Side Effects

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2008
I have noticed the Freesmoke nicotine peppermint (which I like) gives me a headache if I e-smoke too much. Oddly the chocolate flavour is not as bad so I am uncertain if it is nicotine that causes it or some personal reaction to the flavourings in the minty one. The liquid from E-cig seems fine.

On the whole though, in every other way I still feel like a non smoker in terms of fitness levels. I have been e-smoking for 6 months now and never touch cigarettes. I can honestly say that I suffer none of the usual "smoker" symptoms such as cough, chestiness,etc and I am fitter than I have been for at least ten years having not smoked a real cigarettes for 15 months. I used to suffer palpitaions when I smoked but have not done so with e-cigs.
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ECF Founder, formerly SmokeyJoe
Verified Member
Excellent stuff, Woody.

I too am amazed by e-smoking. My fitness levels just keep improving and I feel like I have a new body - and that's after only 3 months!

I have the cherry Freesmoke liquid and it seems perfectly fine to me, no obvious side effects here, perhaps you have an allergy to the flavouring?



Full Member
Feb 27, 2008
woody said:
I have noticed a headache side effect

This is normal according to my GP and a lot of people on the Dutch forum. This is your body telling you, you had to much nicotine. The same thing happens e.g. with nicotine patches which are to strong. Eighter switch to lower nicotine content, or buy a seccond cigar(ette) with zero liquid for those moment you want to smoke but do not need the nicotine.

In tobacco products, the industry add products to suppress that reaction, so you can take nicotine as much as you want without your body warning you that it is to much. Maybe the chocolate also masks this a bit?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Woody: Elsewhere you'll find a newspaper article I posted yesterday on Dutch authorities being asked to investigate the safety of e-smoking after some users reported heart palpitations. That's nicotine overdose, too. We tend to always use these e devices, unlike the smoke-it-and-snuff-it use of cigarettes. LVD offered good advice.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2008
It is certainly all too easy to puff away non stop but I try to leave at least an hour between uses to avoid potential problems. In the past I have had palpitations using nicotine gum so I understand the problem. Maybe some people have really overdone it without realising. Perhaps future models will have some sort of measured dose similar to that of a cigarette so we know when to stop. Also it seems generally accepted that risk to the heart is the biggest hazard of nicotine in any form.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2008
Arizona USA
The overdose factor is the number one reason why I haven't ordered any E-liquid and cartridges. I've overdosed just from chain smoking marlboro lights. Start playing a computer game and have smoke breaks between levels every 15 minutes for a few hours straight... NOT GOOD lol. I'm afraid i'll misuse the e-liquid somehow. Still reading and learning on it. Definately need to order in 0mg cartridges. Should've thought of that in the first place. I have 2 Njoys and 4 mini health cigs in front of me.. so I catch myself constantly puffing now... Do they sell a 0mg e-liquid? Going to go check right YES THEY DO!!!! May put in an order tonight. Really love this forum. Thanks everyone!!!!!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2008
Gotham City
SmokeyJoe said:
I particularly like LVD's idea of having a second no-nicotine cigarette. Now why didn't I think of that?
Gee.. I thought I thought of this myself.
My list of side effects:
hiccups rarely
dry skin - pretty sure I've got that from e-smoking but mainly on my face, particularly my nose.
indigestion - was getting refilling with Bickford's Kahlua. I might have been using too much.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
No side effects from Bickford, but I did find the straight Kahlua extract to be too strong. I'm still puffing away on the e-cig with it, but I've mixed a new batch that is one-third Kahlua, one-third homebrew tobacco liquid, and one-third 24mg regular E-Cig E-Liquid. I tried that and want to boost the Kahlua a bit. Pretty tasty stuff, though.

I also pulled out a very old Nicotrol Inhaler, took it apart and found a filter inside. I soaked that filter with E-Liquid and am sucking on the inhaler periodically. Will try the Kahlua mix in it next.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I got some Bickford Key Lime, also. And I have a sample pack for the e-cigar that I ordered awhile back from E-Cig. I'm going to squeeze some orange, lemon, melon, etc. juice from those cartridges and mix it with the Key Lime Kahlua for a tropical cocktail vapor!

Lemme know on blueberry flavor. It's a favorite pie from my youth.
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