*REVIEWS* - HHV Tobaccos

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Dec 24, 2012
Newnan, GA
Huntsman (P)
70/30 12mg and 10mg

This was my first vape really. I did a taste test at Heather's and immediately loved it. I was a former dipper not a smoker, so please forgive me if my taste buds are way off. As with all things vape, it's subjective. It has a sweet smell, smells just like syrup. The taste however, is not as sweet. Notes of honey, notes of maple (faint but there), and an all around "earthy" taste. I use this as my go to all day vape. It's delicious as soon as I pick it up and even better after steeped. I steep mine with cap off for a few hours or 1/2 day, cap back on and shake then cap off, repeat. It's good stuff, try it!

Dark Horse (P)
70/30 12mg

This is very much like Huntsman, only not as sweet. To me this tastes alot like a real cigarette with a slight bit of sweetness. It reminds me of the Camel Turkish Royals. I have not had a chance to steep it yet.

Shadow (P)
70/30 12mg

I don't really know how to describe Shadow other than smooth, light, and mellow. Not too sweet, just right really. At first I thought it was like a light Legend, but after cleaning my clearo, I can see that it is not. The description on Heather's website for Shadow is identical to my experience, so my taste buds must not be too out of whack. I have not steeped this yet. It's quickly becoming one of my favorites.

Sludge (P)
70/30 8mg

Sludge is a great vape, but it has a very thick and rich taste! That being said, I only vape a clearo of it a week. It's great in the morning and after a meal. I detect the raisins mentioned by most and in the description. It reminds me of Beech Nut or Levi Garrett chewing tobacco, only in vapor form. That's the best way I can put it. That comparison also came to me as I currently type this review, so hopefully it helps. Taste the same steeped or unsteeped, steeped being a little richer.
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Feb 19, 2013
United States
Heavenly Tobacco 100% VG 18mg nic:

Flavor- This has only steeped for two days so far. The main two words to describe this juice are blended and balanced. It has a tobacco base with caramel and vanilla. All other RY4's i've tried have been way too heavy on one flavor over the others, and each flavor was easily detected. With this, it's blended so well that you can't really discern the tobacco, caramel, or vanilla. All three flavors are just blended soo well, but all three are definitely present. All three flavors are also in perfect ratios, very balanced. It's pretty sweet, but not too sweet. It isn't tobacco dominant or sweet dominant, just balanced. It has that sweet and sour aspect that chinese RY4's have. It sort of reminds me of a stronger and sweeter version of janty classic RY4. I recently discovered i'm not THAT big on RY4's, but if you like RY4's, you have to try this. My favorite RY4 so far, better than vaperite VR4 (which is a close second).
TH- 4/5 Pretty dam good
Vapor- Plumes of vapor, thanks to 100% VG


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Oct 11, 2012
Huntsman - 30PG/70VG - 12mg

Using a Phoenix dripper RBA - 2.5ohms @ 4.8volts

Now this is an interesting vape! It is very different from the other HHV NETs in that it does not impart any common flavors (chocolate, tropical spice, caramel, fruit, vanilla, honey, or donuts) found in so many of the others. This one has a very distinct aroma and flavor of cut hay. Please note that this is not at all a bad thing. There's just no other way to describe it. I'll try. It is very pleasant and rather calming. It is definitely tobacco, and not complex. It's the closest thing to cigarette tobacco HHV has, but yet it doesn't taste like a cig. It conjures a sense of farm living, cowboys, livestock, sunrise chores, pet hogs, and all the other things I learned as a kid from "Green Acres" and "Hee-Haw" growing up in the sleepy western town of Los Angeles. :blink: I am so glad I finally got this juice. It is a welcome departure from the familiar...and yet...there is something very recognizable going on here...

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Feb 19, 2013
United States
Legend 18mg 100% VG:

I taste a very flavorful pipe tobacco with notes of cherry sweetness blended into it. The cherry sweetness doesn't really taste like cherry, which i like, it just adds some very nice sweetness to the tobacco. At first the juice smelled like pure tootsie rolls and cough medicine but after a week of steeping I taste none of that. I was expecting it to be a little more complex, with maybe some chocolate or coffee. However, it has only steeped for a week so maybe it'll become more complex with time. Either way, I'm officially a die hard fan.

Serendipity 18mg 100% VG:

This tastes like a deeper and more complex version of legend. It has the same properties that i mentioned with legend, but with added notes of coffee and chocolate. At the moment I like this even more.
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Apr 1, 2010
Lewisville, TX
Dripped on a LR 306 w/eGo 650 battery

Based on what I've read, this is the HHV flavor I was looking forward to trying the most. I'm one of those insufferable a-holes that is determined to find a juice that tastes just like an analog, and I despise a lot of sweetness, especially the caramel variety. UGH. Maybe it's brain damage, I don't know, but that's what I want. Anyway, I let this along with my other HHV flavors steep for two weeks, caps & tips off for 24 hours during that time, and cap on but loose the rest of the time.

I gotta tell ya, this is a really dadgum good juice. It is a tad sweet but not in a caramel sense, and I'm hoping a little more time may help that fade into the background a little further. This is a nice, full-bodied vape that has among the most realistic analog tastes that I've tried. Perfect TH, great vapor, and the finish is great. The edgy finish/aftertaste is by far the most realistic finish of any juice I've experienced while managing to avoid leaving an ashtray taste in my mouth. Bravo to HHV for this juice!

I have Legend, Dragon's Fire, and Dark Horse sitting here on my desk as well. I think Dark Horse will be my next taste, and then the other two. Based on color and scent two weeks in, I'm thinking Legend and DF may be a bit too sweet tasting for my preference, but we're definitely going to find out.


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Feb 19, 2013
United States
Heavenly Army 18mg 100% VG:
I first tried this juice after 4 days of steeping, I was greatly disappointed, it had almost no flavor. I put it away for about 2 weeks and i just tried it again and I kid you not I said the word "wow" out loud. It has a dark cavendish tobacco base (sweet tobacco) with a very strong chocolate graham flavor. To me, it tastes very similar to AVE Boba's Bounty. BB tastes like cola with choco/honey grahams, while HA tastes like tobacco with that same choco/honey graham flavor. I am in love with BB, so I'm now also in love with HA. In simpler terms, HA tastes like BB without the cola/raisin taste and more of a tobacco taste.

Shadow 18mg 100% VG:
I had the same experience with this juice, it was very bland at first but it really woke up after a few weeks and now it's just delicious. This tastes like the lighter version of HA. Instead of the choco graham flavor it has a creamy vanilla flavor on top of the tobacco.

These two juices needed the longest amount of steeping out of all the hhv juices i got, IMO. At first they are very bland but when they wake up WOW do they wake up!


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Feb 20, 2013
Cleveland OH
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Sep 6, 2012
Heavenly Army 12mg 60/40

Just like ashechtman, I tried this a few days after receiving it and just didn't like it. A barely there flavor, and what flavor I got was not good. I put it away and figured that would be the end of that.

But I had to listen to Bronze's "Vape it 'til you like it", since it worked with other flavors I had tried. After 3 weeks I came across the bottle and thought I would give it another chance. WOW! What a difference a well steeped juice makes! I definitely pick up a graham flavor, and a light creamy smoothness. I don't pick up any chocolate flavor, but I can say that mixing in a little chocolate flavored juice (in my case Tuscan Cocoa) is amazing. Almost S'Morish. This juice quickly raced up the charts for juices that are in heavy rotation.

HA is one of the best juices, period, that I have tried since taking up vaping back in July. It also proves how important steeping is, and that you shouldn't give up on a juice until you have waited a few weeks. May not work out all the time, but HA definitely worked out for me.


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Jun 7, 2013
  • Deleted by Bronze
  • Reason: Not a review. Author contacted. He's good with it.


Vaping Master
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May 2, 2013
Crete, Il
Huntsman 50/50 24mg

Huntsman is an authentic, colorful pipe tobacco that is earthy and slightly sweet. By colorful I mean the images that it invokes: it is autumnal and brings to mind dark orange and yellows like fall leaves, peaty moss and dew-laden blades of grass with a touch of natural sweetness caught between honey or maple -- one can almost feel a cool, damp breeze sweeping across your face. It's a woodsy, outdoor tobacco that just warms you like a good hearth fire. Images conjured with every vape.

Solid vapor and throat hit, and a mild flavor that keeps your attention while it satisfies. A++

Legend 60/40 24mg

Legend is another authentic, earthy pipe tobacco albeit darker than Hunstman, but just as flavorful. Legend is sweeter, a younger forest full of dark fruit like mild cherries and/or raisins. Well balanced between the tobacco and sweetness, it's a casual, autumn vape. The fruit notes are there, but subtle drenched in the gloom of an overcast day. Another solid, authentic tobacco. A-

Dark Horse 50/50 24mg

Dark Horse is tonally different than any other HHV tobacco: it is simple. It is stark, grassy with just a slight nondescript sweetness that saves it from being just dried palms. There are no nuances, even after 2 months steeping. It is just a plain, no-frills tobacco vape and a perfect reminder of what an analog might taste like. B


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 2, 2013
Crete, Il
Serendipity 50/50 24mg

Another dark NET from HHV. Not in liquid color, but in profile. A rich somber tobacco with flavorful coffee notes on the inhale, and a wonderfully sweet dark tea on the exhale. One day, half-way through a Protank filled with Serendipity, it did taste like Legend full of the dark cherry and grape/raisin notes as if it were a chimera. Luckily, the true morning vape that is Serendipity did return on the next fill up, and I was refreshed with the inhale/exhales that I had come to love. A-

Oompa 60/40 24mg

Oompa is a little beasty of sweet goodness when it wants to be. The small 15ml bottle was most nondescript when I first received it. As with all of my HHV e-liquids, I sampled right away. After nearly 2 months, Oompa decided to awaken, and it is everything the description stated, plus a little extra oomph. You see, Oompa is a tobacco plied with chocolate, yet the chocolate slept and slept and crawled back under the covers to sleep some more. But once awoken, the chocolate sits upon the tobacco base and gloats with a spicy tongue that might be chili powder, like some Aztec imports. I was expecting more of a creamy tobacco base, like some other HHV NETs, but discovered a brilliant taste instead. A

Heavenly Army 50/50 24mg

Heavenly Army blew me away. I had sampled other NETs of various kinds, but HHV's were the first of the sweet variety. I had just come off analogs, and I was still looking for that analog feeling/taste. But the forum chatter about HHV piqued my curiosity and so I decided to give them a try. Heavenly Army was the first that I sampled that was as good after the first week of light steeping and the flavor keeps on giving.

I had never had a creamy tobacco before, and couldn't fathom what it would taste like. I loaded up a Kanger Protank with HA, and my first vape was a cloud of vapor that tasted like whipped cream! I could taste the sweet tobacco/graham notes, and slight hint of chocolate perhaps, but the vaporous clouds of whipped cream kept coming and I had found my first All Day Vape. A++

Shadow 50/50 24mg

I picked up Shadow on my 3rd order from HHV. I wish I hadn't waited so long! Once again, the creamy tobacco base with rich cream and vanilla, decadent and dark bakery flavor and perhaps a hint of chocolate in there -- at least that is what my mind tells me. It's like vaping a Bismark doughnut. Not too rich, not overly sweet -- just right to make this on my daily rotation of juices. A+


Vaping Master
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Jul 28, 2013
New Orleans , Louisiana
Pirate's Booty 100%VG/36mg

The reason I ordered this was the product description said it is all about spicy caribbean tobacco and I was looking for something to take the place of the perique blend cigarettes that I smoke and I needed the high nicotine to get me through the rough spots . That being said when I first opened the bottle the aroma was definitely chocolate and that's what I got on my first inhale a very deep chocolate flavor with a massive throat hit but on exhale a heavy cigar tobacco flavor that was the closest to actual tobacco smoke that I've tasted yet. There was just the slightest hint of sweetness to it . It actually surprised me because for some reason I missed the connection between the caribbean and cigars duh. That was my first impression but after a month of steeping it has become something wonderful . The chocolate flavor has become more subdued and there is a very rich slightly spicy cigar tobacco flavor coming to the front now along with a very creamy mouthfeel and aftertaste similar to Shadow but with cocoa instead of vanilla and the sweetness is elevated just a touch . l love the layering of flavors in this juice . Out of the tobacco flavors that I've tried from HHV this is the strongest tobacco taste and the closest to actual smoke . So if you're looking for a juice to satisfy that tobacco craving give this a try, it's become a must have for me.


Vaping Master
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Jul 28, 2013
New Orleans , Louisiana
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Various HHV Juices. All at 30/70 PG/VG, 12mg nicotine. Using REOS VV Grand, Mini's

Just a quick rundown of what I call my "Fantastic Five";
Shadow- My favorite. Mild, smooth tobacco with a creamy vanilla. Easily an ADV or and EDV. Nothing harsh or bitter, just good smooth flavor.
Legend- As I mentioned in an earlier post, Legend IS a true replica of Cherry Pipe Tobacco.
Oompa- Dark Chocolate mixed with a mild to medium tobacco base. Another ADV. Rich, smooth flavor.
Dagon's Fire- Buried within the sweet Honey- Graham / Tobacco flavor is a mild chocolate undertone. Need VV Device to truly appreciate this wonderful selection.
Heavenly Tobacco- Not a NET, yet still a light yet rich, sweet take on RY4 E-Liquids.

As always, steeping is necessary with HHV Tobaccos. I personally believe 6-8 weeks are needed to reach maturity on each of these selections. Either of these five liquids can be All Day Vapes, or End-of-Day relaxation.
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The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
Maple, Eh? - 20PG/80VG - 18mg

Using an IGO-T (dual coil) - 1.2ohms @ 4.2volts

I just got the new Maple, Eh? Last week. I gave it a good week of steeping, and it may still change a bit, but here is what I think.

Deep, rich maple flavor from the initial taste until the end. Mostly sweet at first, then fades into a more robust maple flavor. It's not syrup-like in any way to me. I kinda feel like I am in the snowy Vermont forest, with tins of sap catchers all around me. The smell is very nice, too. There is a definite wood-like element to the flavor, too. Maybe sort of an oak influence like what you get in a good whiskey.

I really like this new flavor. Nice work, HHV!


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Aug 19, 2012
Gaia, 70/30, 18mg

Phoenix RBA, 1.8 ohm micro, on Nemesis

HHV recently released two NETs that fall squarely in their family of Earthy-flavored NETs. Gaia is one of them (the others are Huntsman, Dark Horse, and the newly released Maple, Eh?). Gaia has a slight grassy flavor but underneath is a dull sweetness that dominants the exhale...perhaps a bitter sweetness. The dull sweet note is not a sharp, sugary sweetness, but a rather subtle appeal similar to malt. I can't help but crave a full-flavored beer or ale while vaping Gaia as it would compliment the hops and barley perfectly.

With the addition of the two, new Earthy NETs from HHV, a realignment is in order. Where many thought of Dark Horse as "Diet Huntsman" or "Huntsman Light", it can be said that Dark Horse can more accurately be described as "Diet Gaia". I find more similarities to Dark Horse than I do Huntsman. Yes, Gaia is a stronger Dark Horse! And isn't it interesting they are the same, near-clear color?

Personally, I find this to be a nice flavor and prefer it above the other three Earthy flavors offered by HHV. Certainly, if you enjoy Dark Horse, Gaia is an absolute must-try. Similarly, if you enjoy Huntsman or Maple, Eh?, Gaia is also a must try. But don't expect a maple note. Grab yourself a nice cold ale and some Gaia and see what you think.


Note: I found Gaia requires less steeping than most of the HHV NETs.
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The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
Gaia, 80 VG/20 PG, 18mg

Helios RDA, 0.8 ohm (dual) micro, on Caravela

Well this is a very interesting flavor. It surprised me. I expected it to be a cousin of Huntsman. It perhaps is a cousin, but a second or third cousin. It reminds me more of Dark Horse than any other flavor. It strikes me as a more heavy tobacco than DH, less sweet, not the grassy or maple flavors I get from Huntsman, more like the crisp Dark Horse 'bite'. There is a distinct flavor underneath the semi-sweet, deep tobacco. It is difficult to describe and subtle. I only get it on exhale, it is...like scotch almost. Specifically, like Dewars white label 12-year scotch. I am sure that flavor will be different for everyone, but I bet a lot of people taste it.

I really like this flavor. It is intense, and screams to me "end of the day vape". I love it in my dripper, and I can see it being a frequent late-evening companion.

Another great effort from HHV. Both Maple, Eh? and Gaia are bold new flavors that remind me of other favorites, but have a really cool flavor all of their own.

EDIT: Upon reading Bronze's review, I can see how it would be a nice companion to say a Newcastle or Guiness. I do get the maltiness, I suppose I leaned towards my poison of choice, scotch, while he leaned towards beer. Funny how similar our reviews were. I deliberately wrote mine before reading his, but I felt I needed to add this note to it after reading his words.
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Aug 19, 2012
Temptation, 70/30, 18 mg

Phoenix RBA, 1.8 ohm micro on a Nemesis

Another heavily flavored NET from HHV. Temptation has two primary top notes. Dark chocolate and a creamy shaper. Think Sno-Caps.

snow caps2.jpg

For those familiar with the HHV NET line, Temptation shares the same dark chocolate note in Oompa and a toned-down creamy note you find in Shadow or Heavenly Army. It's a rather bright chocolate vape, not milk chocolate, but definitely dark (or semi-sweet) chocolate. Not overly sweet or rich but definitely sweet. Nothing mysterious here. Sno-Caps. I like it.


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Oct 15, 2013
CA, by way of NJ
Dark Horse
50/50 18 mg

Having been in the market for an NET I could get quickly and regularly, I found an old thread that was, essentially, an awards cermony for NETs. From that, I picked the winner of best overall (and cigarette-like) NET and promptly ordered. Now, here I am.

First, I will say that the shipping was super quick, especially given the level of inclementness of the weather in the southeast, so bravo there. Second, I will say that I vaped this -- as I do all my juice -- right out of the envelope. I don't have time to steep, as I order when I need and thus, expect quality out of the bag. Thirdly, I was a 20+ year smoker who is still chasing that perfect analog equivalent.

That all said, my initial impression was one of utter dismay. Dark Horse has that same fenulgreek/anise odor that most non-NET tobacco wannabes seem to have. In fact, I recently PIFed back a large bottle of Azure Vapes Morley because this smell/flavor was far too potent. Nevertheless, I popped DH into my EVOD and fired it up.

Can I say that the smell and taste were entirely different?

I must. It was a very DRY vape, which sat well with the desire for analogs (what is dryer than burning paper?) with just an ever so slight floral quality (which I didn't like, but took a backseat to the overall experience). As a decade long American Spirits smoker, this tastes -- to me -- like a cheap cigarette (see: Basics, Jacks, Liggetts) mixed with an equally cheap cigar (see: Swishers). You'd think that'd be bad, but after vaping my way through dozens of awful dessert flavors, no, no that is quite good.

The winning fact here is that this stuff feels dry in the same way that analogs feel and that the flavor -- even if it is a bit like a bouquet -- goes with everything in the way that a good smoke does. By that, I mean with a cup of coffee, a beer, and immediately following a burger. It was even great at midnight while reading a textbook.

Bottom line -- is this the best NET I've ever had? No. Is it a perfect ideal analog replacement? No; I'm convinced no vape will ever be. IS it a good, quality all day vape for someone who still craves analogs? Yes. Yes, I think it is. Yes, it's still vaguely maple-ey, and smells wretched, but it's smooth, dry and versatile.

Will I be ordering it again? Can't say. I've still got to rip through the rest of this sampler. What I will say is that HHV is going to get a much closer look in the future. Well played.


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Oct 15, 2013
CA, by way of NJ
Dragon's Fire
70/30 12 mg

As part of my HHV sampler, this was far and away the best of the supplemental NETs I ordered. As I was -- at the time -- chasing analog-ish flavors, my initial reaction toward Dragon's Fire was one of dismay. Yet, I put it aside as I sucked down all my Dark Horse and ended up coming back to it (it's also worth noting that I'm definitely not ready to drop from 18mg to 12mg, but the samplers are what they are).

Having also received Huntsman, Legend, and Shadow, this was the best (behind Dark Horse). It's described as being "deep" and "rich," though I found it light and airy. It's definitely a pipe-ish vape, with a slightly spicy undercurrent. There's also none of that maple-y nonsense that most pseudo-tobacco juices offer, in either odor or taste.

Having tried MBV's Coumarin Pipe juice in the past, I can say that Dragon's Fire blows it right out of the water. For a true(r) pipe tobacco experience at a comparable cost with quite quick delivery, I'd have to say that you need not look any further than this.


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Oct 15, 2013
CA, by way of NJ
60/40 18mg

MVP2 + EVOD = 2.5 Coil @ 8.5 Watts

Love this. Right out of the box this stuff is entirely vape-able. However, if you're under the pretense that that is going to be a true tobacco flavor, you're mistaken. I can understand how this is a Legend spin off, as I didn't find Legend particularly tobacco-ey at all either (as a 20+ year tobacco lover who swore he could never quit smoking, I give myself some wiggle room). I'd not get Legend again, but I'd get this. Why? It has three highly desirable flavors that are noted in this following order: coffee, chocolate, tobacco (.50, .25, .25, respectively). Of course, I love coffee. I like chocolate, and I love tobacco. This stuff could be a staple.

Again, I have to credit HHV for super fast shipping on this. I ordered this an the below liquid on the previous Thursday, mid-afternoon, PST, and I had in my mailbox on the following Monday. Crazy.

60/40 18mg

MVP2 + EVOD = 2.5 Coil @ 8.5 Watts

I'm either going to try to trade this, or toss it out. Even with extended steeping I can presume this is never, ever going to match my palette. On a side note (that's relevant to this review) I used to drink a lot when I was young(er). A lot. I was a huge fan of Jack Daniels back then and could -- quite literally -- guzzle it like water. Unfortunately, said drinking ability led me toward many a horrid Monday morning in which ever belch or shift in stature would bring the taste of bile and (cheap, it is) whisky forward. I vomited a lot. A lot.

Nowadays, just smelling JD makes me retch because of this unintentional conditioning (Mezcal does too, but that's another story). I've drank it a few times since the old days -- mainly when I've already had far too much or am doing joint shots at someone's wedding -- and the reaction is always the same: I retch on contact. I'm conditioned, there's no escaping it.

Sludge provokes the same reaction. I'm not sure why as it doesn't taste remotely like whisky. However, it does taste like something that is otherwise indeterminable to me, but riding on and undercurrent of spoiled milk. I presume this is the "creaminess" that is referred to on the website. Of course, take from hat what you will, as said reviews also promised the flavors of both plums and raisins (why not prunes, and lets both be dried fruits?), neither of which are present.

Much like the Hawkingism, Sludge is retch all the way down. If you're going to order, do it on a sampler and make sure it's not your Jack Daniels before you do.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2012
Bangkok, Thailand
This batch of DF is 70/30 PG/VG @ 18mg nic
Ordered on Sept. 25th, 2013

It's been a while since I did a review here, so please forgive any laps in proper form.

I cleaned out my KFLs last night and re-wicked them with cotton. In the KFL+, I have a 1.6ohm, .5mm ribbon wire coil and filled it with Dragon’s Fire. Been vaping it all day and trying to pin-point the flavor notes each time I take a puff.

You can tell by the date that it’s well aged and (IMO) mighty tasty! This is third order of DF, the first was way back in Dec. 2012, just before Christmas; my first notes on the flavor were, "Only thing I remember is that it was good. Lightly sweet tobacco.” and after vaping it all day today I’m going to stick to my second set of notes written a couple weeks after first taste, "DF has transformed into a very complex blend - a dark cocoa tobacco with undertones of cream and slightly fruity spice. (Possibly an ever so slight resemblance to Gollum/Sludge)"

After thoughts:
Vaping in the KFL, as apposed to my previous device the ViVi Nova, brings out a bit more of the nuances of this complex tobacco extract.

The fruity notes are like not like any fruit found in North America, they are ever so light and have more of an exotic tropical, almost herbal taste.
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