spring and teabag cart mod

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Full Member
Feb 22, 2010
raleigh, nc
hi. i know this isn't the right place for this but since i'm a newer user, it wouldnt let me post in the modder's forum.

i know there has been talk of combining a teabag and spring mod so i tried it and it seems to work really well. i don't have pics but i do have a diagram i made in gimp. i think it's pretty straightforward and most of the users here seem quite savvy in the use and modding of their rigs.

the primary difference between my mod and the tradition spring mod is that i use my teabag wick as both a plug and a wick. the teabag is great as a wick, it allows the e-juice to flow quite well. the spring keeps the plug/wick in contact with atty.

(since i can't post pictures either, the image is here:
www DOT eth0s DOT com/testfunk/cartridge.gif)

things to keep in mind:
1- watch the tension on the spring. it should be at a point where, with no pressure, it pushes the plug/wick up to just be flush with the top of the cart. if it's too high, it will press the plug/wick into atty with too much force, compressing your plug (thereby reducing flow) and possibly reducing the life of the atty.

2- the plug height should be no more than 1/4 inch. for this, i cut a teabag into strips roughly 1/4 inch high and roll them up so that the diameter of the plug fits nicely into the cart. you don't want it to tight lest it reduce flow and if it's too loose it might flood -- or get misaligned and once again, reduce flow.

it took me a couple tries to get this right but once i did, i was VERY pleased with its performance. the only downside for me is that i have to remove the plug from the top of the spring to refill it. but since i got more juice and even flow, i don't refill as often. for me the trade-off is very worth it.

i hope this helps someone and, again, sorry i had to post it in the new users forum.
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