Smoker's intolerance to vapor


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Feb 12, 2021
So I've tried everything from e-cigs in all kinds of VG/PG set-ups and and nicotine strengths to vaporizing actual tobacco (heat not burn), but it always comes down to the same problem; my lungs just can't handle vapor/steam well (No, I'm not asthmatic). I try to power on through the symptoms but it almost always ends up badly with my chest feeling super tight and my whole body feeling like it had just doubled in weight. Heat not burn (especially rolling tobacco in a DynaVap) actually feels satisfying and scratches the same itch as smoking does (actually a lot better/tastier and stronger nicotine wise), but the vapor/related symptoms are the same even though vaporized tobacco doesn't produce huge clouds like e-cigs. Vapor itself is what ails me. Sometimes, even the steam from hot water makes me feel chesty!

Let it not be said that nicotine per se is the cause. I'm a Dokha smoker, which means my nicotine tolerance is as high as it gets. Even the buzz I get from my vaporized tobacco feels nice (vaporizing releases more nicotine than smoking), but I have to admit that nicotine suspended in e-juice makes me particularly sick even in small doses.

Do long time smokers have the same problem? I'm told that smokers' lungs aren't as good at handling vapor/steam due to all the tar and toxins. Am I doomed for life?


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  • Jan 22, 2012
    Vape Hartwell, GA
    Yes. I can’t really think of anything else besides what I believe might be the problem. Could be your just intolerant to ecig vapor. Not sure if you tried a low watt high ohm coil setup. I vape 6mg at 9 watts with a 1.2 ohm coil. Sometimes when I let others try it without ever using an ecig before, they’ll cough like crazy. Then, I’ll need to instruct them on how to do mouth to lung inhaling. Though, I’m sure that’s not your problem.


    Vaping Master
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    Jan 16, 2019
    @Piruz as far as I'm aware of the only way to get 100% VG flavoured liquid is to make your own, but flavours are limited.

    As nearly all flavourings are PG based.

    There's other things that can be used in place of PG, PEG 100 comes to mind and I believe there's a few users active on the forum that use it.

    Also there's other things to consider as well such as a sensitivity to certain flavours, I myself cannot vape anything melon flavoured as it causes me to develop a throat infection.

    And maybe experimenting with TC aka Temperature Control may be an idea too, as HNB tech uses something loosely similar so that it doesn't burn the Tobacco. When it comes to vaping though it can be configured/setup to your liking so that it works with the user.


    vaper dedicato
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    I tried 50/50 VG PG and 100% VG,
    I mix my 'e-juice' to about a 75/25 or 70/30 PG/VG ratio. I would also suggest PEG 100 as Mordacai did, and/or that a lower VG level might be needed.


    Ultra Member
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    Nov 27, 2015
    Dunoon, West of Scotland.
    Here I come out of left field as usual... by age 24 when in uniform I was smoking 3 packets of strong British cigarettes a day - Senior Service plain unfiltered - 60 a day,

    At age 24 I switched to a pipe, again using the strongest British pipe tobacco I could lay hands on ...viz Condor Long Cut which I happily smoked to age 66 and inhaled, no less.

    I switched to vaping when my daughter gave me an e pipe at that age after three failed smoking cessation courses, I used 18 strength e liquid in that set up and vaped it at 3.7 volts, and never had a craving for a full weekend using that set up ... and so became a full time vaper.

    Maybe it'd work for you if you tried a low watt high nic set up which shouldn't hit you so hard physically but could be satisfying and get the nic monkey off your shoulder.

    Maybe try an MTL setup with at least 16 strength liquid at 8 -12 watts and see how it goes.

    Clouds don't work for everyone and menthol e liquid is quite kind if MTL'd.

    Just a thought offered in the hope it might help...


    14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Everyone is different but fwiw, from the beginning of my vaping, I could not handle what others did and no one could explain it. Back in the early days, there wasn't much choice in setups. You could get the little very low watt batts or you could opt for the 5v mods like the Chuck. I so wanted to move beyond the little cigalikes so I tried a custom Chuck, the xhaler and a bunch of others and couldn't handle them. I coughed my head off. Same with coil building when that became a thing. Every coil I built or had others build for me made me cough.

    Over the years very few things worked for me and I still can't explain it. An example is the Z coils at a max of 17 watts doesn't bother me but every rebuildable does so I gave up on them. Anything high watt or super low ohms, same thing...coughing.

    Certain liquids (whether I make them or buy them) cause the coughing. I vape certain flavors, nic of 3mg and keep the vg ratio high to work for me.

    Maybe just try some different things until you narrow it down. That is what I had to do. Best of luck, I hope you find something that works.


    vaper dedicato
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    get the nic monkey off your shoulder.
    :offtopic:sortof. I remember during a period of my 'smoking stint' when I would preface a smoke break during work with what I thought was a clever phrase, "I'm gonna go out and feed the monkey on my back a Camel."


    Vaping Master
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    Someone suggested above trying it without nic. If you still cough you know it likely isn't the nic.

    Then try it without flavor. Find out if the problem is the flavors.

    Guess you could try all PG or all VG to see if one of them is the culprit. That might be a little hard as pure PG is runny and likely to leak, pure VG is thick and likely to give you dry hits. But you should be able to do it long enough to see if one of those doesn't give you a problem.

    I've heard some people have problems with nickel, which is in some coils.

    Can't think of anything else you could cut out if you cough your way through all those experiments.

    What you said about smoker's lungs might be behind it, since you said steam could set you off. That's an area I don't know anything about, other than a lot of vapers have problems when they first quit the cigs. Your lungs start getting rid of the tar by coughing it up.

    Do you still smoke? It takes a while to clear out the crap from your lungs when you quit smoking. Cigs contain chemicals which tranquilize the throat to suppress the coughing reflex.


    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    I have no idea if this is worth anything, but for me, anything over 35% VG doesn't treat me well. Most of my juices are 65-80% PG and that seems to work for me.

    Different people have the opposite experiences, so trying different things is definitely your best bet (which is pretty much what you've already heard from the others).


    Full Member
    Feb 12, 2021
    I thought PG was the culprit for most as opposed to VG. Anyway I've been testing things out for a week or so like vaping every now and then just to get familiarise my lungs with vapor, and I am feeling worse and all of my body aches especially my chest/lungs. Either some people's lungs are good at handling smoke but horrible at handling vapor, or some smokers' lungs need a looong rest from tar and smoke before they can properly metabolize vape juice. .... me and .... my life!
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    Vaping Master
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    Oct 21, 2015

    I've read the previous posts with many good recommendations for you to try. I noticed though, that no one has recommend that you try vaping without inhaling the vapor down to your lungs.

    There are more than just a few of us on ECF now who've either always vaped that way or have switched to that method in the last several years. I'm one who'd inhaled the smoke down to my lungs from each ciggy I had for 42+ years. But from the get-go with vaping...that stopped. I had no trouble giving up ciggies for good and switching to vaping, because I still got the benefit of the nicotine, and without coughing.

    Edited to add: By the way, my 4 little 10mL bottles of eliquid I started with in Nov. 2013 were 11mg nic, from a local vendor. Since those, I've never needed to vape eliquids higher than 7mg nic to be satisfied. Haven't craved a ciggy yet, even though I don't inhale to my lungs.

    The method works because nicotine in vapor is absorbed by the body differently, than the nicotine in smoke. The nic in cigarettes is more readily absorbed by the cells in the lungs. The nic in eliquid more readily absorbed by the cells of the cheeks, the nasal passages, and the sinus cavities. So inhaling vapor to the lungs isn't absolutely necessary to have your craving for nicotine satisfied.

    Most people I know who smoked in the past...took a puff from their cigarette, had the smoke in their mouth for just a split second, and then quickly inhaled it down to their lungs. It happened so fast that many weren't even aware they were doing it. Vaping that same way is called MTL [mouth-to-lung] vaping.

    With the vaping without inhaling to your just hold the vapor in your mouth for a second or so, then exhale it through your nose and/or your mouth. You will get the benefit of the nicotine in the vapor...without the possible irritation caused before, by it going down your throat and into your lungs.

    Some people find that not inhaling to their lungs is a challenge at first, because they've done it for so many years while smoking. But..with practice, it becomes something you do without even thinking about it.

    It might be worth a try for you, too, IMO. :thumb:
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    Ultra Member
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    Sep 16, 2017
    It simply may be taking longer for your body to adjust to the difference. Vapor definitely isn't smoke. I would cough my guts up at first, especially if I took too big a hit. I finally adjusted and I was glad too. You know how annoying it is to have to put your guts back in several times a day?

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