runny nose?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
Now, honestly, that is what kleenex is for, and its not a major issue, but i am curious if its because of the vaping, the weather, a cold with only one symptom, or something else entirely..
I seem to have a runny nose now, not quite constantly, but at least regularly, and this is not something I have often had trouble with. I am not, as near as I can tell, sick. I feel great, in fact..I jsut find my nose start to run for no real reason at least several times a day. Any ideas? and does anyone else have this?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Allergy season is starting. What PG/VG of juice do you use and have you changed that recently or changed your nic level or flavor?

My sinuses actually cleared up for the first time in 10 years when I started vaping. My sinuses used to always be stuffed or my nose was runny. Not any more. I use 70pg/30vg juices. I did find 18mg nic in 100% PG irritating to my tongue. I only french a bit of my vapor so not much goes up my nose - just enough to get the aroma.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
if its allergies, then that is an absolute first for me. Granted I am female, and hitting the "change" so it is highly possible that I have decided to develop mild hayfever. Oh yay yippee. Lets toss yet another symptom onto the list of the joys of growing older! LOL
I am always trying new flavors, and have been zero nic for about 3 weeks now, so it could be that as well. Just me playing scientist tryin to figure out why every few hours I have to dive for the kleenex. Its just plain weird!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Oh boy... I go through this, every time I quit smoking... LOL

1. It's a well-kept secret, but there's an inverse relationship between smoking and allergies. This is one is the reasons why more doctors used to prescribe Pall-Mall. Seriously, just as smoking numbs the sense of smell/taste, it can numb some allergic reactions. When I'm a non-smoker, I can be asthmatic. If, for example, I enter a house that has cats, I have two options: grab the inhaler, or smoke a cig. Sad, but true. And verified by two of my doctors. Whenever I quit, and that's been often, I need to stock up on allergy meds.
2. A person goes through something like 7 periods when they either add new, or shed old, allergies (someone who knows more about this please pipe in). Usually, they add them. I grew up with cats, for example, and now I get hives from them.

I'm no doctor, but this has been my experience. Mileage may vary, but it's common for some allergies. But do not let this discourage you from the cancer sticks. I have almost no allergies when I smoke, but they kill me, when I quit. Well, they'll just bug me. But the cigs will do much worse.

Might want to try some over the counter Zyrtec (or the Costco knock-off). If that fixes the problem, you know you've developed allergies.
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Super Member
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Jan 5, 2011
I have the same symptons as well, been vaping for about 3 months now. But I do have allergies in the spring, but now it's still winter here. It's worst in the morning, or sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the nite w/ the worst runny nose ever. It seems to get better by the end of the day though. That how my allergies use to be in the spring too, but it doesn't get so bad that it would wake me up in the middle of the nite. I still haven't completely quit ciggys so I know it's not a sympton from quitting. It seems to me it gets better wen I vape.


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
I wondered about that as well. It may just be my nose breathing freely for the first time in 25 years, and having no idea how to deal with it!!

LOL....could be. I have allergies right now. Started yesterday. We've been having some goofy weather here. One day warm...the next cold.


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Jan 26, 2011
Conroe, TX
I have allergies every year, so that was my first reaction to the op. Got me thinking, though. Since I started vaping a little over 3 weeks ago, I've noticed that my usual runny nose has become excessively dry. That goes right along with what everybody says about dehydration and vaping/ quitting analogs. I guess over the next few weeks as my worst time of year for allergies approaches, we'll see how this new hobby/habit affects me. For now it looks like it's going to help more than hurt. Kind of the opposite of the op. Interesting....


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Actually, I hesitated in posting my earlier response. But it's been my experience. However, please don't let allergies keep you on those cancer sticks.

Oh goodie. I read this thread hoping to hear that the slightly runny nose I was starting to get was because my nose was getting better... now I find out it could very well be I have been self medicating an allergy?

I'll just keep hoping its all my body parts getting used to not smoking and hope!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2011
Frisco, TX
It's worst in the morning, or sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the nite w/ the worst runny nose ever. It seems to get better by the end of the day though

I wake up in the middle of the night and just can't breathe, at all. The other night, I ended up sitting up to sleep, most of the night, because my head was sooo stuffed up. Once I'm up and moving around for the day, it gets a little better and I'm able to function, but the closer to nighttime, the worse my nose gets.

I'm sure it's because I quit smoking, and I'm still new to this and keep having to convince myself that this was a GOOD thing and it'll be healthier for me, in the long run.
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