Study: Some E-Cigs Put Out Tobacco-Like Levels of Carcinogens

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May 30, 2013
New York, USA
I wouldn't fret just yet. We don't now the specifics of the set up. Such as did they soak then fire, or just drop the just on a lit coil

I know, they more than likely fired a sub-ohm for way longer than I would be. I typically fire for about 1-2 seconds but I would imagine that someone not familiar with sub-ohms would fire for 5-10 seconds on a partially dry wick and wind up creating a very unrealistic scenario.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    If the coil is wet it won't get that hot.(in a dripper or anything else) It works just like the radiator in a car, if the radiator is full the motor won't over heat, but if the radiator in empty it will.

    So yes, you can make an atomizer put out all kinds of bad things. You wouldn't be able to stand to vape it, but the atomizer can do it.
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    ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
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    Jan 15, 2014
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    I agree. Also, there is a reason why you get burnt taste at too high of voltages in a tank, it's because e juice is most likely being burned. This should trigger the common sense mechanism and tell one to turn down the voltage!

    I wouldn't be surprised at all that a lot of toppers start burning e-juice at 4.8 volts... the NY times thinks this is revolutionary news?

    I would like to actually read this study but my guess is it won't trouble me as I usually vape around 3.7v and 5-6 watts.


    Senior Member
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    Feb 18, 2014
    How come when a study says Ecigs are better than Cigs, we get the "not enough info to determine how legit the study is" but it's not the same when reversed. And in all reality this study is still saying what vapers are saying...Ecigs are a better alternative to tobacco. The notion that Ecigs are "healthy" is ridiculous, I'm pretty sure it's never in our best interest to inhale chemicals of any kind. But the bottom line is when it comes to stinkies vs Ecig is the better bet.

    To summarize this study...Even the most powerful ecig is better than tobacco cigs.


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 18, 2013
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    We aren't allowed harm reduction techniques, remember? That reduces suffering, and we must be punished for becoming addicted to nicotine! It says a lot of sad things about a society who would rather watch people die of smoking then make a healthier decision, even if not as healthy as they'd like.

    As I imagined, the issue stems from dry hits and burning via top coil clearo at 4.8 volts. I couldn't vape that. No one likes the taste of burning silica/cotton/kanthal/nichrome.... Of course there's a chemical transformation when you burn something, and that's exactly what these scientists did. They burned it.


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I would imagine that if the chemical composition changed so much that it essentially created formaldahyde, that would be one nasty tasting dry hit. Something tells me that the scientists were not actually doing the vaping themselves, and therefore were unable to gauge the taste of it.

    Not necessarily. They may have collected gas exhalation from vapers and analysed it. That's why I'd like to see the study first - to see what they did.


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Thankyou. Interesting read. I took note of this:

    The main criticism to this study is that in my opinion it is highly unlikely that a top-coil atomizer like the one used in this study would be used at 4.8 volts. At a resistance of 2.2 Ohms that would represent 10.4 watts of energy delivery to the atomizer. I tried 10 watts with an EVIC battery in a Vivi Nova top-coil atomizer, and many vapers were unable to use it due to the dry puff phenomenon.

    Vivi Novas don't do well at high temps, so I agree its unlikely people would vape them at 10W. I've used them a lot and couldn't vape them at that wattage. I'm wondering about other toppers tho.

    And this:
    It is very important to examine new-generation (rebuildable or bottom coil) atomizers, who are more likely to be used at higher voltages. I am certain that, due to better liquid resupply to the resistance and wick, the results will be much more favorable.

    I hope so. :)


    Aggie AND Moon's Acct., on retainer for Beckyblue
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    Jun 7, 2013
    How come when a study says Ecigs are better than Cigs, we get the "not enough info to determine how legit the study is" but it's not the same when reversed. And in all reality this study is still saying what vapers are saying...Ecigs are a better alternative to tobacco. The notion that Ecigs are "healthy" is ridiculous, I'm pretty sure it's never in our best interest to inhale chemicals of any kind. But the bottom line is when it comes to stinkies vs Ecig is the better bet.

    To summarize this study...Even the most powerful ecig is better than tobacco cigs.

    Very good observation. If this was a piece praising the benefits of vaping vs smoking, not only would we be reading the ""not enough info" refrain, we also probably would not be reading it at all, and certainly not in the NYT.


    Vaping Master
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    Oct 7, 2011
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    Don't know how I feel about it, and need to actually SEE some proof. Just throwing it out there.

    I for one, do not believe any of the claims written here, and I would definitely need to see some hard evidence/proof that support the claims being made, and a published article does not qualify.

    Where there is an agenda, most especially one belonging to the US government, there are usually lies, and propaganda to support the agenda .... Remember the hunt for weapons of mass destruction?
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