SmokeStik verse Blu

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Magus, I guess you are the exception on here when it comes to thinking the Blu and similar PV's are great. The majority based on the posts on this and other forums disagree with you. If a regular 510 and a Blu are the only PV's you have used, as implied in your posts, then I think your point of referrence is limited. I would also think you don't "drip" or you would know to warn people not to drip with an auto PV. And the incidences of auto PV's breaking down, based on polls on several sites, is much greater than manuals which I think would be good information to provide someone new to vaping. When it comes to consistency of vape, throat hit, long battery life and durability the Blu does not stand up to a 510, eGo or any 5 or 6 volt mod that I have used and from what I have read, the other 15 - 20 I have not used. If you think the Blu is a great PV, that's great for you and I am glad you like it. But the vast majority of information on this site and many other vaping sites do not support that conclusion.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
Umm... Yes, I do drip. How would you have any idea what I do? I don't use cartridges at all, only drip tips, and I can tell you without a doubt, that the 510 is more prone to flood the atty AND battery than the blu. I've had juice come out the holes in the atty from the 510 more than the blu, and when the blu atty does flood, it doesn't get into the battery. I've never had a blu battery just activate itself and STAY activated until I unscrew it from the atty. Every time I try to use my auto 510 battery, it happens at least once during each charge.

Whether my point of reference is limited or not, what's wrong with being happy with what I have? I'm not here to suggest that blu is the best PV ever or anything like that at all. It works just fine and a lot better than most people will have you believe. It might not satisfy a heavy smoker because you have to keep refilling and recharging so often, but it still does its damn job. People say it doesn't when it does. That's the problem here. My point of reference might be "limited" in terms of how many different PVs I've tried, but it surely is not limited in regards to the Blu. I'd be willing to bet that it is vastly superior compared to most people who bash the blu because they didn't bother using it long enough to figure out how to use it properly.

You can sit there and fear monger about dripping with the blu all you want. But I know that I've been dripping with it for at least 2 months and have had absolutely NO problems whatsoever. I contest that YOU have not dripped with the Blu(or when you did you put WAY too much juice in it), or you wouldn't be telling me about the nonexistent dangers of doing so. If it's such a horrible idea, why haven't I had any problems with it?

If you think I don't drip, tell me, what is your definition of dripping? Mine is putting on a drip tip(or simply removing the cart), grabbing a bottle of juice, squeezing said bottle of juice while holding it over the atomizer so as to let drops of juice fall onto the atomizer, then proceeding to vape... If that's not dripping then wtf is it?

I'm not saying I would NOT enjoy any other PV. To suggest such a thing would be ......ed. However, I like the convenience of having a PV that's close to the size and shape of a cigarette as opposed to some big box thing. Regardless, I don't have money to buy one, and I see no point in going out and buying more crap when what I have works perfectly fine, so unless someone who has one is willing to let me try theirs, I won't be trying one any time soon, or probably not ever.

Also, one very important thing to remember here is that there is such a thing as personal preference. To each his own. Is that so hard?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
I think Magus is the one and only reason i would consider voting for Mary Jane to get legalized in CA - too uptight... lol. Relax, If you like the BLU that is awesome. Everyone has to use whatever works for THEM.

Every model of ecig WILL taste different - that is a non debatable point. It is because of the battery/atomizer/cartomizer combination's and how they have each setup to work.

The biggest point is this. This is a new user forum. The VAST majority of BLU users don't like them, for a variety of reasons. If a veteran on here says "yeah, love the Blu" they will have newbs buying the thing then wanting to burn their house down when they get it and hate it, lol.

Therefore, it is best to advise new users to get something that almost all WILL like... and we know works. If it is not the "best" for them - at least they will get a "proper vaping experience".
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
I never suggested there's anything wrong with suggesting something other than the blu. I don't even suggest it myself. But there is something wrong with bashing something you've barely used, if you even used it at all.

Trust me, if you met me in person, you wouldn't think I'm uptight because I'm definitely not. I just get tired of people bashing things that work perfectly fine and making false claims. I also get tired of being told that my own personal opinion and experiences don't mean anything. This sort of thing has happened many times before in many other places. I always seem to be in the minority as far as what I like, and that's fine, as long as people don't just spew the same regurgitated BS over and over about it. And it really bothers me how newbies come here for help with their blu, and they're basically told "haha, you made a huge mistake, now go spend more money on something else and wait even longer," when they could be given a few simple suggestions that would make it work just fine.

The blu's stock carts and stock juice are absolutely terrible in my opinion, but if you use blue foam or drip and buy some decent juice, it works very nicely. Supposedly 306 cartos work nicely with it too, but I wouldn't know. I just don't see what's so hard about telling newbies that have already made the purchase that little bit of info. the 510's stock carts suck. I don't know about the juice, but I know the filler does. In my opinion carts just suck period. In order to enjoy the 510 to the fullest, I got a drip tip. I don't hear much about people using an entirely stock 510, but nobody goes around bashing the 510 because you have to buy more than just a stock kit to get the most out of it. The blu and the 510 are held to different standards in that regard, and it's not right. People seem to just accept the way the blu comes and say it sucks and never bother trying to make it work better, but they do all kinds of cart mods and buy different atties for every other PV. To me, that just doesn't make sense.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2010
I started vaping a little more than 6 months ago, with a 510 kit. Worked for me, I have not had an analog since. But I did not like the constant charging of batteries, even the PCC case was problematic. When the Ego came out, I got a kit, battery problem solved. I vape pretty heavily, and they consistently last for a day or more. Now I have upgraded to the 1000ma battery and the Mega Cylinder atty & carts, and I love it - I can go for a day without re-filling the cart.

I have tried the mega cartos, at first I liked them but they're too flimsy for my lifestyle. I'm a pretty active guy, invariably I will squash the cig in my pocket and crack the carto, or it will melt and bend when the button gets pushed accidentally. Plus I hate having to use a syringe to refill, so much easier to fill a cart from the bottle - and in my neck of the woods, I'm not about to drive around with syringes in my vehicle.

I've tried the clips that cover the button on the manual Ego, they pop off and get lost. Now that it's cooler weather I can wear long sleeve shirts with pockets, lol, so it's less likely to get squashed. Probably not an issue for most, I reckon I'm exceptionally prone to accidents - like, every cell phone I've tried to use with a belt clip attachment it will catch on something and get jerked off or broken.

I buy all my hardware from, and their customer service has been excellent. A few parts have failed, I emailed them and got a reply within an hour every time saying a new one is in the mail with pre-paid return envelope.

IMO you really can't complain about the cost of the hardware. I'm averaging two 20ml bottles of juice a month. For about $50/month I could buy the juice, every 3 months 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, and carts. In fact I'm averaging about $70/month for both me and my wife - compared to the $300+/month for analogs.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
I hear ya. Blu has a bad rep because of cost and the expectation of performance because of that. When you pay Mercedes money and get a Chevy you are ...... and want to bash it. If the Blu cost $30 people would think it is pretty good.

Same as the 4081 model. A lot of mass marketers used that model and robbed people on cost. So it gets bashed. I like the taste of the 4081 however. Do I think it is a great choice for a heavy smoker? No. Good as a secondary PV? Yes.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
Well I understand the issue of cost and the expectation thing entirely. That's why I'm a little ...... off at the company. The way they advertise it and make it sound like it's so wonderful. There's nothing wrong with the product, but it's not the greatest, and they make it out to be. They also outright LIE about battery charge time and life. And the information isn't consistent from the website to the "user manual." I don't think it's worth it to buy one because it's overpriced, but that doesn't make it a completely worthless PV like it's been made out to be. And the reason I suggested against the smokestik is because I would never pay 100 bucks for a super mini(or any PV, really, but with some larger, better performing ones, it makes more sense) unless that thing vapes like a fog machine and/or does something really special.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I think Magus is the one and only reason i would consider voting for Mary Jane to get legalized in CA - too uptight... lol. Relax, If you like the BLU that is awesome. Everyone has to use whatever works for THEM.

Every model of ecig WILL taste different - that is a non debatable point. It is because of the battery/atomizer/cartomizer combination's and how they have each setup to work.

The biggest point is this. This is a new user forum. The VAST majority of BLU users don't like them, for a variety of reasons. If a veteran on here says "yeah, love the Blu" they will have newbs buying the thing then wanting to burn their house down when they get it and hate it, lol.

Therefore, it is best to advise new users to get something that almost all WILL like... and we know works. If it is not the "best" for them - at least they will get a "proper vaping experience".

Good points, Buss, especially the one about "vets" recommending a PV, based on hundreds of reports, that will likely cause a new user more frustration when trying to switch to vaping. I also must comment that dripping with an ANY auto PV is just not recommended. That kind of advice will do nothing but cause an inexperienced person to vaping more headaches and more money.
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I just get tired of people bashing things that work perfectly fine and making false claims.
For whatever it's worth, I agree with you.
But it has been going on forever, and will continue on forever.

All of the various brands of electronic cigarette, for the most part, work just fine.
This includes pretty much every model that you see bashed around here on a daily basis.

The are a number of reasons people have trouble with them, but none of them mean the device itself is garbage...
1) They got an automatic battery and don't know how to use it yet
2) The battery life is way too short
3) The cartridges are way too small
4) They paid way too much

And it really bothers me how newbies come here for help with their blu, and they're basically told "haha, you made a huge mistake, now go spend more money on something else and wait even longer," when they could be given a few simple suggestions that would make it work just fine.
It used to bother me too.

And if you'll notice, when I post I generally answer the specific question that is asked.
I may offer some advice when I think a new model is definitely what someone needs based on the issues they are having.

But more often than not I just answer their questions to help them solve the specific problem they are having.
There are more than enough people suggesting new models and they don't need my help.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
Good points, Buss, especially the one about "vets" recommending a PV, based on hundreds of reports, that will likely cause a new user more frustration when trying to switch to vaping. I also must comment that dripping with an ANY auto PV is just not recommended. That kind of advice will do nothing but cause an inexperienced person to vaping more headaches and more money.

... Have you ever dripped with a blu? Earlier in this thread, you stated that I have a limited point of view or something like that, I forget exactly what you said, but you basically said I'm inexperienced. Dripping has caused me not one single headache or more money, so why would it be different for anybody else? You make no sense. You just want to believe that it's a bad idea when it works better than dripping with an auto 510 battery for some reason. You remind me of some middle schooler who just got told by a friend that santa claus doesn't exist, and you refuse to believe it. you put your ears over your head and go "LA LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA!!!" I don't care what you or anybody else says about dripping with a blu. IT FRIGGIN WORKS FINE. Just try it once, for crying out loud, instead of repeating the same false garbage about it.

That's good, DC2. You're one of the few people around here that does that then. I'm glad I'm not the only one... When I first got my blu, before dripping, before blue foam, and before pyramid teabags, it was a big pain in the ... to find any info on the blu other than "omfg, that thing sux, send it back." So I had to just try what I read about the 510 and others and hope it works with the blu too.

Also, at first I thought the 510 would actually be too big, but it's not. I wish it had some decent auto batteries. The ones it has suck, and the button's a pain. It's nice not having your battery go off because of noise or wind, but pressing the button makes me hold it weird. I just wanna hold it between my fingers like a cigarette, but I guess I can't. I hope t some point in the future, joye decides to use a vacuum switch for their autos instead of the mic switch they use now. I know the button isn't really THAT much of a pain, just a minor inconvenience. I have to be careful about how I have it in my pocket, and I found out earlier tonight that with the "Magma carry case charger(the one that's like a KR808 PCC, like a clamshell snap cigarette case)," I have to put the manual batteries in so that the button is on an angle. If the button is facing straight up, closing the case activates the battery.

Now that I see how much I like the 510, I'm very satisfied. However, I'm still a little curious about other PVs as well. I just don't have the money to keep buying these damn things. I don't really wanna go any bigger than the 510 anyway, so I guess there's no point. I'm thinking about removing the bridge on one of my atties, but I fear that will make it flood easier without the bridge there to act as a buffer.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Magus, you can pretend that your limited experience holds true for everyone using a Blu or any auto device for that matter but the overwhelming facts support the exact opposite outcome. Dripping with an auto will kill the battery over a short time frame. That's not me just writing BS to get into an arguement with you or only my personal experience. But your experience is the exact opposite of hundreds of other PV users on this forum and other vaping forums. I just don't want a new PV user to think that you represent the majority because you don't. If you have found a way to drip with an auto and have no problems with it killing the battery switch, then that is great and I support you explaining it to the rest of us. But no matter what you write, the vast majority have had the exact opposite outcome.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
I never suggested that I represent the majority, but if you would just TRY what I'm saying works(with a blu, as that's the only auto I've done it with besides the 510, which doesn't work well at all. But then again, the 510 batteries don't work well PERIOD in my opinion), you would see that I'm not just full of crap. Why not try it instead of just doubting me? If you drip just one or two drops at a time, it doesn't flood the atty. 2 will sometimes, 3 definitely will, or you'll suck juice in to your mouth. And regardless, if it does flood the atty, as long as you don't let it sit there, flooding the atty and flowing thru it and into the battery hole, you will be fine. Just because others have tried it without success doesn't mean that I'm wrong. That just means that they didn't do it right. At the very least, fine, don't tell people to drip with the blu even though it works so much better that way. At least tell them to try 306 cartos, or try it yourself and then tell them. Telling them to try dripping with a blu or using cartos is so much better than "just send it back, it's a piece of crap." Because if you do what makes it work better, it isn't a piece of crap. I was disappointed with the blu too, until I found out how to get the best performance out of it.


Full Member
Oct 29, 2010
Portage, IN
just do yourself a favor and don't get the blus or return them. I can say this as a fellow blu vaper. if you are looking for something with good consistent vapor and good flavor then go with a manual battery. hell it can be anything other than blu. I would look into custom mods that way you don't waste tons of money on crappy imitations. Blus are decent when used with fresh attys and carts but after a few mins of vaping you lose vapor and taste. then after a week or so your atty will taste like crap if you don't keep up with it. just MHO


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2010
I started out with Blu. The batteries don't last very long before needing a charge, but they charge relatively quickly. You will get more vapor production from them if you drip or refill with your own liquid. I haven't used my Blu for months. I don't recommend Blu for anyone who smokes over half a pack a day. I switched to a KR808D-1 (V4L - Vapor Kings) 3 months ago and have never been disappointed. Blu is small, sleek and sexy, but it's not a work horse. If you're a light smoker, or you just want to have something you can use indoors where smoking is prohibited, Blu is a good choice. But if you're a heavy smoker, or want to cut out analogs altogether, steer clear of Blu.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I never suggested that I represent the majority, but if you would just TRY what I'm saying works(with a blu, as that's the only auto I've done it with besides the 510, which doesn't work well at all. But then again, the 510 batteries don't work well PERIOD in my opinion), you would see that I'm not just full of crap. Why not try it instead of just doubting me? If you drip just one or two drops at a time, it doesn't flood the atty. 2 will sometimes, 3 definitely will, or you'll suck juice in to your mouth. And regardless, if it does flood the atty, as long as you don't let it sit there, flooding the atty and flowing thru it and into the battery hole, you will be fine. Just because others have tried it without success doesn't mean that I'm wrong. That just means that they didn't do it right. At the very least, fine, don't tell people to drip with the blu even though it works so much better that way. At least tell them to try 306 cartos, or try it yourself and then tell them. Telling them to try dripping with a blu or using cartos is so much better than "just send it back, it's a piece of crap." Because if you do what makes it work better, it isn't a piece of crap. I was disappointed with the blu too, until I found out how to get the best performance out of it.

When you compare the cost of smoking to buying a better device to vape with, I just don't see the point in having to be this careful with how you vape due to the weaknesses of a particular PV like the Blu. With the PV's I use, I can drip up to 5 drops without worrying about flooding the atty. I NEVER need to worry about getting liquid in the battery. My batteries last 6-8 hours ulike the Blu that last 45 minutes to an hour. Every draw on my PV provides a good, consistent throat hit unlike the vast inconsistency of the Blu and similar models. I'm sure your method of vaping on the Blu improves it's performance based on your comments. But the overall quality of the Blu's performance (even with your improvements) is so far below so many other models, I don't see the point in continuing to use it unless you basically only have it for "show".


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
You don't have to be "careful," you just have to use it right, like any other PV. You can over fill ANY PV if you put too much juice in it. To suggest that because a smaller PV holds less juice, that making sure you put the smaller amount of juice in said smaller PV is having to be "careful" is ridiculous. My blu battery lasts a lot longer than 45 minutes, but I'm also not a chain vaper. I don't even like throat hit in the first place, and my blu is no less consistent than my 510. And I don't have to worry about getting juice in the blu battery either. I already stated that I don't know how many damn times. You insist that it's a huge danger when it isn't. If you leave any liquid in any container with a hole in it, the liquid is going to go thru the hole eventually. That's just physics. What I was saying is that if you overfill it and just let the juice sit there, eventually it will work its way into the hole in the battery. But only an idiot would do that. Usually if you're going to drip some juice, you plan on vaping the damn thing shortly afterwards, at which point you'd discover that you've overfilled it and proceed to do something about it.

Using your logic, driving a honda accord requires its user to be "careful" not to overfill the gas tank because it holds less gas than a Kenworth tractor trailer, so there's no reason to buy a honda accord instead of a Kenworth because the Kenworth holds more gas and has more power. So the honda accord it just useless, as is every other vehicle that isn't a tractor trailer. Anybody who doesn't drive a tractor trailer just has whatever vehicle they have for show...

See how stupid that sounds now?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Magus, the plain and simple fact is that you are the big exception when it comes to liking an under-performing PV like the Blu. I just don't want some newbie to read your advice and think the Blu is one of the better PV's because it's not. And you answered much when you stated you don't like throat hit, lol. Again, you are in the vast minority NOT majority when it comes to wanting a decent throat hit from their PV. And your dripping comparison (Honda - Kenworth) makes no sense since both work well for what they were INTENDED to do. All good PV's should provide average to good consistent throat hit and flavor over a reasonable period of time on a charge. The Blu just doesn't do that. And on the dripping point, why would I or anyone want to have to be limited to no more than 2 drops and vape right away (people do get distracted) or worry about liquid getting into the battery?? In this world when everyone has many trials and frustrations to deal with, one shouldn't have to worry about how they vape. It should be easy and carefree. Maybe you should right to Blu and offer to write a 5 page "Do's and Don'ts" on how to vape with their product. For most of us and our better PV's we don't want or need the hassle. I'm done.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2010
Myerstown, PA
... I didn't say you had to vape IMMEDIATELY. You're taking everything I say and pushing it to the extreme to make it sound like it's a POS. I never said a newbie should get a blu. I never said a heavy smoker should get a blu. How do you know that the blu was intended to compete with a friggin' box mod? Yes my example DOES make sense. The blu DOES work as it's intended. It's portable and convenient, and it's the same size as a cigarette. It's MEANT to be compact. And it does provide a consistent vape to the extent that a 510 provides a consistent vape. It doesn't produce as much vapor, but it's still consistent.

What I'm trying to tell you is that with the blu, you have to worry LESS about the liquid getting into the battery than with the 510(with auto batteries, obviously, as manual batteries have no hole). There's no more hassle using a blu than there is with a 510, unless you consider having to refill a hassle(which you have to do with EVERY pv, it's just a matter of capacity, just like with the Kenworth and the Honda. They both do the same thing. One hauls more and has a larger gas tank, so it will go for a longer period of time. It's also big as hell compared to the other, just like with PVs. You could say that having to refill your gas tank so often is a hassle too by your logic).

I understand how and why you don't want all newbies to think that blu is an amazing PV. I don't think it's amazing myself. But it's not a piece of .... either, and that's my problem. Everybody makes it out to be a piece of .... when it isn't. I know I'm in the minority. I always am, and that's fine. But that doesn't change the fact that the blu does its job. Its only real problem is that it's overpriced for what it is and what it does. The 510 is definitely better performance and price-wise, but it's MORE of a hassle to keep juice out of the threads and battery.

And as far as the throat hit is concerned, different juices will give different throat hits too. The PV isn't the only determining factor. I've acknowledged that I've never been a heavy smoker. I've acknowledged that there are better PVs out there(that are cheaper too), and that I would recommend something other than the blu for almost everybody. But it's still not a piece of ..... It does its job just fine, but not stock. Since it's already more expensive without buying extra crap, and then to get it to work well, you pretty much have to buy more crap, it's not worth buying. But it's still not a complete piece of crap, and I never recommended it to anybody.

I don't see what the problem is here, why you're arguing with me. I never said that blu is one of the "better" PVs, so I don't know why a newbie would think that based on any of my words. And I don't think we should punish newbies who DID buy the blu by refusing to give them the information that would make their experience using it a lot better.

I just want to know, have you ever actually owned a blu? Have you had it for more than a day or two, and did you bother trying blue foam, dripping, or third party juices with it? Judging by your comments, I'd be willing to bet that you have not. Maybe you have, and it's still not good enough for you to warrant keeping it around, and that's fine. But that doesn't make it a piece of ..... It's just not for you. Just like the ego, silver bullet, chuck, anything else that's big, and all that box mod crap isn't for me. I don't see the harm in spreading information about how to make ones experience with blu better. I also don't see the harm in busting myths about it, like how you think you can't drip with it without destroying your batteries.
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