Smoktech SID - Copper Pin on control unit pushed in. HELP!!

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3 months ago, I purchased two (2) black Smoktech SID's for the wife and I. They worked well for the first 2 1/2 monhs, but recently have been misfiring or turning off all together.

Now, when I first got the devices I noticed that theer is a copper "pin" that extended about 1/16" out from teh bottom of teh control head. This is the "contact" point on teh control head for the installed battery. Well, when the problems started, I unscrewed teh control head from the tube to try to clean this copper "pin" as I figured that it could have gotten dirty, thus, causeing the problems. Well, once the control head was removed from the body, I noticed that the copper "pin" no longer extends out from the bottom of the control head, but is now "flush". I believe that this is what is causeing the unit to misfire and sometimes turn off all together as it no longer makes that good of a contact with the battery.

Has any other SID owners run into this problem? Any suggestions on how to fix it? NY wife and I both like the units ALOT and would hate to have to purchase new control heads or buy new devices all toether since our SID's are only a few months old.

Thanks in advance guys & gals.

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