the US, shipping is a very big expense -- I've paid up to $100 for ordinary DHL shipping (plus, I found out too late that DHL charges you for delivery, too, under the guise of "customs brokerage fees" of about 30% of the value of your package -- never again!) And so I have to consolidate my vapemail, ideally into one single package.

When it comes to juices, that means ordering as much as possible at once, and mostly ordering blind -- buying juices I've never tried before. The high cost of international shipping (and customs fees, if the package is flagged) prevents me from ordering some 15 ml bottles to sample, buying bigger bottles of the ones I like, and repeating the process.

Based on the 19 Mt Baker Vapor juices I bought, MBV is a very good company to order blind from. Only 2 of those juices are essentially unvapable to me (ginger and rose tobacco), and 1 is borderline, but good for mixing with other things (tangerine). All of the others range from good to vapegasmic.

So, in conclusion, 16 of 19 (84%) is a pretty damned good average for juices that were mere shots in the dark!

(My one complaint, in case the MBV folks read this, is that I received a meager 1 sample bottle, in spite of the fact that I bought 900 ml of juice (18 * 50 ml)!)


Full Member
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2013
Knoxville, TN, USA
I'm right there with you on the strawberry. I's been my favorite so far. It's also the first flavor that when I started vaping it someone looked at me and asked if I was vaping strawberry. I have been pleased with MBV so far and your reviews help give me an idea of what to try next.

MBV Strawberry
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 4/5

TH: 3/5
Vapor: 4/5
Flavor: 4/5
Authenticity: 4/5
Color: Yellow

MBV Strawberry is the best of the four strawberries I've tried so far (full disclosure: two of those were Chinese e-liquids, and the third was Liqua). It has a very identifiable strawberry taste that is neither candy nor canned fruit. It's not exactly like fresh fruit, but it's not too terribly far from it either. You could say that on the perfumey-to-fresh-fruit scale, it's 3/4 of the way to fresh fruit.

It's sweet, as fruit should be, without being cloyingly sweet (which is a problem I have with MBV Amaretto and, to a lesser extent, Hazelnut and even 555). In fact, I'd go so far as to say its sweetness is just about perfect -- after a couple hours of vaping it, it doesn't accumulate or taste sickly sweet.

There are many juices I love, but only for 10-30 minutes. That's not a bad thing -- I think the mythical ADV is not necessarily something to aspire to! After all, with about 50,000 flavors out there, why the heck would you want to stick to just one? (Except for the purposes of buying by the liter). But MBV Strawberry goes beyond that -- it manages to satisfy and --crucially-- maintain its balance for many hours at a time. I'd recommend it.

The throat hit is a bit weak. Vapor is good.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
Thank you so much for your really excellent reviews. I will be watching anymore reviews you do. This is the way they should be done.:)

Edit: a personal experience: I'm going to have to reorder courmarin as I stored my six-month old bottle in a jar with a clove tobacco (not sure if it was MBV) and the clove taste went into the courmarin. Unfortunately, I've found I don't care much for a clove vape. I'm still on a hunt for a tobacco from MBV to replace my much more expensive ADV that has a "neutral smokiness" to it.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2012
awesome reviews!
re the amaretto - if you have anything creamy.. buttery... milky.. give that a shot with the amaretto. I personally am all about the sweetness and spot on-ness of that juice - even though it's on the tank menace list. I've put some in whipped cream juice (my very first ADV - which goes with lots of things) and the amaretto and whipped cream is a nice full fluffy flavor to me. I do use all VG er max VG juices so I might have different tongue feel than the higher PG juice folks.

Right there with ya on the teaberry.. has it's own full size T3 here.

If you're making a wish list on the mvb site and the coffee is a bit light for you.. try the cafe coffee. It's darker but in a good way. MMMMM

and due to this thread.. clove is on my next order.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2013
South America
Great reviews Thunder! Like you, I also love the taste of the 555, but at 6mg it has no TH which is a dissappointment for me. Likewise my wife also says that it stinks!! She says that it smells like cigar smoke.

For more TH, you could always try upping the voltage/wattage... but you already knew that!

As to the taste, when I first got 555 it was pretty much a sort of sweet caramel, with moderate subtle complexities. But after a month or so of steeping it changed -- the complexities grew a great deal, a real balance was achieved, and new flavors came out. And after maybe a month of vaping well-steeped 555 I've realized what your wife figured out right off the bat -- it has a cigar tobacco taste to it.

This is not something I would have sought out, since I believed I wanted nothing to do with tobacco flavors... but I absolutely love it!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2013
South America
I like the way your reviews include the color of the juice. Lately I'm looking for high PG clear colored liquids, to extend coil life. Thanks!

I'm glad the reviews have been useful!

I want to go back and re-review these juices, since they've steeped an additional 6-8 weeks, but I don't have time right now. In the meantime, I can tell you that many of the colors have changed, often darkening, but not always.


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Feb 28, 2013
The Rum Tobacco is very nice, it is not sweet as you might think and semi light amber colored. The Coumarin Pipe with an extra shot is very pleasant, slightly darker amber. The Moo Juice can be over powering for sweetness with the strawberry flavor. Banana Nut Bread is dead on, dark color. The Hazelnut Coffee is very dark and reminiscent of a nice mocha coffee. Maple Pecan has true pecan flavor, but can be cloying for others... These are just my opinions.

For the dark juices, I clean my atomizer after every three refills. No clogging so far and great vapor.

MBV delivers very quickly and is always packaged securely. Wishing for a sampler pack of all the tobacco flavors....


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Your reviews are SUPER, thanks.

The notes on this one have convinced me not to give up on it, but hope that it needs steeping, as I'm looking for an All Day tobacco with vanilla flavor. I had been mixing another vendors "Turkish blend" with their "Vanilla" - but the supply's proven unreliable.

Note - I DON'T want French Vanilla, Vanilla Ice Cream, or anything else - they tend to me to taste like vanilla perfume...and that's my issue so far with the MtBV Vanilla Tobacco. It's still got a strong chemical/perfume thing going on, and it's been about a week.

Suggestions welcome.

I just want a mild vanilla tone to my tobacco - and the tobacco flavor I was most used to was a Turkish-ey thing. It was my first vape, and I happily kept vaping and just stopped smoking (L&M), without ever "trying".

MBV Vanilla Tobacco
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 4/5
This liquid is headed for a permanent spot on my starting line-up!


Ultra Member
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May 18, 2013
Wilson, NC, USA
MBV 555
24 mg, 80 PG/20 VG, 0 extra shots
Overall Rating: 5/5 - Vapegasm, on way to being ADV

TH: 5/5
Vapor: 5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Authenticity: ?
Color: Root beer brown

As I've said before, tobacco-flavored e-juice does not appeal to me. But I have five 50ml bottles of it, ordered before I had gotten in touch with my inner vaper, and so I'm trying them because I have nothing to lose.

MBV 555 strikes me as the antithesis of Coumarin Pipe. Coumarin is light, subtle and understated, with no single flavor being identifiable, much less dominant. 555, on the other hand, has an intense tobaccoish flavor that positively kicks you, followed by a fairly sweet caramel on both inhale and exhale that leaves its mark on the back of your throat for many pleasurable seconds. It has a very faint note of vanilla in there somewhere, too -- that's about the only subtle thing about MBV 555. It appears toward the end of the exhale.

These flavors combine very well to make one of the most powerful, least meditative vapes out there. The TH is amazing. The vapor is abundant.

Perhaps the only downside is that there's no way this could be an ADV for me -- it's actually too intense for that.

If I ever had to recommend a liquid for a smoker who wanted to quit, this would be it, hands down.

[EDIT: The ironies of life... It turns out that I've been vaping MBV 555 all day now, in spite of thinking before that it was just too powerful for that (see above)! This is fast becoming my first ADV, in fact. I am blown away, pure and simple. Vapegasm!]

[EDIT 2: As I was vaping this a few minutes ago, my wife said out of the blue, "That stuff stinks!" It's the very first e-juice she's commented on. Normally she can't even smell what I'm vaping, so I guess this means that 555 is out for stealth vaping. A small setback, though.]
My wife said the sane thing about this one!!
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