Rookie needs direction

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ECF Guru
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
Hello, I'm a 55 yr old rookie who went from 3 packs a day to zero in 10 days, and still in shock over it. I have started with 650 mha batteries and inexpensive C5 cartridges from my local cig store. Now that I have found my nic level and experimented with flavors, I am looking to increase my vapeing experience. My new 1650 (variable voltage) battery arrives today and I know I will be experimenting with it for the next few days. I will be ordering another battery, either the same or one of those square wattage thingamajigs.

The direction I am confused about, (after reading 1000 posts) is the tank I should be looking for. My desire is to enjoy vapeing the flavors without creating the smoke of a coal fired locomotive. I know the PG/VG mixes effect vapor cloud, but I'm lost in the brands I should be considering for this direction. I don't have much desire to mix my own, beyond combining some of the flavors I've wasted money on already.

I've been reading some about the bottom coil (Kanger and Aspire) tanks, wondering if they would be that much of a flavor enhancer. I'm not stuck on these two brands or types and would consider other directions (cartomizer?). I don't mind the vapor from the small units I have been using, it's what I am used to as a former smoker. Any advice in this direction would be greatly appreciated. :)


Super Member
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Jan 25, 2012
I've been using bottom coil tanks ( Kanger t3s) for several years now and because I can rebuild my coils, I save money and am satisfied with the results enough that I don't feel the need to try every new tank that comes along. As you mentioned, a larger battery is a must in my opinion. I have 2 MVP2's and never worry about running out of power.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
I think you will like the bottom-coil clearos a lot more than the CE5.

There are 2 ways to go - Get a bunch of inexpensive heads, or a couple of fancier ones. A matter of choice; there are a lot of cheap tanks out there that IMHO perform very well. The EVOD and GS-H2 heads are pretty good, and can be very inexpensive:

Many folks like the Aspire Nautilus (Regular or mini) with the BVC coils.
Or perhaps the Kanger Aeortank. (I personally am not a fan of the protanks, but the aerotanks are a significant improvement)


Super Member
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Dec 14, 2014
Queensland, Australia
Hello, I'm a 55 yr old rookie who went from 3 packs a day to zero in 10 days, and still in shock over it. I have started with 650 mha batteries and inexpensive C5 cartridges from my local cig store. Now that I have found my nic level and experimented with flavors, I am looking to increase my vapeing experience. My new 1650 (variable voltage) battery arrives today and I know I will be experimenting with it for the next few days. I will be ordering another battery, either the same or one of those square wattage thingamajigs.

The direction I am confused about, (after reading 1000 posts) is the tank I should be looking for. My desire is to enjoy vapeing the flavors without creating the smoke of a coal fired locomotive. I know the PG/VG mixes effect vapor cloud, but I'm lost in the brands I should be considering for this direction. I don't have much desire to mix my own, beyond combining some of the flavors I've wasted money on already.

I've been reading some about the bottom coil (Kanger and Aspire) tanks, wondering if they would be that much of a flavor enhancer. I'm not stuck on these two brands or types and would consider other directions (cartomizer?). I don't mind the vapor from the small units I have been using, it's what I am used to as a former smoker. Any advice in this direction would be greatly appreciated. :)

wow it is a journey hey!! so much easier to get that stinky out of the box and set it on fire! LMAO... I am one month into to this experience and spent more than I want to admit but mostly it was on juice! Thanks to this forum I found it easier to get my hardware in order first but I guess it makes sense that taste is a whole other personal issue lol. SO since you have your flavours and nic levels sorted first I would like to suggest that you try a mini nautilus? The reason is the tank fits on most devices, has replacement coils (so you don't have to build them) and the tank is easy to clean out if you want to try different juices.


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2015
Denton, TX, 76209
Have to agree with Dyanne, I have used cartos, clearos, atos, rebuilds, and I love my full on Atlantis, but for what you want the lil guy will work great. The Bottom coil produces flavor like a dream, and since its the lil one you don't have to worry about all of the hassle and danger of sub-ohm. Good luck - congrats - and HAPPY VAPING edit lol : I've got a Kanger Aero in a drawer, as it has the same issues with flavor being crap after a few days of Vaping and the coils are kinda pricey for the duals for no longer than they last in my opinion.
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ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
There's a lot to try out - that's why for many people, vaping becomes a bit of a hobby...

Small box is a great idea - MVP2 or eLeaf iStick, etc - any of them will be a great step up.
For liquid, a nautilus or similar small "tank" is also a great step up.

For liquid - I'd find a few online vendors, and plan to just keep trying small bottles until you find a couple you like to vape long-term.
Some I've like include MrELiquid (inexpensive, broad selection) & GoodLifeVapor (creative flavors, a bit more $). For specific types (tobaccos or custards for example) there are other brands that sort of specialize... (Nicoticket, for example).

Have fun and congratulations!


Ultra Member
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Sep 30, 2014
Its hard to go wrong with the Nautilus or the Aerotank. Both have been solid for me.

I agree with brandon7. Both would work fine with your setup and give you great flavor until you are ready to graduate to the next level. I have both and they are still in my rotation with my rebuildables.


ECF Guru
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
Hello again. I'd like to thank all of you for your input and support. I received my Spinner VV yesterday and was very pleased with it. Still in the experimental stage, I am leaning towards the Aspire Nautalus (full or mini) with a 30w eleaf MOD style battery, but haven't yet placed the order. I figure it's best for me to stick with my various inexpensive tanks until they burn out or need the coil thingamajigs changed. I did order some 80/20 PG/VG juice from MtnBaker (less smoke, more taste according to my forum research) in my continuing quest for the ADV (all day vapor).

Quitting the cigs has been a relief to me. If I had originally adjusted my nic level properly (I tried 6 at first, ended at 12) I would have been off cigs a week earlier. I greatly appreciate the support and input.

Drunkenbatman? (you have an excuse) it's Certifiably Nuts. (they call me nuts for a reason!)



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2015
Sandbox, USSA
Hey mate, welcome! I'm sure you'll get great answers, so can I just ask how I should pronounce your name phonetically? I have the nutz part down, but the rest is making me feel dyslexic. :)

Edit: nvm I got it. That's embarrassing, let's never speak of this.

Aha! Dyslexia strikes again hey..Silly Bat, just call the dude, Nutz!

btw, I'm suspecting it's caused by sleep deprivation which seems to be a recurrent theme amongst heavy vapers.
My fingers have had a mind of their own all night long
Every other word comes out scrambled.

Here's lookin' at ya :toast:
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