Should I mention vaping to my doc?

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Full Member
Mar 14, 2012
Vail, AZ
I have type 2 diabetes like so many others. I have had it about 5 years now since my last doctor missed diagnosing it on about ten different occasions when I had gone to him regarding health issues I was experiencing due to my diabetic signs that I was experiencing and (at the time) not knowing I was "diabetic".
Sow now I'm a diabetic and have taken the diet reversing route. I eat nothing with sugar, limit my drinking and finally, thanks to e-cigarettes, found a way, a wonderful way to stop smoking stinkies. Going on 7 weeks now.
My prior doctor who I recently fired because in general he wasn't worth a dime in my eyes (looking back 12 or so years) He was also a extreme anti-smoking/anti-tabacco physician. Which most of them are. It was always the first thing he would ask me during check-ups and physicals..."Are you still smoking?" Yes.

We moved out of town recently and I located a PCP that is very close to our new location and signed up. I went in for my meet and greet appointment, met him, talked about my past health issues,etc. He had a extremely high rating by the board that rates physicians and he seemed like a really understanding and caring person who listened to my concerns. I mentioned to him that I quit smoking. I didn't seem to phased but for me it's a big deal. All the health issues I was starting to have at my age. It was either quit or be on oxygen.
For some reason I didn;t want to tell him I was vaping because I had a feeling he would tell me to stop. But I know my body and myself and how I feel on a daily basis. I will eventually in time, cut down my nic levels, but I am not going to stop vaping. I love it. I convinced my wife after buying her an ego e-cig because she was also a pretty hard-core smoker as well. I love her dearly and didn;t want to see those GD cigs kill her in time either. So we are both vaping, we both love this change, and are both feeling so much better.

Do you think I should tell my doc about the nic vaping? Or is keeping this little secret to myself a better route.
I have an urge to try an "educate" my new doctor as to how amazing these devices are as far as getting people to quit smoking and doing tabacco products as well as the success rates. I'm just afraid the MD's aren't behind these yet. And I am concerned he will assume "vaping" is the same as smoking (which is what most people seem to think when they see us puffing these things). What do you think Vets?:vapor:

Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Frankly, doctors should know about anything going on that might affect your health, so I think you should definitely tell your doctor. That said, doctors and most health care professionals are notorius for rejecting any 'solutions' that don't have normal medical sanctions.

I'd pass on trying to 'educate' your new doctor on ecigs. Just tell him that you're using them and the effect it has had on your habit. You might explain that - there is no tobacco combustion and hence no tar or carbon monoxide. That might mean something to him. He won't be 'perscribing' ecigs for his other patients. If he's interested, and has a family member that has been trying to quit smoking, he may ask more questions, but don't expect a pat on the back. You might get one, but don't expect it.
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